
More Off Topic: High School

shadowcat just posted a video link to life in the 1950s. Sort of my era; got me thinking of my high school years.

I was 13 in grade 10, 15 when I finished grade 12 (went to one room rural school for grades 1-9; did them in 7 years). Girls wouldn't give me the time of day because I was so much younger. Guys tried to bully when I was 13 until they discovered I was a tough little SOB. By the time I was 15 I was a tough big SOB beating the crap out of the 18 year olds.

FUCK!! I hated high school.


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "FUCK!! I hated high school."

    Many of us did.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    The modern American public high school is a science experiment.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    My High School experience wasn't that bad but not so great either. I did meet one or two bullies. I only put up with them for so long and then I managed to get alone with them and got in a fight. They never bothered me after that or even went near me. I probably got in a nastier fight when I was in elementary school but in that fight I wasn't pulling any punches because 10 kids ganged up on me and fought me at one time. I believe two or three of them who started the fight went to the hospital.. I hit pretty hard even back in elementary school. They had broken teeth. Lucky for them it wasn't their permanenteeth. At least I think they weren't if Iremember correctly. Ibeat the crap out of five who attacked me, the other five ran for it. They were lucky, I was really pissed off and ready to kill someone not pulling any punches.

    Dress codes in High School Ididn't care for. I did know a cheer leader and she often sat right beside me in one class in her out fit. It was distracting but I liked it.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Elementary School is where I was bullied and where I learned how to stand up for myself. Jr. High was where my fighting skills were sharpened. High School was fun. My oldest sister's, best friend was the high school slut. Good for me. At their 20th reunion, she still is the school slut.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I hated high school because I did not fit in. It's interesting that many successful people hated high school. Do adolescent problems motivate people to try harder?
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    The less I say about high school, the better. I was just a misfit.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    You fucking misfits. No wonder you're pathetic losers. I loved high school in the early 60's. I had a lot of friends and dated some very popular girls. It was a different time in so many ways, socially, sexually, and with expectations. I've got my 50th HS reunion coming up and i wish I had the balls to bring my ATF . Just to see the looks on people's faces would be worth the price.
    I worked 15 years as a high school principal and would always try to get the misfit kids involved in school activities. So many of them had great potential, but poor social skills.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    There was like three phases for me -

    In first it sucked, I didn't even want to go, and often didn't. :-)

    Then when I got in trouble for that and couldn't skip anymore, and accepted I had to go I got used to it and it was kind of fun, but I goofed off too much and didn't give a shit about my grades.

    Finally I realized college was at hand, so got serious about the grades thing. I noticed alot of others had really matured as well toward the end, so the last two years weren't fairly fun too, but still I thought some teachers were just out on power trips.

    Overall, though, I didn't really understand the point of high school. I thought I could learn all that shit myself much more efficiently, and often would just a spend a few weeks in the summer learning all the math, and science, for instance, ahead of time.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    Of all of the above commentaries, I'd say mine follows Gawker's (except for being a school principal). I enjoyed school more and more as the higher levels came along. My first "dip" in the enjoyment level was college. I didn't like the social experience or the education I was getting, which was at the local commuter college. So, I transferred to a much smaller college in somewhat of a college town 200 miles from home. There I had better success academically and much better socially.

    Then came work. (Another story, for another time.)
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Ain't nothing wrong in being a misfit. Just cause you might not fit the jock, nerd, and average paradigm doesn't mean you don't have any self-worth. There's a lot of peer pressure and judging going on in high school. Sometimes, attempting to fit in is more trouble than it's worth.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    I had pretty good experiences, but there were only 14 kids in my class, and we were all country bumpkins. We didn't have a lot of trouble fitting in with each other. All of the guys had manual labor jobs on weekends and in the summer, whether it was working on a farm picking watermelons (you thought only Mexicans did that?) dairy farms, or in my case a lumberyard. We knew each other were strong and that kept the fighting down. We had a hell of a football team though, and won state championships 3 if my four years.

    I was terribly shy though and found it ok to be friends with girls, I didn't have many girlfriends. I think I dated 2 girls for 3 months each the entire 4 years of high school.

    It was still fun overall though.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I went to 3 high schools-one in the country(4-H, baby), one in the city('92-I clearly remember the LA Riots), and one in the burbs.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    jackslash "It's interesting that many successful people hated high school"

    That's exactly what I was thinking. It seems like many of you guys are pretty intelligent and have done well for yourselves in life- so I'm slightly surprised so many of you disliked high school.

    High school was one of the best times of my life. I mainly hung out with 3 other people who were my closest friends. Grades wise, I did OK. Many people liked my personality back in high school and that made for some great times. We also had open lunch when I was in high school- which meant everyone could leave the school during lunch. This allowed people to have fast food for lunch, although some people used this time to get their smoke on lol
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    My high school days were "Happy Days". Approximately 4,000 students. I belonged to a social club(fraternity)that had 25-30 members. I was the club treasurer during my junior and senior year. We had parties damn near every week that involved a lot of beer drinking. Some were house parties and some were beach parties. No idiots came in and shot up the place. In fact quite a few us packed our shot guns in the drunks of our cars during hunting season.

    I skated through with a B+ average but had to forge my report cards for my parents to see due to the large number of absences. LOL.

    Lots of stink finger in the drive in movies but that rubber in my wallet was leaving a ring. LOL.

    "Those were the days".
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I wonder when txtittyfan will chime in on this thread? I can see it now -

    txtittyfan: "I liked high school because I really enjoyed riding the short bus to get there. And then in special Ed I learned all about finance! Like shorting treasuries the day before they bottomed!"
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    @SlickSpic - I can identify with that. I was already a misfit at the first high school I went to, and then in freshman year, I moved to another state, which meant I was a misfit in a school I didn't know anyone. It was rough.

    @gawker - I'm sure you tried to get the misfits to go for school activities. But at my high school, there was way too much emphasis on high school athletics, and I was not a jock by any means. I loved sports, but my athletic abilities were limited and I wasn't lucky enough to be my brother, who grew to be 6'7" and thus got to play varsity basketball, if not real well. The problem with high school, and I doubt it's any different now, is that the whole structure, from the top down, promotes conformity, and it seems like everyone has to be the same or else. I did all right academically, but socially, I thought a lot of it was a joke and didn't have a place in the real world. Then again, I could be wrong.

  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I spent my first 8 years in a Catholic elementary school. So when I went to public high school as a freshmen I really didn't know anyone. I was pretty shy, so I never made many friends. Geez, these kids all knew each other since the first grade and I was the shy new guy. Not good.

    It wasn't until my senior year that I managed to make some friends and had a little fun.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I mostly enjoyed high school though I spent all four years bitching about how much I couldn't wait to be done and go on to college.

    The work wasn't difficult and I did well without trying very hard.

    Most of my issues were teachers I didn't get along with, but the principal and a handful of teachers got along with me so I never got into any trouble I couldn't get out of.

    Still good friends with a couple people from high school and actually have a reunion coming up.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    One good thing about my HS, I knew Vicky Principal. Now known as Victoria. Also attending my HS years after me, Marilyn Manson.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I usually didn't talk about High School too much. I was in the top ten students grade wise in my graduating class of over 400 without even trying to be in the top ten. I remember on one test the teacher announced that she actually put a curve on the test scores. Then she announced because I didn't score a perfect 100 on the test but something like a 93 or 89, this time she thought it was fair to raise everyone score up by 7 points. Yeah, way to go teacher announcing to everyone I was the reason all the other tests results were not curved.

    In my Physics class the teacher announced she never gave a perfect test score of 100 in all her years of teaching. The tests had questions you had to answer that took 2 to 3 sentences minimum to answer. Then she said after our first test and we were waiting for our results or scores that I got all the answers correct. She said she went back and looked for any spelling mistakes. She said she found one or two. It was a timed test. She took off a couple of points. She said to be fair, she would have to take off for everyone else's spelling mistakes as well. Yep, my popularity soared.

    One year one guy I knew who was smart and myself somehow ended up in the wrong math class. It was new material but the teacher and all the other students covered the material so slowly it was like watching paint dry. I must have said out loud I could teach the class faster than the teacher. She took me up on that. I read ahead in the book and taught the class for two days while the teacher sat back and watched. She said I did a good job. I felt out of place in that class.

    I did have an interesting literature class. In one class I read stories about a girl with teeth in her vagina. Required reading material. The guy suspected it though and crafted a wood dildo. When her vagina bit down to eat his dick, her vagina teeth broke and supposedly that was the beginning of girls without teeth in their vaginas. Maybe I had a perverted teacher. No one reported him. Our county had the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the state and one of the highest in the country. I wasn't involved. I was so popular. Well most people didn't bother me.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't almost right at the top because I hated most of the English literature or classes involving reading material I did not want to read. I didn't either. My grades in those classes were not good and that probably cost me being in contention for valedictorian. I didn't even read all the cliff notes I bought. I passed them though. I hated those classes. One book wouldn't have bothered me if it had been banned. Catcher in The Rye. It had so many cuss words on every page you might think you were in a nasty street. Those books I thought were a complete waste of time then and now. I thought the same about college required reading literature material. Except in college it is a waste of time and money that serves absolutely no purpose in helping you out in a new career in my opinion. For anyone working in a technical position that is. Technical writing is useful but reading totally unrelated books are not helpful.

    All that time and effort could be better utilized studying things related to your career. Government and institutions seem to be stuck in their old ways not applying lean and value streaming concepts. At leat several years ago that is.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    at least several years ago, typing on my iPad seems to not register certain letters if I type too fast.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    The jestie-girl spaketh thus: "The work wasn't difficult and I did well without trying very hard. "

    Except when it came to history, right? Which I'm betting you would have flunked.

    more jestie: "Most of my issues were teachers I didn't get along with"

    Were you a whiny, cynical little bitch even back then? Your first year or so of post on TUSCL you didn't seem too bad. Was that just exception and then you revert to your usual self after that? Sounds like it goes back a ways!
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Sadly there are many disfunctional people in the world who feel a great sense of "achievement" at causing grief to others. Government-run schools and poorly-paid jobs are situations that tend to require frequent, very unfun, interaction with such people.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Sharkhunter-I was so dissapointed in Catcher In Mtge Rye. I Am The Cheese and The Stranger were far better books, to me.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago

    Did you ever have go the "Principal's Office"?

    In your case, that would gave been a good thing!
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    "Except when it came to history, right? Which I'm betting you would have flunked."

    Are you still mad that I called you out on your lack of reading comprehension, inability to use quotes and total lack of WWII knowledge? Move on Dugly.

    "Your first year or so of post on TUSCL you didn't seem too bad."

    So "Dougster" isn't your only name on here? Seeing as how my account is older than that one? Good you finally admitted it. Quick come up with some bullshit explanation!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago

    And now jestie shows he is even dumber than can possibly be imagined.

    Jestie - you do realize that comments here are archived don't you? People can read what you posted way back then?

    Waaayyy too funny! Did you think for even a second before you posted that or did my reminder of how non-existent your knowledge if history, and how odious your personality, cause you to totally flip your lid? Would not be the first time you've done that! :-)
  • Clubber
    11 years ago

    Actually she was the year between myself and my SO. We would often chat out in front of the school waiting for our respective bf and gf. One thing I found unusual is the she was often alone. The girls were very jealous of her and most guys afraid to even approach her. Their loss. :)

    Never went to the "office" with her. :(
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I was just a boy yet even I knew that Victoria Principal was the best thing on tv. If only my Under Roos could talk...
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Lol dugly, that's an even weaker bullshit answer than I expected. Good that you can still delude yourself, otherwise you'd have trouble getting up in the morning.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Yep, bullshit that comments are archived. Heh. Ok, jestie... Gotcha!
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