"you're cute"

avatar for Clackport
Do you believe it when a stripper tells you this? Or do you just assume it's stripper shit and don't pay any attention to it?

I'm in the middle. I do get told I'm cute in the real world SOMETIMES, but probably over 40 different strippers have told me I'm cute. You would think I was a supermodel or something by all these compliments these strippers give me lol. I definitely believe a lot of it is stripper shit. However, usually the strippers that tell me I look good leads to making out and high mileage dances with them. So if a stripper tells me I'm cute I'm gonna push the boundaries a little bit during the lapdance. Most of the time they don't mind.

What about the rest of you TUSCLers?


last comment
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Do you believe it when a stripper tells you this? Or do you just assume it's stripper shit and don't pay any attention to it?"

Just SS! LOL
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
The ones that gave you free dances where the only ones you can be sure really thought you were cute.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
NukeyBoyNukem: "You would think "

I think you are the most incredible player with the most wicked game and the maddest skills... And you start countless threads to try and prove this us. What if the person you are really trying to convince is yourself though?
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
Ask for a cute guy discount to see if they really mean it
avatar for ime
12 years ago
I'm not aware that there has ever been an ugly man in any strip club ever
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
Look around you at the club. Compared to the obese smelly assholes, you probably are cute. Its all relative.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
Its sort of like being popular on Facebook. You might as well be sitting at the "cool" table in the cafeteria of a mental hospital.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
Don't you just hate people who say, "he's a nice guy once you get to know him. They might just as well say "He's a dickhead, but you'll get used to him".
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
I am cute, this is a fact. And strippers cobfirm that on the regular. Then they ask for dances or drinks. Seems legit.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Always remember - she's speaking so she is lying.
avatar for rockie
12 years ago
Personal Translation: I love the way your wallet opens and the green keeps moving(one way)between us.

avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Puppies are cute.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Well, cute in the real world could mean, "you're better than average". And in the club, it could mean, "I'm glad you're not a hideous creep!" Or maybe you are cute, you should be able to figure it out.
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
Easy way to solve this...post a real picture of yourself and lets see what Duomaxwell has to say...you are probably a grenade
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
I've gotten that comment a couple if times. Once the dancer grabbed my phone and put her number in, and another just sat there giggling and didn't really say anything else. I still think they may have been lying...
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
All that really matters is your opinion of yourself. I can guarantee that somebody, somewhere thinks that you're cute.

Plus, everyone looks good in strip club lighting.
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
Duomaxwell- you should have your own talk show
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
How can a guy even HEAR a dancer saying "you're cute", when your ears are being MASSIVELY assaulted my obscenely LOUD Rap Music. LOL

Does she "SCREAM" it at you or perhaps she passes you a note? LOL
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
Just to put things in perspective, I'm not some fat old guy. I'm actually 25. People tell me I look like LA Dodgers baseball player Matt Kemp for what that's worth.

I've gotten free dances and discounts like I'm sure you all have. My point was that you can try to see if the strippers that call you cute give you higher mileage dances.

I'm not sure by your responses if you get the cute compliment and just assume it's stripper shit, or you just don't get the cute compliment.

GoVikings knows what I look like.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… Duomaxwell- you should have your own talk show …”

“Afternoons with Dr. Maxwell” :)
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
I'm cute. For an ugly guy.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Read SW every once in a while and one can see that dancers will say anything (and they will often state the reasons why they say what they say).

Having said this – if you get told you’re cute on occasion, then I would venture to say that you probably are . If you were told only once, then that would be too small of a sample size of course – but if you’re told more than once – then I would think there is something to it.

Having said this (#2 :)); I would not put too much weight into it b/c most of these chicks will still ROB or stick it to you (in a bad way :)).
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago

I have no doubt you are cute.

But I'm old, fat, and ugly and also have been called cute.


Have a doughnut and skip your workout. Dancers don't care. Lol
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Isn't "You're cute" one rung below "You have a big dick"?
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Have a doughnut and skip your workout. Dancers don't care. Lol"

Just bring a FAT wallet!!! LOL
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
Most tell me I'm just an old fart, but then they say, "At least you're not as old as shadowcat!"
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
NukeyBoy: "GoVikings knows what I look like"

I know what you look like too. Like a fag!
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
So what if you get told you're cute AND have a big dick, and then she calls another dancer over to see your dick?

What does that mean?
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
GSB - that happened to be a year or so ago. She brought her BFF over and showed her my dick and said "This is mine. If I am not here, you and only you are to take care of it" A month or so later I had to take the BFF up on it. :)
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Stripper piss is even better.
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
I've had it happen a few times, but I've never thought anything of it
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
Motorhead- Lol. Unfortunately doughnuts aren't a good look for me. I've got to look good for the ladies, mainly strippers lol.

Shadow- I do get the big dick compliment also, probably not as much as you :)

Georg- Lol

GSB- these strippers might be telling you the truth. You're a pretty young guy, and I'm going to assume you don't look too bad. Welcome to the big dick club bro!

Papi- probably over 40 different strippers have told me I'm cute. If it was just once I would just assume SS, but I'm not sure about 40.

Sclvr- Lol

Gawker- when I get to be older like you I hope I'm still fucking beautiful women like you. Rock on man!
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
They let white guys in that club?!?!
avatar for dallas702
12 years ago
Based on one standard enumerated above, I have a beautiful smile. One dancer said that to me and I asked for a "beautiful smile" discount. She took $5 off the next song.

The discounted lapper was kinda spoiled though, when she kept looking at me and laughing!
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
GSB- only select white guys. Obviously you and Shadowcat are in that club.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"post a real picture of yourself and lets see what Duomaxwell has to say..."

You want her to have a major say about "cuteness"? Hmm...!
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
It's all relative. I'm cute too. Younger guy, clean cut, told I'm cute on a regular basis by strippers. In a titty bar I look like brad fucking pitt compared to some of the whore mongers there. I've had free dances, free itc, free otc, etc....

I'd rather just pay for it itc but get really great prices. Completely free has a tendency to lead to trouble imo. Girls get attached.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
"All that really matters is your opinion of yourself." This is true, as long as the only kind of sex you want is sex with yourself.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"It's all relative. I'm cute too. Younger guy, clean cut, told I'm cute on a regular basis by strippers. In a titty bar I look like brad fucking pitt"

It is relative. I don't consider Mr Pitt to be that attractive of aa actor. I've seen many more handsome actors in my life. BEAUTY is in the Eye of the Beholder IMHO.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
lol I just get better looking as the night wears on and money flows freely from my wallet. By closing time I'm freaking adorable.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Cute comments don't help me. Now if she says you're making me horny, how about a free bj to pass the time, I'll go hell yeah. :). Happens all the time. :)

avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"lol I just get better looking as the night wears on and money flows freely from my wallet. By closing time I'm freaking adorable"

You GOT it! LOL
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
This one is actually a tough call because I have had strippers tell me in confidence that they thought so-and-so guy was cute, so it's possible. I've been told that I'm a hot momma more times than I can remember. But women complimenting women is a whole different animal.
Like others have said - the bigger your wallet, the better looking you will appear to be.

lol sclvr - you really are a nice looking guy. Don't let that go to your head, now.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Does it matter what a dancer tells you as long as you get what you planned I getting? Honestly, you should know how good looking you are by the time you're 20. It's not when a dancer tell you that you're cute that matters. It's when the hot waitress that gets hit on everyday, when you get her number, when she's willing to level with you, that's when you got something going.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
She thinks all guys that are slightly overweight and balding are cute when their pictures are on money. It's all about the Benjamins!!
avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
The word "cute" could mean a lot of different things. It is not necessarily a compliment regarding someone's attractiveness. It could even be an insult in many circumstances.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
I agree with everything Boogieknight said. I probably look like one of the world's sexiest men compared to some of the guy that are in the strip clubs. I got a lot of free stuff ITC and OTC also, but I'd almost rather pay for it. Just like boogieknight said when it's free the strippers get attached. I've had to change my number a few times due to some crazy strippers.

My confidence and swagger has gone up in the real world due to all the compliments from the strippers. Now I don't hesitate going for the 9's and 10's in the real world. This is due to a quite a few of the strippers that are 9's and 10's telling me I'm cute. I'm getting far more pussy in the real world than I ever did before I started going to strip clubs. So I can actually say strip clubs are actually good for something. I think my man Staxwell went through a similar thing like me.

What about the rest of you? Do the compliments you get in the strip club increase your confidence in the real world?
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
It happened a lot with this one Stripper, Stevie a ROB when I was a newbie. I think she told me that one Saturday nite when I had bought $500 in dances, $75 in drinks, and then asked me to buy her a $75 outfit for her at the SC boutique and like a man in a hypnotic trance I did it.

In retrospect, it was a prelude to her with some kinda ss to ask for handout or extra tip money or rip me off on the dance count.
avatar for TxVegas
12 years ago
I often get told I have "beautiful eyes" early in the conversation with a stripper. It makes me laugh to myself because it is often too dark to see anyone's eyes. It's just one of their standard lines.

All compliments from strippers that have some element of truth are more effective. So asking a fit customer if they work out can be effective for them, but asking an overweight customer is they work out is less effective. Someone who is frequently told they are cute in the club may be, but the whole effort is to make you like them. All humans have a sign on their forehead that says "make me feel good about myself" and strippers who can do that to a variety of customers will often be the most successful. Just like many things in life, understand the context of her statements and what she hopes to get from you in evaluating the things that she tells you.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Do the compliments you get in the strip club increase your confidence in the real world?"

No, because these compliments are hardly sincere. They're designed to get you to spend.
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