
Pole Work (or lack thereof)

Avatar for occurious

I went to one of my favorite clubs today for lunch (Ecstacy in OC)) and got a great surprise. I would say 99% of the time I go to a club in the OC the dancers on stage don't do much dancing they just kind of walk around the pole swaying and so on. That's fine I'm not some purist, I'm there to look at naked girls and if they just do that it's fine. However today an Asian dancer with a very tight all natural body (no tattoos either) took the stage and actually danced and did pole work. I'm talking honest to God hard to do pole tricks, besides the fact that she was an easy 9 it was just fantastic to watch her work. Unfortunately the next couple of girls were back to the very unenthusiastic routine although the last girl I saw did do some nice work as well.

Interestingly the girl that did the great work came out after her routine and immediately sat down with her cell phone and became a wall flower.

How many of you actually appreciate a dancer trying to make her routine look a little interesting and how many times have you actually seen someone do that?


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Avatar for Alucard

I have ABSOLUTELY Zero interest in use of the pole.

Avatar for SlickSpic

I appreciate the grace and athleticism displayed by a beautiful woman that can actually work a pole.

Avatar for gsv

I am impressed when a girl pulls off nice pole tricks, it does add to the novelty of a strip club. But ultimately, it's not really the reason I'm there.

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

Like GSV said. I feel the same. If dancers use it effectively, it adds to the overall enjoyment. I like a sensous, sexy, teasing-style stage performance. If a dancer can work pole tricks into that, it gives them one more element to work with. I particularly like it when a boobulous dancer tittyfucks the pole!

Avatar for wankfiend

I think of a great stage show as an incentive for me to get a lap dance. A great lap dance is an incentive for me to get a VIP. And a great VIP is what brings me back looking for that girl when I need to blow some money.

Avatar for lopaw

Good pole work is so rare now that if I do happen to see it I will tip her like crazy just to show some appreciation.

I was lucky enough to see a phenomenal dancer at a Deja Vu in the valley recently. After her set she came over and we chatted abit, mostly about her pole work. Turns out that she is also an instructor and does competitions around the country. A rare one indeed.

Avatar for shadowcat

The best stage performance I ever saw was by a dancer named "Lil Bit" at the Memphis Platinum Plus about 12 years ago. I never got a lap dance from her because she was just too much in demand but my experience overall is that a good stage performance does not equal a good lap dance. In fact I have found the opposite to be true.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@shadowcat: "but my experience overall is that a good stage performance does not equal a good lap dance. In fact I have found the opposite to be true."

That hasn't been my experience; I haven't noticed much correlation at all, in either direction.

However, I also don't really consider it relevant. A too stage show is enjoyable in its own right. Bad lap dances don't detract from good stage shows, in my opinion.

Avatar for SlickSpic

Does Deja Vu still have the Po'lympics like they use to?

Avatar for sclvr5005

I appreciate the rare excellent stage/ pole work but I don't equate it with lap dance potential. They are two different things to me.

Avatar for she_is_covfefe

I prefer to see insane pole antics than anything else in a club. I give insane tips to insane pole dancers.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I’m with others in that pole work doesn’t do much for me.

I am more taken by a sensual stage dancer than an athletic one.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

It would be interesting to see a strip club take a normally dead night a try a no-nudity stage dance only night. Dancers would get paid for each stage dance. Tipping in a tip jar only, no interrupting the stage dance. I think this might over time attract female customers including straight females. I think there are many dancers who have moved on to other things who would come back part-time to show off their pole-dance abilities. Might get some women who where never strippers, but did dance/gymnastics in school.

A lot of dancers are not proud of being beautiful, they just think they are lucky to have looks. But if they have learned to pole/stage dance well, they feel pride and get a charge out of it. It takes work and not everyone can get good at it.

Avatar for SlickSpic

If some of y'all aren't in favor of pole work, are you then in favor if removing the pole entirely? There has to be a logical reason as to why the pole is in place.

Avatar for lopaw

I agree w/sclvr about the separation of pole dance skills and lapdance potential. I can appreciate and tip a great acrobatic stage show but I won't necessarily want to take her to the back for dances. Instaed I'll get my LD's from the slow sensual stage dancers that slither around and wrap their legs around my head when I'm at the rail.

Avatar for SlickSpic

I must admit that my ATF has the laziest stage dances.

Avatar for DandyDan

I enjoy good pole work, but not too many of my favorites over the years were good at it. And girls who were good at it weren't also good at lap dancing, in general. I know, because if they were good at it, I'd always try to get a lap dance from them. Nowadays, it seems like hardly anyone is good at it, probably because they know they can make more selling lap dances.

I've been to one place, AFAIK, that does not have a pole, Lamplighter in (or more accurately, west of) Ottawa, Illinois. I believe the lack of a pole there makes the dancers have to put on really good stage shows. But in general, most dancers aren't that great at putting on stage shows, and use the pole as a toy to swing around on if no one's tipping. So the pole is necessary for most dancers even though they don't really know how to work it.

Avatar for SlickSpic

DandyDan, you are better than Sportscenter.

Avatar for shadowcat

No poles at the Cheetah in Atlanta. The dancers just sorta stand there swaying to the music.

Avatar for travelingguy

I LOVE pole work. If the dancer even makes a decent effort, I tip her VERY well on stage.

I will agree that good pole work does not equal a good lap dance. Usually those dancers are either to tired to give a good dance or they are too active with their lap dances.

The best clubs I have been to for pole work have been:

  1. Deja Vu in downtown Minneapolis (2 story pole, full nude, 3rd floor has bed dances, but NO alcohol)

  2. Little Darlings in Vegas

  3. Red Dog Saloon in Oklahoma City

Of course YMMV but I got lucky to see good pole work every time I go to those clubs.

For lap dances, I prefer a dance that does a good booty shake and/or has good ass cheek control. For that, there are couple clubs in ATL that are the best, by far, that I have ever experienced.

Personally, I love a good mix - that makes my night.

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