Any clubs worth going to within about 175 miles of Chicago?

I'm traveling and can pretty easily hit up anywhere within in that radius. Anything further would be too late at night with my schedule. I will be in Detroit the next day but looking for something closer for the day before, in any direction.. Ideas?
last commentSave you money for the Detroit clubs.
"Any clubs worth going to within about 175 miles of Chicago?"
$5 lappers at cowgirls in lex Kentucky
I've had some good (not great by Detroit standards) experiences at Atlantis, about 30 miles south of Chicago.
Kappa Kabanna, Kappa, Illinois (down by Bloomington Normal)
Club 390 VIP room
$5 C'om on
Kappa was OK when I've been but not really worth driving out of your way for. I haven't been recently enough to review it though so it may be awesome now I guess.
Wait until you get to "The D"
Clubs in Harvey, IL, aren't bad. Read the reviews to learn more.
The Industrial Strip is decent.
Arnies is a black club with high mileage and extras.
Admiral is an upscale club with hot girls but low mileage air dancing. There were some hot Asian escort agencies well reviewed on TER.
@samsung1 - you need to find the right dancers at Admiral and tip the host well and your experience in VIP will end a lot happier. ;-) Arnies is good for mileage but not your highest end club - just don't go BB or your next stop will be the Doctor...
Anywhere you don't see cheif Keef is good enough my friend.