Just did a big change-over from MS Money to Quickbooks and Quicken, got all the old computer files into one place and converted them into a whopper of a spreadsheet. And here's what I learned:
In the department of "adult entertainment" (under various names, guises, and categories), since June 1, 2005, I have spent over $57K. I can't claim that the specifics are dead-accurate, since I probably mis-represented some transactions here or there, and sometimes I would include the cost of alcoholic drinks on a night out but sometimes would categorize them as "drinking" or some-such rather than as "adult entertainment." But as a general observation, it adds up to about $7,000.oo a year. Actually, this kind of surprised me, since I had anticipated that it would be much more, like around $10,000 or $12,000 per year. (Maybe I'm missing some transactions?)
Since I've been a dedicated monger since about 1993, I guess I can extrapolate that I've spent $140,000.oo on silly girlies. Kinda horrifying, actually ...
Seems like a lot to me, but I suspect there are many on TUSCL who would have a significantly higher figure. Obviously it depends largely on one's disposable income. By the way, this has got to be your shortest post ever. Are you feeling ok?
Book Guy, if its discretionary spending, then its not horrifying at all. Now, if you live in a crappy little apartment and drive a crappy car and wear crappy clothes and live off the dollar menu at McD's, et al. mmm you may need to adjust priorities.
if you live in a crappy little apartment and drive a crappy car and wear crappy clothes and live off the dollar menu at McD's, et al. mmm you may need to adjust priorities.
That's juicebox69 lifestyle....now that was cold brrrrrr !
if you live in a crappy little apartment and drive a crappy car and wear crappy clothes and live off the dollar menu at McD's, et al. mmm you may need to adjust priorities.
That's juicebox69 lifestyle....now that was cold brrrrrr !
I know exactly what I spend. I track all my expenses in Excel, and I have separate categories for dancer costs (ITC and OTC) and club costs (drinks, cover, valet parking, etc). How much do I spend? Too damn much! I only do it to stimulate the economy and to help single mothers make a decent living.
I dont know if I want to know but over the last year probably 8-12 grand or more. Ugh. Nah it was worth it. Im gonna go see some of my new favorite titties later this afternoon.
Over my lifetime? I'm probably in Dougster's range. I've spent somewhere in the range of 15-20K on my SB alone over the course of the last three years.
But, since it was in fact discretionary/disposable income, I don't worry about it.
My first reaction is not about how much you spent on adult entertainment. The first thing I notice is that you are tracking and categorizing pocket change! A little OCD maybe?
Do you also track your spending on food, breaking it down by the categories such as soda then further breakdown by brand, then meat, then further breakdown of kind of meat, and the same for vegetables?
I mean, do you also do the same for gas, then track your mileage?
The goal should be to maintain a spend/save ratio now, so that you can live the retirement lifestyle that you want in the future. Living life fully now is good, but you may find that less clubbing now may result in more clubbing later. Hate to have to give it up once the job ends...
I'm like Jackslash, and keep a detailed Excel spreadsheet. When I spend time in a club, I keep notes in my phone of who dances for me, what I spend, and any special notes on extras received, etc., and enter it into the spreadsheet later. I track totals by club, and keep separate columns for my favorites, which helps me keep track of how long it's been since I've seen each one, and what I've spent. The total $$$ is sobering sometimes, but I can afford it so I don't dwell on it. It's also nice to scroll through my spreadsheet to recall past encounters, sort of a trip down mammary lane!
I think we all spend way too much. I am like azdd, I can afford it. I used to travel a lot and spend most of my evenings in clubs. Then I spent a couple years not traveling much, my accountant brought to my attention the amount I 'saved', by not traveling and enjoying my favorite entertainment much during that time. I was so grateful of him pointing that out that I went out and paid cash for a high end luxury sports car with my 'savings'.... Now I am back traveling so the strip club economy is about to get a big boost around the country!
Of course, that almost brings tears to my accountant's eyes, she even emailed the link to the website that lists strip clubs that stream video of their main stage and said maybe that would satisfy me and save me money! She just does not understand, I offered to take her with me but she declined!
Yeah some of you guys just don't understand the idea of accounting. :P
Frankly, I record EVERY transaction. I don't do this as a neurotic or obsessive-compulsive need to control. I do this as a business decision. I run my own small firm (for what it's worth; which ain't much) and the skill has come in handy. Especially at tax time. Especially if it's all in a computer that will spit the info out in various forms and reports. I don't actually sub-categorize very much, I just use those categories that are used by the IRS and various other regulators so that I can maximize my tax-time benefit (and I'm not very good at THAT either ...).
Some people here report that they record ITC vs OTC expenses, the dancer names, etc.. I have to admit that I don't want to record that kind of info. I do want to know, "Hey, I spent $100 in a club this evening," and I also want to know, "Hey, $90 of that was on lappers and $10 on drinks," or whatever. But I do NOT want to put in my accounting spreadsheet, "Hey, that $50 blowjob was only worth $20, and her name was Candy." I wonder if, once I turned that stuff over at tax time, my accountant would have a legal or ethical duty to disclose that information to the Vice Squad?
last commentBy the way, this has got to be your shortest post ever. Are you feeling ok?
That's juicebox69 lifestyle....now that was cold brrrrrr !
That's juicebox69 lifestyle....now that was cold brrrrrr !
But, since it was in fact discretionary/disposable income, I don't worry about it.
There are some ballers on TUSCL!
I mean, do you also do the same for gas, then track your mileage?
For personal pleasure I have a dedicated account. When that account is empty I top it up with more cash and carry on.
Of course, that almost brings tears to my accountant's eyes, she even emailed the link to the website that lists strip clubs that stream video of their main stage and said maybe that would satisfy me and save me money! She just does not understand, I offered to take her with me but she declined!
Maybe I will see some of you during my travels!
Frankly, I record EVERY transaction. I don't do this as a neurotic or obsessive-compulsive need to control. I do this as a business decision. I run my own small firm (for what it's worth; which ain't much) and the skill has come in handy. Especially at tax time. Especially if it's all in a computer that will spit the info out in various forms and reports. I don't actually sub-categorize very much, I just use those categories that are used by the IRS and various other regulators so that I can maximize my tax-time benefit (and I'm not very good at THAT either ...).
Some people here report that they record ITC vs OTC expenses, the dancer names, etc.. I have to admit that I don't want to record that kind of info. I do want to know, "Hey, I spent $100 in a club this evening," and I also want to know, "Hey, $90 of that was on lappers and $10 on drinks," or whatever. But I do NOT want to put in my accounting spreadsheet, "Hey, that $50 blowjob was only worth $20, and her name was Candy." I wonder if, once I turned that stuff over at tax time, my accountant would have a legal or ethical duty to disclose that information to the Vice Squad?