Beware of lot lizzards

avatar for shadowcat
From a review:

"You exit from the strip club side of the building via a household residential door. My car was right near there at the end of the building. As I came out, a good looking blonde waif stepped out of the shadows on the side of the building and said "Hi mister. You can f**k me for .3" This girl was a 6-7 on the stripper scale.

We went around the back of the building. She assumed the position against the wall and lifted her skirt. BBFSCIP quickie for .3.

I told her she would make a ton of money in the strip club. She said she just came over (she lived real close) when she needed a few bucks. Besides, YOU HAVE TO BE 18 DANCE IN THERE!

My momentary pang of guilt over, I got in the car and split."


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avatar for bang69
12 years ago
That hapens a lot where fanies is. reason that is. Its becuase fanies is located where a lot of hookers hang
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
Jesus, dont think Ill be barebacking any parking lot hookers any time soon. Thats just nuts, maybe with a condom.....Nope not that either. Thats just crazy.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
That's sick and funny at the same time... It also reminds me of a story i heard when working warehousing from a long haul trucker:

"I was at a truck stop the other night and this fine bitch knocks on my door. She said she was on the rag so I couldn't fuck her, so she sucked my dick. That shit was feeling good... I reached around to rub on her pussy and grabbed a handful of dick!!! "

I never let him live that down and I'm pretty sure he regretted ever telling me in the first place.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
You must be one, desperate, lowlife, scallywag to even think about fucking some of these lot lizards that congregate at the TA where the 10 & 15 fwys meet in Ontario, CA. If out of state truckers think that they're gonna score them a Hollywood Blonde in that truck stop, they are seriously mistaken. Memphis, TN has some God awful looking lot lizards, too. Anybody know where the worst lot lizards end up at?
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
Testify brotha Bullwinkle...testify!

I've found that if you fuck them little old church ladies hard enough and long enough you can actually get'm to start talking in tongues...

PTL brotha Bullwinkle, PTL...
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
That man's penis is going to fall off.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
Awww Mr. Alucard you know darn well that...(wait for it)

"Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
I was in a truck stop in Texarkana, AR fueling my diesel pick-up at the trucker's pumps and was approach by a girl 15 goin on 22 for a 'ride' to Dallas and she would make it worth it to me. She said she wanted to ride with me cause "your truck's really nice". Crop top shirt and shorter than Daisy Duke length cut offs. She was a looker for her age. I told her but my insurance does not cover riders and left. Taking an underage girl across state lines for lewd and lascivious purposes breaks more laws than I care to count. Got approached in Scarlett's in Toledo on my way out by a young 7.5 (looked 18 or 19), pimp/boyfriend waiting in a car at the other end of the lot. I passed then also.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
I once had a job at a wildlife park and part of my job was feeding the porpoises. However in order to get to their pool you had to cut through the lions' den. Well the porpoises would frequently get amorous and fornicate in front of the children, but would stop if they were fed. Well, I got called to quickly feed the porpoises because they were frolicking, so I grabbed a bucket of fish, made sure the lions were asleep and dashed to the pool. I got arrested because its illegal to cross staid lions for immoral porpoises.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I got propositioned a few times outside of Dallas area clubs when I lived and clubbed there. Seemed more common in the early to mid 2000s and seemed to have tapered off in the last few years I was living/clubbing there.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
One time back around 2000 I came out the front door of Centerfolds in Houston, looking for a cab. A full-sized car with 3 fine ladies pulled up and the driver offered to take me where I wanted to go. My small head said LET'S GO! The big head said no thanks. I'm thinking I missed a beating and a robbery, but I often think about what could have happened that night.
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