
When traveling how to pick a club

Tuesday, May 7, 2013 6:37 AM
When you travel do you always club or do you read the reviews to see if it is worth your money to club? Do you just read reviews or do you ask this group or PM a known local? Do you just look at rankings/ratings. I read reviews and decide whether or not to club and whether I should just go and just watch or get lap dances. For example I traveled to New Jersey a while back and went clubbing but had determined before I went to not get any lappers as they would be not worth the cost I also do not club in Indy anymore as it is more costly than it is worth. One of the highest rated clubs is Brad's in Indy and I have been there many times and while it is good compared to the rest in Indy it is a tame dive compared to Penthouse of Flight Club in Detroit (my opinion). I do not even look at the rankings I only read the reviews or if the review are vague I ask.


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I don't travel much anymore but when I do a lot depends on where I am going and why and how much time I have. When I made my road trip from Atlanta up to Ohio last year, I checked the reviews and sought input from the members through the discussion board. I frequently travel to Columbia SC and when I do, I already know what clubs I am going to hit. When I flew to North Dakota to attend my grand mothers funeral, I did not look into or visit any strip clubs.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I loom at reviews and ratings
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I ment I look at
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Reviews and sometimes contact local on TUSCL.
  • Kinsact
    11 years ago
    It's how I found this site originally. Alone on a traveling trip and wanted to kill some time so started looking up strip clubs and reviews. Everyone has their own opinion obviously but reviews can give you a good idea of what to expect at SC's in your area.
  • Rod8432
    11 years ago
    I check out the reviews before I go. When last in Houston, I found out which clubs I'd likely enjoy (upscale, nude, mileage) versus which ones I likely wouldn't (pasties, ugly girls, rude staff, dirty LD rooms, etc). The reviews are largely spot on, but you gotta read several for any given club to get an accurate idea of what it's like.
  • minnow
    11 years ago
    I may end up putting this on my profile page, but the "minnow plan" as follows: When going to a new city, I click on the city to bring up the listings of clubs. Depending on number of clubs, I cull out the ~ 3-5 highest rated clubs with a meaningful number of reviews. I then take a more focussed look at those club reviews to gauge how well mileage, atmosphere, etc would appeal to me. If I have any questions, I've sometimes pm'd some reliable reviewers. The relative ratings of clubs generally correlate closely with my experiences. I've taken a slightly lower rated club 1st on several occasions (i.e.- enjoyed myself more at a club rated at , say 7.20 over a club rated at 7.47). But, a club rated at 5.55 isn't likely to be more enjoyable than one rated at 7.77, IME. Works for me.
  • OldSalt
    11 years ago
    I look at the reviews and the clubs website as well, but local intel is sometimes still the best. I went to Phoenix a couple years ago and based on my research was confident that the Great Alaskan Bush Co.was the place for me. I was not that impressed with it and asked a cab driver what he recommends, and was told unequivocally that Bourbon St Circus was the place to go. I ended up going there three times over my 5 day stay and was very happy with each visit. The girls were much hotter and more accommodating. So I say do your research but don't be afraid to get input from the locals.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Yeah! Ask a Tijuana cab driver what he recommends. :)
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Reviews and sometimes a PM to a solid member if I know they are familiar with that area.
  • Electronman
    11 years ago
    I read the most recent 6 months of reviews looking for reports of extras or high mileage dance experiences. I give extra weight to reviews from those TUSCL members with multiple published reviews. I tend to discount or ignore reviews from inexperienced members (less than 5 reviews). Many of the neophyte club goers appear to be unaware of the high mileage and extras that characterize some of the clubs and give great reviews and ratings to clubs that allow no or limited touching.
  • TxVegas
    11 years ago
    I read the reviews of the higher rated clubs and get a feel for what to expect. I will sometimes PM someone for additional information. The ratings seem to be weighted by the number of reviews the reviewer has submitted, so if I see one that is skewed by a exceptionally low or high review from a frequent reviewer, I will factor that in. I have found the reviews/ratings to be very helpful in evaluating where I will go in a new town.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Reviews & personal pointers.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    mostly read the reviews.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    1) read reviews 2) ask the board members – I figure if they are into the hobby enough to be on the board then they are likely to know what they are talking about (vs some dudes that write reviews just for the VIP) 3) PM some of the reviewers of particular SCs to clarify some points or get additional intel
  • michael_oxbig
    11 years ago
    1. Read reviews 2. Filter bullshit 3. Verify on E-C 4. Mas extras = bueno.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    I go where my cum lands
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I read reviews. I don't like to post online when I'm going traveling or where. I also look at the top rated clubs in an area to try to get an idea of the best clubs in the area and read the reviews to try to determine what to expect in the club. Sometimes if I see an experienced reviewer, I will check out the clubs he reviewed as possible places to visit if he didn't say it was horrible. If he was the only one to rate down a club in an area, I might wonder if he was upset that he was unable to get a seat because the club was packed or if he fibbed about even going inside the club because the club requires membership and he was truthfully turned away and he was pissed about it but didn't say it. I also check out how far away or ease of travel to a club compared to where I'm staying.
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    I read the reviews and if I feel I need or want some additional information, I'll contact a tuscl member who posts on the discussion board and has written reviews for the clubs I have in question.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I usually look things up before I leave town and pick a few clubs I want to visit in the areas I'm going to based on reviews. If it's a place I've been to before, usually I don't even bother with reading the review. If I am hanging out with one of my old high school buddies who's into strip clubbing (the guy I went to my very first club with), I'll let him decide where to go, although I have specifically told him not to go to Chicago (he lives an hour west of there) or Rockford (an hour the other way, and it's all bikini bars there), which makes it limited.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Went by the reviews when I did my trip last fall. Also looked for clusters of clubs around a good one, so I could visit other ones afterward if I didn't get my fill at the primary location. Some cities are just so jammed packed with strip clubs you can't help but spot them just by doing normal driving around. This was the case in El Paso and Phoenix and, of course, Vegas and Reno.
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