I'm at a neighborhood sports bar right now enjoying a great burger and fries and a couple of cold ones. Two hot blondes probably late 20s walked in and started with a couple cold ones. Two guys in their 60s start hitting on them. Both girls look annoyed. One offers to buy shots for them and they reluctantly accept. The bar tender is having a hard time keeping a straight face as she is pouring the shots. Other patrons including me are laughing. One of the two guys friends is going arround to other patrons and making fun of his two dumbass friends. Then the two girls finish their shots and run out...this was pretty good entertainment for a sunday afternoon...
I'm used to seeing older guys and younger girls in the sc but this was funny in a regular bar.
Do you have any stories like this?
last commentNow another lady is drunk enough to see a ghost...lol
It's too nice of a day here in Seattle right now, to be inside anywhere. I'm taking my dogs to a nearby lake in few minutes.
Stories about old guys and their futile attempts to pick up young women? I might have a few.
This is why strip clubs are superior to neighborhood bars. Hot young strippers accept drinks from me without being annoyed, and they find me amazingly attractive. The women in neighborhood bars are not nearly as discerning as strippers.
^ LOL jack – way to look at the glass as half full!
That's what's fucked up about spending so much time in strip clubs. We can sometimes get disconnected from reality in dealing with civvie women.
^ Yeap – SCs can definitely warp one’s sense and sensibilities w.r.t. women and relationships
True that
This raises an interesting issue, and one that worries me sometimes. My SO was out of town this weekend. I teach in a college, and some students in one of my classes invited me to go out to a bar for Friday happy hour (celebrating the last day of classes). So I figured "what the hell", and went out with them. After a couple rounds the crowd thinned out, and pretty soon it was just me and two girls from the class. We were having a very enjoyable conversation about this and that, but I had this urge to go to a strip club where I could blatantly hit on hot women, and probably get extras, rather than put all the effort into conversation. So I told the students that it was probably time for me to take off, and I did. Now, I probably wouldn't have tried to hit on either of them, because that could lead to all sorts of professional problems, and I wasn't THAT drunk. But the whole sequence made me think that I have perhaps become a PL.
Stop by the gym to tone up those (that) pony-keg abs, then stop by Super Cuts to get the comb-over touched up. Finally, stop by the SC to get a boner. All of these are convenient ways we work on improving ourselves.
Personally, I say good for the old guys to have the balls to hit on some hot girls, when most younger guys would be too pussy afraid to do it. Yeah, chances are slim they'll get anywhere, but what those old guys realize, and others don't, is that you'll never know until you try. And you sure as hell aren't gonna get anywhere if you sit on the sidelines and laugh.
The guys who sit on the sidelines and laugh are the ones who go home with nothing, while the old guys, at a minimum, build up a little bit more confidence and game, and who knows, they maybe might even get somewhere with some hot girls.
I have been in SCs where some girls won't hang with an old fart like me and stick with the young studs who are there to power drink and don't have enough to buy a dance. I have also been hit on by younger girls (mid to late 20's) at parties and regular places. I have had a 20 something tell me she and a few of her friends are attracted to older guys (blah,blah,blah), money and stability maybe. When it comes to regular places you have to let the young ones show interest first or look the fool. Club simplify the game the girls are after money and the smart ones don't discriminate for age.
In my regular sports bar, I buy drinks for others regularly, young old, men, women. Depends on the circumstance. Never had a situation as you describe. Now if I were not known at the establishment, it might be different.
I might imagine a conversation going like this...
Bartender: he old guy down there wishes to buy you a drink.
Young girl: That old fart?
Bartender: Yeah, he's a regular and buys drinks for others all the time, especially newbies.
Young girl: Oh! That's nice of him.