avatar for 10inches
glad to read that Follies in ATL got rid of the pool table. now, if they would get rid of valet parking, pot smoking and thug customers the prettier dancers might come back. any other things that your favorite clubs do that you would like to get rid of??


last comment
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Never been there but I agree in all points but one-what's wrong with smoking Cannabis? Pot is so deragatory and not one person I've ever met can tell me why it's called pot. Pretty stupid word to use, especially if you have no clue on why it's called that. Just my Botanist opinion. Yes, I'm a Botanist.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Rap Music. LOL
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
A lot of the thugs went with the pool table and I did NOT smell any pot when I was there last Saturday. The valet parking cannot disappear as long as the clubs stays packed. The parking lot would be in grid lock.

They could possible get rid of some more thugs if they got rid of the hip hop/rap music but as one of the dancers put it "This is Atlanta".
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Lets hope they don't play mariachi or ranchera music. Mexican thugs are just as bad. And as loud.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Shot girls
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"but as one of the dancers put it "This is Atlanta" "

That is a PRETTY weak excuse for keeping the Thug attracting music around.
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
none of the clubs here in columbus have yet to start the valet parking crap. In fact none of the clubs in Ohio that I know of has valet parking. I do know that Christie's cabaret does charge for parking on the busy nights but that is self parking.

Detroit on the other hand, has valet parking in nearly all of the major clubs. Valets claim they are there to stop drunk driving and prevent people from walking out on their tabs...but I think it is the money ($7 valet charge at Penthouse and Flight Club plus tips)
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
"That is a PRETTY weak excuse for keeping the Thug attracting music around."

PRETTY sure it's the BITCHES attracting them. Thugs don't say "Oh man, let's go to Follies where we can listen to all the latest rap jams!". You can take my word for it...being a thug myself.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I think that the reference to rap and Atlanta is because Atlanta is sort of known for being the home for many rappers and wannabe's. ie Magic City.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
It is STILL a very weak excuse IMO.
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
I'd like to see some fresh faces where I club.

Doing away with Valet would also be welcome at some of the clubs I've been too.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Doing away with Valet would also be welcome at some of the clubs I've been too"

I don't understand why paying $7 - $10, including a tip, grates on people. You'll be spending a lot more in the club. That is unless your budget for that visit is rather small.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
It isn't the cost of valet parking that irks me and others. It is that I/we don't want to hand over the keys of our valued cars to some minimum wage earner.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Well unless you are allowed to enter after parking elsewhere then you have a decision to make. Hand over the keys or go somewhere else where there is NO valet.

Possibly you can dissuade the ownership from charging for parking, BUT I am guessing they don't wish to give up any extra methods of draining your $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
It's a good thing you never complain about anything Alucard. Douche.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
How about applying your comment to the other posters in this thread jester214. Do you have the courage to?
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Punk ass bitch
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Classic Alucard, instead of considering his own faults he tries to make it about someone else. Go bring up another half-decade old post.

There is no "courage" on an internet forum post. A fact I'm quite sure you're familiar with.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
What a cute flame war
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
Mostly, I would like to see my regular clubs get rid of certain dancers that everyone knows are past their expiration date. Other than that, my favorite club has a kettle, which I think must have been someone's Halloween prop once, which you have to pop a dollar into every so often for the juke box. I've seen several other clubs do that. For most of the clubs I have some familiarity with, it's hard to think of things they could change without breaking the law and dragging in LE, other than maybe lowering prices some. I know one of my regular places could lower prices, but supposedly that is the cost of business in its location, or at least that is what one of the managers told one of the dancers (who's no longer there) once.
avatar for 10inches
12 years ago
valet problem is not the cost. I don't want to give the keys to my car to some unknown, baggy pants wearing kid with his baseball hat on backwards. I have known several instances where either the car was stolen, scratched or looted while in "secure" valet parking. you are correct, I don't go to clubs that force valet upon you, should be your choice.
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
Exactly what shadow and 10" said... I'm just not comfortable handing over my keys to some random person that could steal from my car or damage it.

At one club, I've started taking a cab to avoid the valet. The round trip cab fair is 4x the valet cost, but I can be more chill knowing the valet doesn't have my keys.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
A cab is a good way to deal with it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I don’t mind spending $$$ in the club but I like to spend it *my* way.

As “10” mentioned; valet should be optional and not enforced – and yeah; giving you keys to a valet is often times a dangerous proposition – especially a SC valet.

I don’t’ like paying for parking especially when one parks their own car – but lately I’ve said to myself that at least there is a set of eyes in the parking lot rather than no one looking out.

I’ve also parked my own car, and kept the keys, the few times I’ve used valet and then just paid the dude.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"yeah; giving you keys to a valet is often times a dangerous proposition – especially a SC valet"

In 20+ years of using club valets, I've never had any damage to my cars.

"baggy pants wearing kid with his baseball hat on backwards"

And the person doing the parking has NEVER looked like the above description. 10inches is using the wrong club.
avatar for 10inches
12 years ago
Alucard -- you been at Follies every minute it is open ? last visit, the valet could have passed for Li'l Waynes' twin. offered to park my own car and pay the fee but he said club would not allow it. why should they care as long as they get the $$$. left and have not been back since
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

When I was in Atlanta last year, it was startling to me to be in the minority. I could go to a bank or most anywhere and be the only white guy. Quite strange to me.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Clubber - It was probably just the particular neighborhood that you happened to be in. in 2010 blacks made up 54%. Where I live it is 95% white.
avatar for Timbuck12
12 years ago
I've been to Follies twice since the raid, both on Fridays. Didn't smell weed on either visit. Crowds were noticeably smaller than typical pre-raid Fridays, and the thug factor was practically zero.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I wasn't speaking about Follies - NEVER been there. Bad choice by Follies to hire a person like that or a company that supplies workers who appear that way. Good, take your $$$$ elsewhere. Follies loss.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

Likely, but you know I wasn't all that far from Follies. However, I did go all over the place. Over 800 miles that week.

At one place it Marietta, I called for a guard to cover me. I was sitting away from the site when a car pulled up. I started to drive over then turned away. He definitely was looking gang banger when he got out of the car. From his pants around his ankles to his cap whichever way! I watched him as he started to transform himself in to a guard. I was more worried about him then those around me. Turned out he was OK, but I did wonder what he does when not working. :)
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
" I was more worried about him then those around me. Turned out he was OK, but I did wonder what he does when not working. :)"

Banging something or someone.

More seriously, do away with VIP Room Fees/Taxes. If we call them taxes, then the Hard Line Republicans among our Lovely membership will rally to get rid of the VIP taxes. LOL
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