
Emotionally Attached PL's

South Carolina
I see this more and more on this board and in life.You guys seem to lose your balls with these girls.And it seems to be more prevalent with the older guys.What gives?Is this your last ditch effort,go out in a blaze of glory,last dose of bad medicine.
When you wake in the morning you know the rules,but you allow the reptile to work her mojo.I understand the physical aspect,but to let them into your head,oh shit,fuck no.


  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    It depends on what kind of reptile. A beneficial reptile I'll leave alone. A snake I attack.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Sorry that was off topic. I couldn't resist.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    We grow older but not wiser. Wider but not wiser.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    You'd think that knowing that she's a dancer and watching her give dances before & after you got yours would be a reality check for most cats. But then again, look at all the dudes who fall in love with civilians after a few dates. Before any boy turns 18, he needs a good pimp to school him on the ways of the world. When I was a teenager, I happened to help out an older cat jump start his Lincoln. Turns out he's a pimp. He was broke down on Holt Blvd, P-Town, California. We bought me some coffee at the old Lenny's and hipped me to some real game. I haven't always stayed true but I've done my best not to stray too far from his words of wisdom. Men in general need to separate lust from love. Khan!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    tumblingdice thinks he knows it all and is above it all, IMHO. LOL

    "We grow older but not wiser. Wider but not wiser"

    Definitely wider & older, sometimes wiser motorhead.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    It's unlikely it will ever make sense to either love or hate a stripper. Unlikely most of us will be the right age and type. So far, I never had a problem with a stripper that couldn't be solved by simply walking away, so no reason for hate. People, strippers or not, will often try to play you or bullshit you. Me personally, if there's so much of that I can't just ignore it, I again just simply walk away from it. Not interested in being the champion player or bullshitter.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Hate or love never came into the equation,but when you old guys fall you can hear the thud a mile away.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Alucard!I'm gonna draw the line at sticks and stones.Just get your ass outta that cornbelt mindset.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Alucard!I'm sure you heard this one before,"Danger Will Robinson".
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @Slick pimps find teenagers who have run away from an abusive situation. They use their naivety to manipulate them into a new abusive situation. I'm sure they can talk to you all night about how terrible women are. Kinda like how Hitler could talk all night about how terrible Jewish people are. When people want to do something evil, they can always come up with some twisted way to justify it.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    ROFLAMAO fumblingdice. Just look who's talking.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Can someone please kick alutard in the head?
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Think I'm gonna change my nickname to "Fisher".
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    This moment brought to you by,"Super Beta Prostate".
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    The only people who get played are people that want to get played. If you're looking out for a con, odds are that you won't get conned. Ever go shopping for a car? Those salesmen are snakes. They're worse than pimps. I have friends on both sides. Many naive runaways are looking for a "Daddy" figure and willingly enter a pimps stable. Remember the old saying, "The pimp don't choose the hoe, the hoe chooses the pimp." Pimping's been around since the invention of fire.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Hitler never pimped my Mom's people, at least to my knowledge of history. And let's be honest, where are the good role models out there? Teachers? Next. Coaches? Next. Politicians? Next. Priests? Next. Athletes? Next? Soldiers? Next. Policemen? Next. Parents? Next. The only role model with any consistency besides the pimp is the tax man and fuck the tax man.
  • Lionshare
    11 years ago
    Im lost on this one, so Pimps are better role models than teachers, coaches, athletes, or MILITARY PERSONNEL? Thats ridiculous, our military is out there sacrificing life and limb every day. Teachers are charged with guiding children every day while the parents work, some athletes and coaches are excellent role models, Drew Brees, Grant Hill, Dwayne Wade, Michael Strahan, Coach K, Jason Taylor and I could go in and on while listing their positive impacts on society and the community. Now, a pimp? Name one positive impact they have on society. I cant.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    Pimp as mentor? Pimp as life coach?

    I wonder how my life would have turned out if I had been so lucky 50 years ago?.......maybe dead 30 years ago?
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    re the OP: the issue of losing your balls over a girl isn't limited to strippers. It's a problem with civi's as well. I agree with the point that her motives should be obvious based on being a stripper, but civi's can pull the same shit as well.
  • stenton1
    11 years ago
    Sage advice and wisdom can come from anyone, from any walk of life. There are good and bad role models everywhere. Filter out the bullshit, and remember the good advice for the future. There have been many posts on this subject, but don't get attached to strippers! I know two guys who defied the odds, and married strippers. One went down in flames, and the other has been happily married for 7 years.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    I always develop an emotional attachment, that is until I reach my preset spending limit then it somehow seems to drain away into a reservoir tip. LOL.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    There are a lot of good role models out there and they seldom if ever have publicists. There are many coaches, scout leaders, teachers and church leaders. Yes there are few bad apples in any group. But I have NEVER have met a politician I would leave my dog in the same room with or and most any federal government employee for that matter for fear I would come back and find the poor mutt being ass raped. Government people always seem to have an overinflated sense of self worth and deify themselves. They think the world revolves around them when in reality the world runs much better if they keep a minimalistic role. Actors do not fit the bill either most famous ones I have met are just off balance somehow.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    SlickSpic: " Ever go shopping for a car? Those salesmen are snakes."

  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Man!Did this thread stray.
  • Dougsterr
    11 years ago
    See how I attack others unprovoked? Its all I ever do since I'm insecure and have no life.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Good logic, Douggster. One merely need to look at single thread to determine if something is "unprovoked" or not. A bit on the dumb side aren't you?
  • Dougsterr
    11 years ago
    Back and forth I go....ain't I entertaining?
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @Slick No way to know for sure what's right or wrong in this world that we are all just going to die and disappear from. One thing we all have in common is that we want to make our own choices, even it it's only choosing who we're going to let choose for us. Teenagers don't seek out pimps and say "hey treat me like shit just like my daddy did". Pimps seek them out, promise them love, but in truth play on their subconscious belief they're only good for being a doormat, cause that's how their own family treated them. Me personally, I think it's more positive to try and do something that supports people really making their own choices. Rather than be a parasite who feeds off of peoples weaknesses and unmet needs.

    There are plenty of strippers who don't con at all, or only tell the "your cock is so big!" type lies. There's another group that tries to get you to think you "eventual" could go out on a real date with them. But there are a fair number of true rip-off artists. I simply avoid the last category. You can't lump em all together and say they all deserve to be played. If you want to try and out-play the players, I suppose there's some justification for that, but not my idea of fun at the SC. But it's goes beyond "an eye or an eye" if the you're going to beat on a woman like a pimp would, no matter how much of a player she is.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Ilbby! I agree for the most part on your last dispatch except for two parts,(No way to know whats r or w),and(Strippers who don't con at all).Learned at an early age the dif between right and wrong,but still dig the high of pushing the envelope.And every stripper has a con,you just have to keep her at arms length while tickling her belly button.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    There's no way to really learn right and wrong without understanding the logic behind it. So you can't really learn it at an early age.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    At an early age I once stuck my finger in fire,learned real quick.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Lionshsare-Do you know how many females who serve in our military are raped, every year? I guess you must like Hitlers Brownshirts. How about a history lesson? Private message me & I can either send you way too much information than you might want to read. Ever heard of the Inquisition? Wounded Knee? Montgomery, Alabama? Ever heard of Darfur? Sandusky? Pope Benedict? Most Popes? Jefferson Davis? David Duke? The fact that most women who are raped/molested/abused, happen at the hands of their own family? I guess I'm just naive? Or maybe I don't drink the kool aid and judge EVERYBODY on a one on one basis. BTW, every member of my family that is in the military, is a MARINE, like real men, from CAMP PENDELTON, CA. Khan! Fuck that, I ain't done. I have two great uncles that were in Treblinka, cause they were JEWS. So hate me cause I hate authority figures of all sorts. And the Soviets, not America, freed most camps. Do your homework, son.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Lionshare-Nothing personal, I dig your comments. I get worked up about shit. Pimps do know the female psyche better than most. Maybe I should've prefaced that.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    The end of Western Civilization is definitely close at hand when our culture is able to apologize from pimps or, worse yet, suggest they have some superior wisdom and should be held up as role models. And worse yet, from someone who says their great uncles were gassed at Treblinka? Guess since they didn't see that con coming "yep, this way, just gonna take a shower" it's what they secretly wanted, right?
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Just how did the Jewish people get conned? Explain. Kristallnacht wasn't a hustle or con. The. SS weren't con artists. And pimps DO have a mighty good understanding of the female psyche. How come no other points weren't addressed? Western Civilization is the reason Native Americans were annihilated. Western Civilization is the reason Native Australians were annihilated. When the Chinese tried to outlaw opium, the Brits had two wars to keep them on it. Please, read Howard Zinn. Please read a book titled "Lies My Teacher Told Me". Please read a book titled "Indian Givers". Society has been fucked up since the first priest/king was able to leech off the backs of farmers. You're upset about my pimp comments yet you frequent strip clubs and comment about them. Maybe we should spend more of our time helping others out instead of writing comments on strip club review sites. Once again, I brought up many points yet only one was addresed. Interesting...
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Slick!Without going to the dic,Kristallnacht is "Night of Glass".Don't listen to these jagoffs.Yes I give to my four footed friends and also St.Judes.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Scat! I think your in love.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    A lack of immunities wiped out the Native Americans and Native Australians, it was inevitable.

    Your grasp of history is, at best, bias and lacking in several important facts.

    You are drinking the koolaid, you just think that since it's a different color it's okay.

    There's nothing remotely glorified about pimps. They are a menace and a major obstacle to a legalized sex trade. They don't know the psyche of women, they know the psyche of victims. The fact that you think otherwise is sad.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    And if you consider the definition of the term "pimped", I'd say Hitler pimped out the Jews in a very extreme fashion.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @Spic: How did the Jews get hustled or conned? "Yeah, just hop on that train. No worries. Just gonna resettle you folks out east. Come on let's go." Also keep in mind that quite a few Jews themselves (Sonderkommandos) were in on the con working in the death camps to get their fellow Jews into the "showers", lock the doors behind them, and then dispose of the bodies.

    I also agree with everything the jestie-girl said in his last two posts, and would like to add:

    Yes, western civilization took part in wars and conquests during its history. Name a civilization that didn't. If you are going to do something, anything, then do it well. And we definitely did war and conquest the best.

    Also western civilization was the only one to voluntarily, and internally end slavery. Besides that example, western civilization has been particularly humane and given the greatest gifts to the world. Democracy is another example of these gifts, followed by advances in science that no other civilization comes anywhere close to.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Schools teach us the 3 Rs – but most other things in life we tend to learn the hard way.

    Schools don’t teach us about real life issues like money; finances; and how to deal w/ hos.

    When it comes to males losing their minds for the cuchie – that is biological IMO – it’s been happening since the beginning of time.

    One just needs to look at how males in the animal kingdom chase relentlessly after the females and will sometimes fight to the death to get that cuchie.

    I’m not much of a student of history – but it’s been said that wars have been started over the cuchie.

    Plus - how many powerful men (e.g. politicians; etc) whom were very smart and successful yet were brought down by the power of the cuchie.

    I agree with the OP about “not losing your balls” when it comes to the hos – but easier said than done and I think we are all susceptible under the right/certain circumstances.
  • Lionshare
    11 years ago
    @slic, no offense taken. I am well aware of the epidimic of rape in our military. As I was enlisted for almost 10 years I saw and experienced many things. Typically it comes doen to poor leadership and mismanagement. Poor leaders were allowing their troops to believe they were invincible and untouchable while deployed. This along with other factors created some monsters as every war does. Then as these monsters returned home or while they were still deployed they raped and in some cases murdered believing they were untouchable. Then those same poor leaders brushed these cases under the rug furthering the feeling of immunity which created more monsters. This has been addressed within the last few years with much more scrutiny.

    The common enlisted man is not a minster and is not capable of the things you were citing in your comment. These tragedies and most are more a product of command leadership than anything else. They mold these men and women into fighting machines that have an on switch to kill. They often forgot to wire an off switch. Add that with the poor mental health given to military personnwl and things like this happen. I dont place all the blame on commanders though, obviously no matter your training you should know that rape is wrong. Final thought, We as a country have greatly lowered the standards to be allowed into the ranks of the Military. Felons, gang members, and drug dealers are commonly found and sometimes encourafed to join. That has changed the face of the militarg as we know it.

    All that said we still have the best fightung force in the world and it is full of some great people. Many if not most of them should be held up as a shining example. More so than a pimp.
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