Do you really expect us to believe that?

avatar for cky2k827
What is the worst sob story any of you have heard?

for me it was about a year ago. One of the girls at a club I no longer visit told me a story that was 10 stories all in one,high electric bill,sick dog,sick kid,car payment over due,boyfriend drama,no food,family member being deported,blah,blah,blah.I find it hard to believe that every possible tragedy is going on in your life.I also used to witness her making bank most nights I was there.


last comment
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
You seem to have covered the field. LOL
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
I got a text 2 days ago from my ATF saying:"At local police dept. need bail ASAP". That wasn't on your list.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Did you pay gawker?
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
avatar for cky2k827
12 years ago
Yeah this girl was too much.I think they would have better luck if they stuck with one story.Haven't had anyone ask for bail yet.How much was it?
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
"high electric bill"

Yup. Heard that one. One dancer told me her electric bill was $4000. Damn. Is she lighting up Yankee Stadium?
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
I think some girls just repeat what they hear in the locker room. Girls have to have something to say, even if it isn't original material.
avatar for cky2k827
12 years ago
LOL.damn,that had to be bullshit.i think you can only let your bill go unpaid for 2-3 months.I know that's the rule here in CT.I have a 3 bdr house and my bill is about $120 per month.Sometimes I wonder how stupid they really think we are.
avatar for JayJay15
12 years ago
I always hear child custody issues, as well. Sometimes involving DSS, often involving the ex-husband, baby daddy, grandmother, etc.

I find this to be a quite ingenious approach, as one can literally fabricate any desired amount of money for a due/projected lawyer's fee.

And of course tack on expected due-immediately day care expenses or school supplies and clothes once the child is regained in court.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
strippers lying is like dogs barking - it just comes natural - we shouldn't be surprised or astonished in any way
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
12 years ago
Soon after I passed the state bar exam -- and everyone at the strip club knew I had taken it, since that was one of the places where many of us law students celebrated after each law school semester's final exam, and after the state bar exam itself -- and became a lawyer, this happened.

A stripper about whom I had never really heard any trouble before suddenly had seven or eleven run-ins with the cops and needed me as a lawyer. Hmm. Made me wanna go hmm. "Why can't you be my lawyer?" Well uh I just can't and uh yeah nice tits but uh ...

I first suspected she wanted free or low-price services, and I really had a hard time convincing her that she wouldn't want me to be her lawyer (heck, I'd been an attorney for, like FOUR DAYS when she started asking me to defend her for really big accusations!). Later I began to guess, that she wanted my real business card, with contact info, because she figured I was rich (or, going to be rich) because I was a lawyer, and she was hoping to blackmail me and didn't believe I didn't have a wife, kids, or a boat and three houses.

I didn't represent her, didn't give out my contact info, didn't give in to her demands, and after about a week or two she stopped asking. As excuses I gave all sorts of bullshit stories about how there were rules that prevented me from defending anyone for that kind of charge until after I had X years of experience, other rules about how if I patronize this establishment then I can't ethically be in a lawyer-client relationship with someone who works there because they may be adverse to the ownership at some point, etc. etc..

On the days when she claimed she was docketed with all these bizarre accusations and next proceedings, I never saw her at the courthouse, and I made sure I was there. In fact, for one date that she said was "hearing to counsel detrimental" (which I translated in my head as "hearing to determine counsel") the docket for the only duty-judge showed nothing except 100% drug-court pro-se defendants (piss-in-a-cup day), so she probably could not have had that event on the docket that day.

I still haven't figured out her actual motivation. Your guesses?

avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I wonder which has the higher lie count, one shift in a strip club, or one US Presidential debate.

What I don't understand is why so many complain about "Hi, wanna dance?" I LOVE that, exactly for the reason discussed in this thread. For those who hate it, have you seen the movie "Take the Money and Run"? When Woody Allen gets locked up with an insurance salesman instead of put in solitary, do you not get the joke?
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I heard a dancer was in a child custody dispute. She asked me if I thought if she showed the judge that she had a stable work history as a dancer if that would satisfy the judge. I was like, I don't know. Would working 2 years as a exotic dancer prove to the judge that you are a stable parent with a stable work history? We all know how reliable some dancers are. I don't know how that went over.

Years ago I had a dancer in the car with me and as we drove past somewhere she blurted out, "it's up to you, if you want to give me $100 bucks I could give it to dancer xyz because she didn't have enough money to pay back her drugs (or whatever). She's probably going to get beat up pretty bad but it's up to you if you want to do anything about it." Me, nahh. Her, ok.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
@ Book Guy: Great story! But, sorry I don't have any guesses as to the stituation you described. Your guess is a very good one.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago next time someone tells you they have a $4000 electric bill tell them they should have plenty of money frim the weed they sold to pay it. Then say you should be paying me for dances
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
One said her mother died in a car crash
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Rent, Car payment, sick child are the most common in that order.
avatar for Experimental
12 years ago
haha! Motorhead I saw your comment and my first thought was she grows weed. Crazyjoe stole my thunder though lol.
avatar for angeldiaz
12 years ago
This is so horrible I'm reluctant to post it but yeah I will anyway.

There was a girl in Atlanta a few years back, I know her real first and last name because this craziness was actually in the papers. As in it made the news. She worked at Tattletales on Cheshire Bridge. I'm not going to print her name but you can probably google the story and find it. Cute girl but kinda pudgy. And weird as fuck. She lost her job at Tattletales after some crazy shit went down with a customer there. Apparently, she got close to him, like he used to come in and spend money on her, and then she convinced him it was her sexual fantasy to be abducted and raped. As in, fake abducted, fake raped. I'm sure you can all see where this is going. This guy was a portrait of a PL, late 40's she's like he decides to accomadate her. Ties her up and drives her to his cabin up in North GA or something like that. Somewhere in all this she winds up accusing him of actually assaulting her, and while the police are sorting the whole thing out (they eventually drop the charges)his wife files for divorce. They'd been married like 30 years. I felt bad reading the article, a reporter talked to his wife and she said something about they have a daughter this girl's age. I got the impression his wife didn't even know he went to sc's.

Ok so anyway this stripper starts working at Follies but many of the girls know who she is. She has numerous strange stories, like that she's a model and an EMT. Ok. Then one day she's gone for a couple of weeks and pops back up hanging out at the bar in her street clothes... telling people her son died, that he was in a car accident, hit by a drunk driver. She was telling numerous random customers, it's not like her and I had a special rapport... I'm not sure what she was looking for. As much as I hate to think someone would lie about that...I think she was lying. hell she was willing to get a guy tossed in jail for some sick thrill. Certifiable.
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