
Counting Songs

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 3:37 PM
Rod's comment – “… I can vouch for Go Go Rama in Laurence Harbor. $20 full-friction/hands-on LDs are 5 mins long (timed by a monitor) and not tied to songs …” – on the thread - [view link] I personally believe a system for knowing how many songs one gets is a very good idea. I am a white Hispanic guy in my early 40s but love going to black SCs – but I often encounter two problems: 1) mostly b/c of my age, I am not really into hip-hop music. I don't necessarily mind it (hip-hop), but I am not familiar with the songs or type of music and thus it's difficult for me often times to know when a new song starts or if it's still the same song 2) being a whitey in a black club, a lot of times the sistas try to over-count me – not the norm – but happens a lot. I would love if there was a simple system for the custie to easily keep track of the songs rather than depending on the dancer to let one know how many songs it was. Since DJs tend to talk so much crap, I think it would be useful for them to say/announce each new song when they start playing one. a) does anyone have issues with over-counting other than once in a blue moon? b) like Rod, has anyone seen a system which is helpful in keeping track of songs?


  • Dolfan
    11 years ago
    I don't have an issue often, but sometimes it happens. In some cases I'll simply tell them to confirm the count before the start of the next song - ie "this will be three" at the start of the third song.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I've really only ever had a huge problem with a ROB at the Monus Venus. Just once. I counted the songs, even tipped her, and she claimed I still owed her money. But doesn't happen much. I know people's dislike of the Deja Vu chain. But some have installed "vending machines". The dancer loads money and the time ticks down. Protects both dancer and customer.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    @motor... yeh, but the DV I went to the songs were only like 3 mins if that for $20+tip. @papi... nice factoid about the GGR.. been curious about GGR for a long time but just so far away. RE OP: The place I used to frequent before the xATF fallout has the LD area right next ot he DJ stand. You pre-pay a set number of songs, and the DJ will call out (not over the speaker system) when the time is up.
  • Kinsact
    11 years ago
    Club I frequent the dancers have to scan their cards before going to do LD's or VIP's. They scan again once over to determine how much you've gotten but there's also a digital clock in the LD area so you can keep track yourself. VIP area the guy at the desk is supposed to yell when your VIP is over. If you run over the 15/30 min your supposed to pay $25 bucks for every song over you went. Or the stripper has to pay the overage at the end of the night.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    This is y you buy them one at a time
  • rl27
    11 years ago
    All the clubs I visit, and at the time I visit, the DJ's either call a new dancer on stage or say the name of a new dancer up the next song, toward the end of each song, which makes it fairly easy to determine when each song ends. So I just count off each song. If I happen to with a dancer whose moves are so distracting that I forget what the song count is, I'll keep a running count on me left hand.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Put me down for 10 shares and margin call the lap dances if they drop below $2 a share.
  • Lionshare
    11 years ago
    At tootsies, in the upper level the bouncer counts the songs. Dont know how well that works as I just get a full set. I wait until a new dancer gets on stage, when the dj announces a new dancer then I know Ive had three songs. Everyone is happy.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Vending machines & timers make the whole thing just too clinical. What's next? A machine that you just stick your dick in?
  • Otto22
    11 years ago
    I have read other places that the DV meters are set for two minutes 20 seconds.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Gater and shader spot on
  • sinclair
    11 years ago
    Otto22, that sounds about right. I was surprised how quick dances were at DV/Hustler. I think the meters are actually a way for the club to determine the dancers' payout rather than fair time for the customers. All DV clubs take a percentage of every dance from the dancer (it is their business model). The girls must insert a key that identifies them before you can insert the bills into the lap dance meter machine. I'm guessing each key somehow identifies each dancer and records how many dances she did so the club knows at the end of the night how much to pay her (eg. 70% of her lapdance revenue, then the club keeps the other 30%).
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    It happens all the time. Usually the girl tries to slip one in but a couple of weeks ago the troll at the desk by the dance booths started the count as we walked by even if the song only have 20 seconds left and them tried to charge the girl. I happened to be standing there when the girls said we did 4 songs and the troll said 5. I stepped up and said I counted 4 because the "first song ended 10 seconds after we sat. The troll said that does not matter and I said call the manager and we will see what matters. The troll then backed off as it was trying to rip off the dancer. When I later was leaving the manager asked me how my evening was (I had been there a couple of hours and had gotten dances) and I told him about the booth troll and got a hard look and stated he would deal with that as he would make sure that does not happen to anyone else.
  • umissedaspot
    11 years ago
    I've never been in a club where anybody but the dancer and I kept track. It would seem so weird I can't see how I could enjoy the dances.
  • JackKash
    11 years ago
    I've had meters in Hustler in New Orleans and a Rhino in Sunnyvale - The NOLA one seemed fast to me, especially since we didn't start at the beginning of a song. The Rhino though did seem like a good amount of time. Kahoots in Ohio had a light system, and I think the guy at the entrance kept tabs - if you wanted to extend, the girl would have to go tell him. Someone said clinical - also to me, seemed a bit like "Beat the Clock."
  • rl27
    11 years ago
    Kahoots in Ohio has a time clock the dancers use to clock in at the start of the first song, they then clock out and pay the tip out at the end of the last song. It's stupid and irritating for both customers and dancers. The worst part is if you get an 2 for 1 uptime dance and decide to extend it. The dancer has to clock out at the end of the uptime and then clock back in for the regular dance. The one good thing about Kahoots is the old guy who runs it keeps good tabs on customers and dancers who get out of line. The fact that he tries act like some kind of 1940's era mobster running a nightclub, is also very entertaining.
  • Rod8432
    11 years ago
    I didn't really think of the Go Go Rama system as being good for accurately counting LDs, but you're right, the DJ keeps track so there's never an issue of miscounting that I've been aware of. The way they do it is a light is on over the LD chair, which goes out when the session stars. It comes on again when it's done, and if the customer wants another dance, he tells the dancer who then twirls her hand in the air signalling the DJ to turn the light off for another round. In Indianapolis, Brad's Brass Flamingo has a guy sitting at the entrance to the LD room and he keeps track, because he's collecting $5/dance from the girls as they come out. Never had a problem there with miscounts, either.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I’ve never had an issue when getting LDs in a separate LD room where there is a club employee keeping count. It’s only been when getting LDs in the main room and is only the dancer (and I) keeping count. I tend to go to a lot of dives where there is no separate LD room or an employee keeping count and this is where I’ve had some issues.
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