Floridas gun laws and the stand your ground law are going to be changed, and pretty soon too I think. I assume Gov. Scott will be replaced by a Democrat in the coming election. With the Zimmerman trial and other factors on the horizon I expect a full on assualt against gun owners and Stand Your Ground.
I for one, will not back down to anyone who thinks I should be on some national or universal registry. I will protect my right to bear arms.
FYI England has a virtual total ban on guns and the murder rate is almost the same as here. In Soviet Russia only the government and criminals had guns and they used them to slaughter hundreds of thousands of helpless starving people.
The way to stop gun and other violence is to:
1} All mass murderers become a John Doe during the trial to the media eliminating the moment in the spotlight they desire. 2} Prosecute these crimes as hate crimes and publically HANG the offenders. Stop treating them like rock stars IE the cunt Jodi Ares. 3} Treat mental illness don't ignore it. 4} People must stop ignoring the problem and leaving it the "authorities". The "authorities" cannot be everywhere and until people start taking responsibility for themselves the problem will not be solved. One off duty cop, trained armed employee or trained armed volunteer (parent, custodian, teacher ...) wandering the school halls would have stopped the CT attack. Simple you make it known there is an armed guard in the building and the cowardly bag of shit would have gone elsewhere. If all schools make it known there are armed personnel on site that takes schools off the list of easy targets. I guess #4 is to simple a solution for bureaucrats to embrace since they always look to big brother to save them. I would bet good money many employees would take up the security roll if the schools would simply pay for training and certification. If government is the solution it must have been a dumb question!!
last commentHis ho's vagina was too loose
His cock wouldn't fit
So he played with clit
And stuffed it with a big cucumber
I for one, will not back down to anyone who thinks I should be on some national or universal registry. I will protect my right to bear arms.
FYI England has a virtual total ban on guns and the murder rate is almost the same as here. In Soviet Russia only the government and criminals had guns and they used them to slaughter hundreds of thousands of helpless starving people.
The way to stop gun and other violence is to:
1} All mass murderers become a John Doe during the trial to the media eliminating the moment in the spotlight they desire.
2} Prosecute these crimes as hate crimes and publically HANG the offenders. Stop treating them like rock stars IE the cunt Jodi Ares.
3} Treat mental illness don't ignore it.
4} People must stop ignoring the problem and leaving it the "authorities". The "authorities" cannot be everywhere and until people start taking responsibility for themselves the problem will not be solved. One off duty cop, trained armed employee or trained armed volunteer (parent, custodian, teacher ...) wandering the school halls would have stopped the CT attack. Simple you make it known there is an armed guard in the building and the cowardly bag of shit would have gone elsewhere. If all schools make it known there are armed personnel on site that takes schools off the list of easy targets.
I guess #4 is to simple a solution for bureaucrats to embrace since they always look to big brother to save them. I would bet good money many employees would take up the security roll if the schools would simply pay for training and certification.
If government is the solution it must have been a dumb question!!
To late...
Probably an influx of Californians running from the state they already fucked up.