Should We Be Jealous of Dancers' BFs or Should They Be Jealous of Us?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Reading Dougster's post (…) about a dancer's BF threatening to “kill him” if he (Dougster) ever slept w/ his stripper GF, and the dancer telling Dougster “not to worry about him (the BF)”; and also having read similar posts on the board in the past, makes me wonder how seriously some of these dancers take their BFs and if we, the custies, may actually often get better treatment and even more respect, than the BF?

Any thoughts?


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avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I'm certainly not jealous of any stripper's boy friends.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Reading Dougster’s post ( about a dancer’s BF threatening to 'kill him' "

Most interesting! ;))
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Trust me,it's not what you think.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
"Reading Dougster’s post about a dancer’s BF threatening to “kill him” if he (Dougster) ever slept w/ his stripper GF"

lmao now THATS comedy!
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
My atF's BF spent a year in jail and she developed 3 "regulars" who she met OTC weekly. She told the BF about us and I even met him a couple of times. After a month or so he asked her to stop seeing me, "cuz i meant too much to her". Of course she lies to him and still sees me, but hes jealous of her feelings for me. He has called me when he first got out asking me to not give her money cuz she was spending most of it on heroin. She's 27 years old and generally able to make her own decisions. She's now on methadone but still litres through money.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Trust me,it's not what you think."

How would you KNOW?

avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
probably varies from individual to individual. Then again, is a drug-addicted/criminal-loving/'whore' really something to get jealous over?
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"I'm certainly not jealous of any stripper's boy friends."

Ditto with what shadow said.

I don't think I could handle my SO crawling all over other guys for a living, nevermind whatever these guys are trying to do to her. And yes, a lot (though not all) of these girls have issues of one sort or another, which their SOs have the pleasure of dealing with.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I've often wondered about whether we or the boyfriends should be jealous. The boyfriends get the sex for free, and the dancers spend money we give them on the boyfriends. But we customers don't have to deal with all the drama and drunkenness and bad decisions of the dancers. We spend a certain amount of money and get certain services. If we're not satisfied, we find someone else. And we don't have to live with a woman who's sucking guys every night in the strip club.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"The boyfriends get the sex for free, and the dancers spend money we give them on the boyfriends. But we customers don't have to deal with all the drama and drunkenness and bad decisions of the dancers."

I don't pay for the sex, I pay for them to leave when it is done. Also, if what I read on the pink site is to be believed, some of these BFs aren't even getting the sex that regularly anyway as their GFs are often too disgusted/tense/tired/fucked up, after being grabbed, poked, prodded, licked, kissed, sucked on, etc.,by customers all night, to really want it anyway. And yes, let's not forget the girls who perform p4p ITC and OTC - sloppy fifths anyone? LOL.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
avatar for cnyknight
12 years ago
i hate to admit this but i just met a dancer, she is just my type and im jealous of her fiancee ... i asked her if she does anything otc but no such luck. ill still spend on her i suppose just to feel her up and to chat but def feeling like a pl thinking like that.
avatar for Djscudmaster
12 years ago
aeverytime I started a relationship with a stripper I was never jealous of guys touching here. In fact I liked it. The attention they got and Me knowing I was dating/fucking her exclusively. I only had two girl friend strippers that I spent alot of time at the club visiting them because they asked too. The others I just left alone. My last gf atleast one night although she had made decent money in the afternoon started to get avoided by some patrons who were jealous that I was making out with her and having FUNN atlesat twice that night in front of thier faces. But the most jealousy I got to witness was with a perfect 10 I was dating sone 19 years ago who was married and patrons thought I was screwing her and were jealous and acted upon it night over night.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
they should be jealous of us. If the stereotype you guys present is true, then we have WAAAAAY more money than these broke bums, who only have one enjoyment which is sex, while us strip club reckloose throw around what they wish they had for days. But realistically, I can't be jealous because these days, a lot of non strippers look better (and smell better than strippers. Sad but true to life statement)
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