A new strip club is about to open in Austin that is supposed to be country themed. I'm not a big fan of country music, but I can appreciate it better than most of music played in strip clubs. I saw their facebook page and it said that their dancers and waitstaff will all be fit. Good luck with that one.
Still, being country themed, it might attract better looking dancers. I say that because practically all the dancers I have seen stage dance to country music were 8's, 9's and 10s. I just don't think I can spend hours in a country bar.
In Austin though, the country bars are very urban. They will mix in a few of the popular rap/hip-hop songs along with the country songs. Hearing rap in a country bar takes some getting use to. Afterall, I figured if I had heard the N-Word in a country bar then it would not be a good situation for me!
Hmm. I either like that music or not. Depends on my mood. If the club plays only that sugary crap with twangy guitar that passes for today's country music then I guarantee you I won't stay in there very long.
As for classical, why not? I could go with some Bartok...
I can't possibly imagine anyone doing country night all night, every night. My favorite club tried having a country music night, and not all that long ago, but I was told they no longer do that because it didn't help draw people in. This is in a real rural part of Iowa, where country is presumably the music of choice amongst the local population. I think part of it is the fact most people who like country music like more than just country music. I have plenty of redneck relatives and while country is their top music, they do listen to other stuff, often along the lines of hard rock/heavy metal. Besides, as people have said, country music is not good lap dance music. And that doesn't count the fact the stuff they play on country radio today should properly be called Nashville pop, because that's what it is.
In the end, I don't see this going on for long, although being this is Austin, Texas, Austin's weird enough (from what I've been told) that it just might work there.
They should start a strip club that plays only jam bands. Think about the length of the lapper you could get when the extended live version of "Freebird" comes on.
And classical...that could have advantages for some works. Count me on on Wagner day. Doesn't get cooler than hot chicks stripping to the ring cycle!
Personally, I love country girls so I wouldn't be bothered by a country theme. If I can handle Asian clubs and their music, I can handle country & western, no problem. Just clean the shit off the shit kickers & we're all good. Yeefuckinhaw!
That new club is being build right on the IH 35 access road (south bound); right below Britton ln (where P10 is located) and a few blocks down from Rick's (opposite side of the road). Right at the Round Rock/Austin city limits. According to one of the managers, they will not play 100% country but every third song will be a country song.
I go to strip clubs because my i0od is broken. I turn my head dowjn as all the girls waltz about. I'm too gentlemanly to see them sweating half naked from their ballroom dance recietal.
I just want to say that its just my opinion and taste as far as want I want i a strip club. I am not in any way attracted to booty shakin' dancers. Andi I have no love of rap music. If that's your thing, more power to you. But we each frequent strip clubs due to our own desires.
It's just that these days MY desires- the desires that make me want to do something as irrational as spending $20-$25 dollars on a lap dance- are not present in a strip club.
“… According to one of the managers, they will not play 100% country but every third song will be a country song …â€
That is pretty much the exact same format used at Baby Dolls Dallas. I personally didn’t like it and neither did a lot of the dancers I spoke with about it. But BDs is a good club so one has to put up w/ some of the shit one does not like.
last commentAs for classical, why not? I could go with some Bartok...
You're not there for the naked women, are you?
And even if I like a particular country song – I definitely think they *don’t* make good LD songs.
Even though I am not a big fan of hip-hop – I have to admit it is good for the dancers to move and grind to.
I also don’t think one will find many (actually any) black dancers there.
Do you know where and when? I hope it is open before I get out to Austin.
In the end, I don't see this going on for long, although being this is Austin, Texas, Austin's weird enough (from what I've been told) that it just might work there.
And classical...that could have advantages for some works. Count me on on Wagner day. Doesn't get cooler than hot chicks stripping to the ring cycle!
That's another reason for me to continue to stay out of strip clubs in Austin.
It's just that these days MY desires- the desires that make me want to do something as irrational as spending $20-$25 dollars on a lap dance- are not present in a strip club.
That is pretty much the exact same format used at Baby Dolls Dallas. I personally didn’t like it and neither did a lot of the dancers I spoke with about it. But BDs is a good club so one has to put up w/ some of the shit one does not like.