Getting Rid of a Camper
North Carolina
I have been going to this one club for a while, PP in Columbia and there are two good gals that I have got dances from in the past that I did very much enjoy but am kinda bored with them. As soon as I show up one or the other is in my face like white on rice. They are hard to get rid of and this is while standing at the bar. If I have a seat they can linger for like 30 to 45 mins before they get the idea of no dances today. Does anyone have a polite way of moving these dancers on with out really pissing them off. They are pretty hot but I am ready for some new blood to enjoy. Any ideas would be helpful.
Or is it even an analogy? did you just expose your method to kidnapping strippers?
You are a *customer* to them and *nothing* else.
They are only trying to take your money, as much of it as they can. You don’t have to be “polite†about not letting them take your $$$ if you don’t want to spend it.
Do you think they would be “camping out†if you told them you didn’t have any $$$ - they would blow you off (not in a good way) in a nanosecond.
It is *business* and nothing more – especially to 99% of them (nothing wrong with that – just the way it is).
Being a “nice guy†in a SC is like being a nice guy in prison – you *will* be taken advantage off if you don’t stand your ground.
While I agree with Papi, it is a business, some of these girls really want your business and have no qualms about badmouthing you to other dancers. Generally, that shit is overcome quickly with a little money - but IME the effort to gently send them away is worth the time to avoid the hostility of others. There's obviously a limit though.
I don’t think they would feel bad about you going home broke, IMO?
If you keep avoiding former favorites, they sometimes disappear for good.
@sclvr - I've tried that line before and you got it right - every single dancer that I've said that to called me on it the next time I saw her.
"I'm waiting for someone else". Good line, use it often. If y'all use the "I have no money line", it can backfire horribly.
Tell them Dakota says hi
Unless a dancer is rude to me, I am always respectful and polite. However, if I do encounter a 'camper', I have no qualms on telling her I'm playing the field (followed by 'maybe next time' if I do like her). If they get offended, so be it. It'll only save me money and time in the long run.
In case you may not be aware of it, look at sometime.
It is a website/message-board for dancers.
Reading a few things/posts on there from dancers’ perspective may give customers a sobering view of how dancers view us and where we lie in the pecking order (wayyyyy down).
If I am not looking for a particular dancer, and if I would still consider getting a dance from another day, and I let her camp until I see a dancer I want a dance from. This keeps the "wanna dance" girls away.
If she hasn't figured it out by the time I see a dancer I want to get a dance from, I'll then tell her I am going to get a dance from the other dancer, and if she still doesn't get the hint, I'll call the other dancer to my table and ask her for a dance.
I resorted to maybe later after that.
Now having said that, there are nicer ways to move them along. If a girl that I am not interested in sits uninvited and is not getting the hint after a few minutes, I smile and let her know, calmly, that I'm sorry, but that I'm looking to chill out by myself for a while. Sometimes they look at me startled, or unsure, at which point I look them firmly in the eye (again smiling and calm) and repeat myself. This virtually always works and I don't often get bad reactions - it is as much about delivery as the message.
As a side note, the problem with "not right now" is that some of them see that as an invitation to come back later and some will even try to wait it out. And "I'm waiting for someone" can backfire if the girl asks who you are waiting for and offers to get her for you, which some of the savvier dancers will do as they know that this line is often BS.
The combination of friendly but firm and direct works out well for me. In most cases, calmness and a smile will allay any bad reactions, but you will inevitably run across a small % of girls who just do not handle rejection well no matter how kindly delivered. When this happens, c'est la vie as it is a small price to pay for not letting a girl who you do not want monopolize valuable club time.