from what I've gathered, most of you guys don't give a shit if a girl has a boyfriend/husband.
But to me that's the ultimate ender, if a girl mentions her boyfriend, that would be end of my interaction with her, in the club, outside the club, all.
No I don't expect a monogamous relationship with a whore, that's for sure, I know whores are going to be whores, and she will fuck the next guy the same way she fucked me, I get that. My problem isn't about her fucking, that's their business, I just don't like the idea of her having a boyfriend, and not only because of what could turn out in my potential interactions with him, but just, it's something that gives me a bad feeling.
With kids, I can deal with that to a degree, but I can't if the kid's father is around, something just makes me want to hurt the guy, without any logic behind it.
Luckily, boyfriend is so rarely mentioned to me, that it's almost a non issue, and if they're mentioned they're referred to as "ex".
Have you tried playing x-box with the boyfriend after you finish OTC? Maybe you would feel better about the whole boyfriend thing if you got some quality stripper BF time.
tough room, eh dalex? but really, "something just makes me want to hurt the guy"??? did you mean physically or by doing his stripper gf? perhaps you despise him because of what he lets other men do the mother of his children, but keep in mind... you're the one doing those things you don't think he should let anyone do. perhaps you're blaming him for your own failures. either way, i see years of therapy in your future.
A friend of mine has even gone fishing with the boyfriend something I would never do.
You need to get a grip on reality. There are guys they fuck for free then there are us customers.
My ATF I have been fucking 4.5 yr is married. She loves being a provider. He does not know which is key and her being married gives her stability which is a plus making her available and dependable as a mistress. She is the best whore I have had in all this. She loves to fuck, is really good, super Gfe, and has a nice tight one.
As a payer I have had past atf's who did not have bf meet some guy and fall in love. Then they ended seeing me bc of guilt over cheating on their "soulmate"
While my ATF describes him as her soulmate on fb she does not let this interfere with being my whore. This the key element that makes a good OTC ATF or whore.
Wtf,my stripper gf goes awol for a week at a time.I assume it's one of her whales,does not bother me,but I use this time to ride the mounts in my stable.Did I mention fantasy.
I once dated/banged a girl who was Married and on the phone I overheard his(Husbands) voice. I almost wantred to thank Him for having such a wonderful attractive wife. Made Me want to go visit Him and have a few beers. Lucky I didn't
@carolynne: " perhaps you despise him because of what he lets other men do the mother of his children, but keep in mind... you're the one doing those things you don't think he should let anyone do. perhaps you're blaming him for your own failures. either way, i see years of therapy in your future."
Cha-ching! Give the lady a cigar. Or other masturbatory tool of choice.
I see lots of people on here denigrating "whores" and strippers who fuck, while at the same time availing themselves of the services offered. If it's so bad, why you doin' it?
Dating a stripper is one of life's great experiences. Being in a relationship with one is something few of us would ever do. Beneath it all strippers are people too and if they find love good for them. I try to accept people for who they are and never forget that strippers lie, do not talk about fight club, and air dances are evil ;)
No youngblood,it's a fight,where the dom genes prevail.We are civil I hope.Lucky for me I could always use my brains before my braun.Now do me a favor and shut your mouth and open your ears,you fucking cunt.
I had some ROB grab my hand away from her pussy and tell me "that is only for my boyfriend you can touch my ass though". Then she told me for an extra tip she would allow full contact. Typical stripper shit.
So we are gonna bring "evolution" into the discussion. Very interesting.
Evolutionary biologists have developed the "semen displacement theory" which helps to explain why humans have a very large penis when compared to other primates. And why the human penis has a coronal ridge and the head is larger than the shaft. The coronal ridge acts as a "scoop" to remove semen deposited by another male.
So young 'un, you are sort of on the right track by talking about evolution - but you missed the mark talking about wanting to kill competing mates. Leave that to the gorillas.
No I don't think we're in the stone age, however I do know we didn't evolve much from that point, on a lot of levels we're still cave men.
It's why we have people in prisons, self defense laws, crime of passion laws, shit like that, it's never exactly a clear cut situation.
You mentioned in another one of your PMs that I can't reply to that I'm a dangerous person, no, I'm not, it's not that serious as I don't see any stripper as a potential mate, nor is there shortage of mates in the world at this point, but if you're so naive about what exactly a male human is, then I don't know what to tell you.
It used to bother me when I first started clubbing when strippers would talk about their BFs – I mean really – I am not paying for you to tell me about the guy you are fucking w/o him having to pay you.
But the more you SC and the older you get, you realize these hoes almost all have a SO – or at least you should assume they probably do even if they say o.w.
Think about it – they are young, attractive, or very attractive, women – one would think they would not have too much trouble hooking up especially if they are already loose enough to get naked for strange men.
Plus most women are much more about relationships than most men – most women need to have a guy in their lives – where most men are content with a steady supply of good pussy.
Papi, do you ask/tell them not to discuss SOs/BFs or do you change the subject. Sounds like that sort of talk doesn't bother you now. True? Did maturity change your feelings?
“… Papi, do you ask/tell them not to discuss SOs/BFs or do you change the subject. Sounds like that sort of talk doesn't bother you now. True? Did maturity change your feelings? ...â€
Some talk about it every now and then – sometimes I’ll just nod my head and let them get it off their chest (as long as it’s not my hands) .
Most of the times though I’ll just straight out tell them I rather not hear about it - unless it is a dancer I may know then I may lend her my ear. But since I like variety and go to many different clubs and hardly get dances from chicks I’ve gotten LDs from recently, I hardly get to know many, if any, dancers that I am close enough to to want to hear their BF SS.
I get alot of dancers telling me all about their BFs, husbands, or baby daddies. Sometimes I get the "I've got a GF, not a BF" line too. I really don't care either way. It used to annoy me and I would stop dancing with them if they blabbed on forever about it, but nowadays I let them talk, nodding my head like I'm actually listening, then have them fuck my brains out in VIP.
I don't think I have the right to know anything about a dancer, or what or who she does when not in my company. But if I find out a dancer is being seriously self-destructive (abusive SO, drug/alcohol addiction, etc.) I'll stop being her customer. Running short on money is a normal consequence of being self-destructive, and helping people to avoid the bad consequences of bad behavior is enabling.
I was wondering If My previous X before My last one was suffering financially at the clubs when she had to state she had a bf/s/o and they'd ignore her(Not sure if it happened). Now My last gf I bet told some patrons/customers and didn't to others. But she was/is TOO BOOTIFUL to not GET PAID
I just assume that they have a shithead live-in BF or pimp or dealer. Or they are between them. Or are looking for one. I am not sure I have run across the happy suburban housewife with husband who is cool with his wife getting freaky ITC. It is more like the screwed-up borderline chick with a couple of baby-daddies and an arrest record for assault and battery. With guys that float in and out. And none of that interests me, so why ask?
I set boundaries I won't cross if a dancer tells me she is married. One of the last times I remember, the dancer put my hands on her bare tits and told me her husband is ok with this. I hope no married dancers hooked up with me. People lie all the time.
last commentYou need to get a grip on reality. There are guys they fuck for free then there are us customers.
My ATF I have been fucking 4.5 yr is married. She loves being a provider. He does not know which is key and her being married gives her stability which is a plus making her available and dependable as a mistress. She is the best whore I have had in all this. She loves to fuck, is really good, super Gfe, and has a nice tight one.
As a payer I have had past atf's who did not have bf meet some guy and fall in love. Then they ended seeing me bc of guilt over cheating on their "soulmate"
While my ATF describes him as her soulmate on fb she does not let this interfere with being my whore. This the key element that makes a good OTC ATF or whore.
Cha-ching! Give the lady a cigar. Or other masturbatory tool of choice.
I see lots of people on here denigrating "whores" and strippers who fuck, while at the same time availing themselves of the services offered. If it's so bad, why you doin' it?
"a dented can still has food in it, and the food is still good, the dent is a mere cosmetic flaw"
Not entirely true oh junior one.
Deeply dented cabs around the seem can be a path for bacteria.
Most dented cans might be ok, but some are deadly. Same for strippers...
Indeed! LOL
If she is NOTHING but a whore to you dalex, why the fuck do you give a shit if she has in her life a BF/Husband? Hmm...? GEEZ!!
I understand that strippers are not mates, but evolutionarily that's where it comes from, doesn't it?
Evolutionary biologists have developed the "semen displacement theory" which helps to explain why humans have a very large penis when compared to other primates. And why the human penis has a coronal ridge and the head is larger than the shaft. The coronal ridge acts as a "scoop" to remove semen deposited by another male.
So young 'un, you are sort of on the right track by talking about evolution - but you missed the mark talking about wanting to kill competing mates. Leave that to the gorillas.
It's why we have people in prisons, self defense laws, crime of passion laws, shit like that, it's never exactly a clear cut situation.
You mentioned in another one of your PMs that I can't reply to that I'm a dangerous person, no, I'm not, it's not that serious as I don't see any stripper as a potential mate, nor is there shortage of mates in the world at this point, but if you're so naive about what exactly a male human is, then I don't know what to tell you.
But the more you SC and the older you get, you realize these hoes almost all have a SO – or at least you should assume they probably do even if they say o.w.
Think about it – they are young, attractive, or very attractive, women – one would think they would not have too much trouble hooking up especially if they are already loose enough to get naked for strange men.
Plus most women are much more about relationships than most men – most women need to have a guy in their lives – where most men are content with a steady supply of good pussy.
Papi, do you ask/tell them not to discuss SOs/BFs or do you change the subject. Sounds like that sort of talk doesn't bother you now. True? Did maturity change your feelings?
Some talk about it every now and then – sometimes I’ll just nod my head and let them get it off their chest (as long as it’s not my hands) .
Most of the times though I’ll just straight out tell them I rather not hear about it - unless it is a dancer I may know then I may lend her my ear. But since I like variety and go to many different clubs and hardly get dances from chicks I’ve gotten LDs from recently, I hardly get to know many, if any, dancers that I am close enough to to want to hear their BF SS.
And dalex, an alpha male doesn't have to state the fact. It is either known or you're not one.
I took what Che said as satire regarding some of the more out there "evolutionary theories". Hopefully you're just playing along.