
Are foreign language skills of any value in U.S. clubs?

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, February 6, 2013 5:13 AM
I have forgotten all of my high school German and all of the Japanese that I learned while stationed in Japan for 2 years but I do have my broken Spanish that I learned as a result of being married to a Mexican for 27 years. It seems like Spanish is the second language of the U.S. and that spills over to strip clubs. The club where I do most of my clubbing always has at least 25% latina dancers. I rarely speak Spanish to them. Preferring to be ignorant of what the are saying. Meamwhile picking up some intel that they didn't mean to give out. Once in awhile, I will throw something at them in Spanish just for the shock value. The looks are wort it. LOL. Anyhow I find that most of the Latinas speak enough broken English that I don't have to rely on my broken Spanish. Your findings?


  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    If your in manhattan, there really is no need for language in strip clubs since they all speak english anyway. Most it'll do is impress the girl and give you one less marking as a PL. Hey, the illegal russian may even want to marry you since you can understand when she says don't touch you since her english sucks donkey dick. In queens same thing, but less shock value and no brownie points well except when your speaking with that one heavily accented spanish girl who you can't understand because she only says some words in english.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    sc, Never, I repeat NEVER ask vm to translate for you! :)
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Shadow, excellent post. There are a couple of clubs in Dallas where Spanish is indeed very helpful as many of the dancers speak little English. It can also be helpful in a couple of clubs in Queens, NY, that are prone to hiring Latinas with little to no English. For that matter, I also club in some places where knowing Russian would not hurt either, especially with newer Russian dancers who have not picked up English yet.
  • txtittyfan
    11 years ago
    I think our greenbacks are a good universal language. Even with latinas with little English skills, I have never had a problem communicating my expectations.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    Spanish is so widely spoken these days I wouldn't suggest anyone assume they won't be understood just because they're speaking it. When I lived in Thailand I learned quite a bit of the language from the strippers I took home at night.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Where I live in Nevada and where I often club in Cali , spanish is practically a requirement.
  • vincemichaels
    11 years ago
    LMAO, did it occur to you that I wasn't translating everything on purpose, Clubber?
  • tenisbum1776
    11 years ago
    I speak enough Russian to get by but nowhere close to a native speaker. I congigate verbs incorrectly and my accent is horrible but most Russians can understand what I'm saying. With the increasing number of strippers in the USA coming from the FSU (former soviet union) it has come in handy in strip clubs on occasion; mostly for the shock value. One night two FSU strippers were sitting at the table next to me. They were talking about me in their native language and I understood about 80% of the conversation. Finally one of them started to stand up and said to the other (in Russian) "I'm going to go see if the fat stupid looking American wants a dance". I turned and in my best Russian replied "I only LOOK stupid." The girl immediately stopped, her eyes as wide as saucers, turned around and they both walked away completely embarrassed. One night a stripper with the stage name of "Tatiana" approached me and with her best Rocky & Bullwinkle "Moose and Squrillel" Russian accent began talking to me, trying to make me believe she was of Russian heritage. A few simple replies in Russian and she finally smiled, gave me a kiss on the neck and said, "OK you busted me". Went on to teach her how to say several choice sentences like "You are very handsome" and "You have a big dick" to help her pull her deception off better the next time :-) One night in the private dance room at The Harem, I overheard a stripper giving specific instructions to a customer who was obviously a Mexican laborer in very native sounding spanish. The girl didn't look of latin decent at all so I'm sure she either learned it in school or from her family. Kinda surprised me a little bit.
  • cnyknight
    11 years ago
    Second Languages were never my stong subject in school but I can comment on times where dancers obviously spoke other languages so customers wouldn't know what was being said. Spanish - I think this is common but a lot of people speak Spanish so not as "safe" Ukraine / Russian Girls Ive been in an area where there were a lot of Portuguese women through most of the local clubs
  • sinclair
    11 years ago
    Went to Chicas Locas, formerly Michael's International, in Houston. Almost none of the dancers or custies spoke English. It was like walking into a portal and ending up in a club in Guadalajara. My busted up Spanish got me by. Most of the dancers seemed to be recent immigrants. Went to a club deep in Quebec. I had to speak French, as very few dancers had a decent knowledge of English.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    My second language is French. That language is of absolutely no benefit to me in USA clubs. I also have rudimentary conversational German. Again, no use at all in USA clubs. Like shadowcat and others have mentioned it can be of benefit to disguise one's knowledge of a dancer's language. At a Quebec club I didn't let on that I knew French to my chosen lapdancer until we were bargaining over prices. Jokingly, the dancer let forth with 'maudite tete carree' when she realized that I was not going to be conned into paying higher prices than necessary. It was my first visit to that particular club and I had learned the normal club practices and prices by eavesdropping on dancers' conversations in French at the bar before going for lapdances. Everything worked out fine after that but that first girl 'outed' me as a French speaker. All girls who approached me after that spoke French to me. One thing that I have never been able to figure out is this. How do quebecoise dancers ALWAYS identify me as an English speaker when I show up in a French speaking club?
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Farmerart - It's either your lack of a beret or the fact that you are not rude. :)
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I have two requirements in dancers • blonde • the ability to converse in English Oral skills more important than oral skilz
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I never hear anyone speaking a foreign language in strip clubs. That is probably due to the fact I can usually only hear the DJ and whomever is right next to me. I once met a dancer from South America, I forget which country. We hit things off. She was even teaching me a few spanish words. I had fun repeating some of the words back to her such as the spanish word for pussy. The Russian girls I meet and other East European girls I meet always speak English. One dancer has on several occasions thought I pronounced my name as Victor not my actual name. That is now a giveaway to me that she isn't from around here.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    It sucks that japanese is only good for me at resturants. I don't thin I'll EVER see a japanese person at the strip club. Maybe if I go to cali...
  • Dolfan
    11 years ago
    Down here Spanish is helpful. Just Monday I was at two different clubs in Miami and couldn't converse enough with the girl to know if we were on the same page. Speaking the native tongue of a stripper can certainly grease the wheels, but I doubt its much more effective than green grease if you can get your point across.
  • yndy
    11 years ago
    @tenisbum1776- I'm impressed that you speak Russian. Would you mind sharing how you acquired that skill?
  • tenisbum1776
    11 years ago
    Two Russian wives and business interests in Moscow since 1997. I make at least 2 trips per year to Russia. My language skills are MUCH better after I've been there for two weeks and I'm forced to use the native language.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I do well in strip clubs because I'm a cunning linguist.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I wondered how long it would take for someone to drop that gem jackslash
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Spanish and Russian seem to be essential to communicating in the clubs I hit up regularly. I've learned just enough in both languages to get me into, and then out of, trouble.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    In Texas, Spanish always comes in handy because as others have noted, many Latinas immigrate here from Mexico and Central/South America. Spanish has always given me a slight advantage in these situations. However, money is always the universal language.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    vm, At the time, no, but now, of course. Were I you, I would have wanted "G" for myself. :) Sad to say I've not seen her since. I think I told you I thought I saw her working in a bank once, but haven't seen that woman in that bank since.
  • vincemichaels
    11 years ago
    I was kidding, Clubber. I am fluent in Spanish, but the rapid rate of their talking creates problems in understanding them.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    There was one club here in Nebraska where a good portion of the dancers were Mexican and you could speak Spanish with them. Apparently they found it was easier money to strip for English speaking guys than to slaughter cattle. That club is out of business. Other than that, the only place I ever went where Spanish was any use was the clubs in El Paso, which is next to the border, of course.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    vm, And just imagine how I must feel knowing a few spanish words and trying to follow anything. Of course, with "G", she used did some wonderful hand "signing", of which any man would "grasp" the meaning. :)
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Almost all the latina dancers I've met were Colombian or Venezuelan.
  • she_is_covfefe
    11 years ago
    YES!!!!! I speak five languages (well, five an a half 'cause I'm learning a 6th one), and that had made me good money.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Can be.
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