Three more joined.

avatar for Clubber
As an update, I have found TUSCL more enjoyable with my first two "ignore" uses. Three more have just joined and I expect my enjoyment to improve even more!

Likely, I will see few replies to this since those affected, well, I'll never see! :)


last comment
avatar for daddysgirl1
12 years ago
LOL!! Happy to know that I've not made the list.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
So far, no females have made it. So far, as females go, those that are tiresome, well they leave on their own.
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
Oh gee, yes, hello, seriousness.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
I hate to put people on ignore, but the flame wars are starting to drag the Forum down.

avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
I don't ignore anybody. when they're witty, the flame wars can be a fun read.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
avatar for membernumber1
12 years ago
I find myself much more irritated when people flame others, just to be an ass than when I get attacked myself. Usually because I know what I did to deserve it!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
My ignore list is growing as well! Too many faggots in these parts lately!
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Hello. Hello. Why isn't anybody posting on TUSCL any more?
avatar for txtittyfan
12 years ago
Not only does using ignore make it more enjoyable, I have found it has been just as enjoyable by not accessing TUSCL as frequently.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

Agreed. I resisted since the "ignore" became a feature. But now, it is wonderful. What is kind of funny is all the ignored posts are acknowledged, so I can still see that the jerks are active. That also is enjoyable.

If one puts someone on "ignore", I wonder if they can still PM you? Any that think they are on my "ignore" care to try?
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Clubber - it is my understanding from comments on here, that they cannot PM you.
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
I don't have anyone on ignore because I don't want to miss anything. The flame wars are never entertaining/interesting to me. Why would I get entertainment out reading posts of grown men bickering back and forth with each other?
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

I see you posted in this topic.
avatar for jabthehut
12 years ago
Wow! Clubber has put shadowcat on his ignore list. It took him only 11 years.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
I've only got one idiot on ignore, but its made a huge improvement on my overall TUSCL experience.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

Excellent "get" on your part, but I would never ignore SC. That man has Dazzled me in a sc!
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Shadowcat is a living legend.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I don't have anyone on ignore but I don't seem to be visiting as often. I guess I missed some flame wars. It can't be as bad as they once were.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
As long as there are good topics here and reasonable discussions I think most of us will hang around. But I agree that less visits here can make it more tolerable. And that's a pretty sad fucking statement to have to make.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
For me, ignore reduces the drivel. The signal to noise ratio has improved greatly. Sometimes I'll go see what an ignored user has posted lately in order to determine whether or not to unignore.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Too bad founder can't fix it so that anyone that you have on ignore is completely invisible-If I have someone on ignore I don't want to see their name pop up at all.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Well sick liver, that would be kind of hard to do because if someone quotes them or otherwise addresses poor you is going to see their name. Just man up and learn to cope.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Like gmd said, for many of us it helps completely block out that annoying background screeching, like a good pair of Bose noise-cancelling headphones.

sclvr5005- don't worry....after awhile you don't even see the ignored names anymore. They just disappear. It's like they were never there to begin with.

avatar for CondomStyle
12 years ago
oh cool. you ignored some guys then posted to tell everyone that you ignored some guy. then baited them in by telling them to try to message you. youre just as bad. now i will ignore you. faggot.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
I actually take pride in the fact that I don't ignore anyone. I like to see what everyone is saying, good or bad.

I do find it kinda funny that I've never had anything but POSITIVE interactions with clubber & pablo and they've just put me on ignore. I even gave Clubber a shout out a little while back in this thread I did for Shadow:…

Any "flame war" involving me is in good fun & they're never unprovoked. But, whatev's.

And I get huge LOL's every time someone mentions "the quality" of the forum. LOL Really?

I do agree with the point about less visits too. For the most part I stopped posting in late October through early December, and now I'm starting to have fun again.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Don't see how the ignore button helps your experience per say. Unless the person antagonizes you EVERYTIME you post something in a thread, how does that stop the arguments that people dislike so much when your non-ignored buddy is on the other side arguing with the ignored person? You still see a piece of the flames
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I don't put anyone on my ignore list, I'm just too friendly and uncaring to do so
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
That's it! Too many faggots here! I'm putting the entire board on ignore!

Look at me! Look at me! I have the biggest ignore list and biggest e-penis of them all!

avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
OH MY!!!

I appears I was called a "faggot" and now ignored by some newbie with ZERO reviews. My God, I am so hurt! The ignore line forms behind...
Joined: Jan 2013

Clubs Reviewed: 0
Total Reviews: 0

avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
"I've heard so much negativity about that site, I've never had a reason to visit. I would bet that everything you mention has been beat to hell over there already and the results are in...


These were the last words clubber said to me before he sent me to the ignorium. I just...I just can't... TUSCL is gonna be dark for me now. A dark dark place. I'm cold. I'll miss your one liners, and smiley faces.

And Pablo, how will I post knowing you'll never respond to me again? Your post were so just above average. Some very almost memorable stuff. The thrill of this site is now gone.

avatar for igloo9999
12 years ago
just recently I started to use the 'ignore' feature and about 5 or 6 people joined it rapidly because the flames that were between them were/are so bad it decreased my enjoyment so much I had to do something. Once in a while I too would check their other posts to see if they were coherent & related and because of that a couple have come back off the list.
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
Always entertaining to hear the stupid comments as well as the good comments. I love the fact that so many folks just walk right into the trap being set for them...I hope they do real life better than that.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@Estafador: "Don't see how the ignore button helps your experience per say[sic]."

For my part, aside from the spammers, it's just a case of filtering out the useless, repetitive, pointless drivel. When I log in and I see a quarter of the comments are incoherent ramblings, idiotic one-up-manship and stupid histrionics, it just saves me time when reading the list when most of that is ignored.

Admittedly, once in a while an ignored person will post something reasonable and intelligent, at least in a couple of cases, and I'll miss it, but it's just not worth wading through the mud to get to that one truffle most of the time. Ignoring allows me to see most of what goes on, at the expense of an occasional missed gem.

Like I said, every once in a while, I will either go check recent discussions and comments or un-ignore someone to see if things have changed.

Seems to work it to me.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
^^^Agreed. If someone is annoying enough to put on ignore it's worth risking missing an occasional coherent post from them. The ability to block them out far outweighs the doubtful chance that they might post something useful.
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