
Cutting down hotel costs...

Friday, January 11, 2013 7:02 AM
Sometimes hotels can be a hassle, you have to check in, check out, check in and out times, deal with all the extra fees, damages, charges. And average one costs about $100 a night, now that's okay for someone who does this type of thing maybe once a week. I know there's ones for like $40 a night but I like being in clean environments at least when I have sex, cheap hotels just disgust me, I can't really operate. But I've been thinking about doing more reasonable route & getting a 2nd apartment just for the hobby. It's not as flexible as just being able to get a hotel, like you might take a trip to a city over, then hotels are so convenient, but if you got an ATF or 2 in your city that you see frequently, I think this is perfect. I'm in midwest where some of nicest places rents are at something like $600, so economically it really make sense. furnishing it could be viewed as a one time investment for something that will last for a long time. Everybody knows it's stupid to bring a stripper to the place you sleep at, so that's the reason if you're wondering, plus you guys with families have even more reason to do this. What's your take on this?


  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I always take them to my place unless, of course, I'm out of town. I think the risks are greatly overstated. You scared of a girl?
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    I travel with my employer paying for the hotels and I get the membership points. I'm a Platinum member with Marriott and Gold with Hilton so the rooms I get free pretty much cover my extracurriculars.
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    No I just don't want her to know where I live because of unforeseen circumstances.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    I never really found the hotel route to be all that inconvenient. I am in hotels all the time and the only thing that takes any time at all is check-in. One can checkout by phone or from the room in seconds. Also, I have no idea what you mean by "extra fees, damages, charges." Other than room/sales taxes, I've never been hit with anything other than additional purchases I made (room service, movies, hotel bar, etc.). And when you are measuring the costs, obviously you would also have utility expenses and minimum cleaning needs with an apartment, all of which will increase the monthly cost. You'd probably have to be fucking strippers on at least 10-12 separate occasions per month for the economics to really make any sense at all. However, even then you would have to determine whether saving a few hundred bucks per month is worth the hassles of having to maintain a second apartment. Sounds to me like the simpler route would be just to source cheaper hotel rooms. I find great deals on priceline (name your own price option) all the time and have done ok with hotwire over the years as well. Also, some of the lower end hotels that are part of good chains, such as Fairfield Inn (Marriott) and Hampton Inn (Hilton), can offer reasonable value for clean and comfortable conditions. Good luck!
  • Doc_Holliday
    11 years ago
    Shit, dalex you a hard mother fucker with your strong pimp hand. Take that bitch and squat up in some For Sale homes while the owners are occupied. That'll show her who's the big man!
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    I actually thought about buying some houses, I mean why not? Invest in property, 2 birds at same time.
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    Red Roof Inn was always my go to place as far as hotels go. The rooms were around $50 a night, and they didn't seem dirty at all. I just bring girls back to my place these days though. Haven't had a problem yet.
  • Doc_Holliday
    11 years ago
    You fellas are going through too much trouble. There's always a dumpster behind the club you can use.
  • membernumber1
    11 years ago
    LOL Doc. Like others, I use priceline often. I typically find a hotel for less than half the going rate of a 3 star, which ends up about $5-10 cheaper than the shitty places. But...this requires a little planning and the nicer hotels dont really like to take you at 11am for a few hours. Ive contemplated the apartment route, but I prefer the idea of double dipping. Like dalex said, if you might be into flipping houses, you could set up a little room in one while you have it. Ive also considered getting some office/warehouse space and i could use a section of it for fun. I guess it just depends on how often you need a place. Dont forget the added expenses of utilities, furniture, etc. I also worry that Im too nice of a guy and I'd end up letting a girl squat there for a night or 2 or 50. Fine, but then it would be hard to bring others over! :)
  • canny
    11 years ago
    I usually bring them back to my house, but I drive, they don't drive themselves. I have security cameras on my doors and I show them to the girls on our way into the house "so that they don't get caught on them".
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Would you bring a one night stand home? I have, don't think it's that much different. I'm like Gawker though, work pays for them while I travel and I have tons of points so I can get them for free if need be.
  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    I think bidding for a room would be the way to go, but it would require that it be a definite green light since if you put in the bid and you get it, you are stuck with the room. I guess you have to nail down the OTC date, then go off and put in the bid and get it, then come back and give the girl the particulars. And some clubs are watching for any signs of girls lining up OTC, so this may require some work and deception. The bravado about bringing the girl home is all good and fine, but there is something chilling about a psycho woman who knows where you live and maybe pockets scraps of personal info when you are not looking. Not every woman is capable of "Fatal Attraction" behavior, but only one would be enough for me. Murphy's Law.
  • snowtime
    11 years ago
    I don't do the OTC thing, but I do work for myself and travel a lot. I am in a motel room about 150 nights a year . Like staxwell said the Red Roof is a very clean place at a cheap price. I stay in them over half of the time and they are usually always clean and well kept. They don't have swimming pools so you don't have as many kids running loose in the halls. They tend to attract construction workers and self employed business men who are looking for a clean, quiet place to stay at a cheap price. Priceline will get you a better room at a cheap price, but you are locked in once you reserve it, so I doubt it would work for OTC visits.
  • samsung1
    11 years ago
    I prefer motel/hotel bc of the maid service
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    ....good point If the stripper fails to show, the maid can service me for a $20 tip
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I believe if I had a separate apartment or house, a stripper would be constantly trying to stay there rent free. I remember one dancer I met a year or two ago told me she was looking for a place to stay at. I told her I lived over an hour away so she said that was too far. I thought she said something like that earlier or I wouldn't have even mentioned it, unless she asked. She probably did. I was surprised she was even talking about where I live since we never even once met up away from the club. However, she did mention she would like to among other things she said she wanted to do if she got me alone. I wasn't that into her. I believe another dancer I once knew would have bugged me to have sex with her even more than she already did if I had a local place, that is if she didn't try to move in and screw everyone else when I wasn't around. The last thing I want to do is pay for an apartment or house and be stuck with a dancer living there rent free. There could be some benefits. Then again she might invite friends over and then I might have to deal with multiple dancers and possibly who knows whom else. No thanks.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    jestie: "Would you bring a one night stand home? I have, " Let me guess, one your male janitor co-workers? Be careful with the office romances there, jestie-girl!
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I suppose one reason to rent a place might be to avoid falling asleep driving late at night. Of course that is expensive if you only go out a few nights a month. I no longer spend nights with dancers after they get off from work like I once did many years ago. Another choice would be to go to a dancers place but if she has kids or others, that may not work. I did visit my first favorite several times at her place. She sure did move around a lot. I'm glad she never asked me to help her move. The last place she stayed in was a very nice townhouse about an hour away from the strip club. I did not care for that long drive to visit her. It was 2 hours away from my place. I probably got lucky she didn't live a lot closer. She threatened to come visit me every day at my place if I lived in the same town. It probably would have been fun for a while until something happened such as her getting pregnant. I believe her coming over to my place every day could lead to something like that. I try to be cautious about dancers trying to become a girlfriend without you thinking about it.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I do remember I met one dancer who offered to clean my house topless for a fee. That could be entertaining maid service if you had a separate place. Probably too expensive for me. I think she ran an actual topless cleaning service and charged at least $100 an hour or $150. I don't remember.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I wonder how long you have to live in a house to use it for a residence? Might be an option after I can no longer deduct mortgage interest on my current home. Of course twice the work to maintain two homes.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Buy an RV. Motel on the go!
  • Experimental
    11 years ago
    Lopaw might be joking but I think she actually makes a ton more sense than the OP's idea, which is shortsighted for somebody talking about making an "investment".
  • Doc_Holliday
    11 years ago
    Lopaw - 'Buy an RV.' Get an '86 Fleetwood Bounder and take a trip on the Crystal Ship!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Back in the 70's I had a Ford 3/4 ton pickup with a self contained overhead camper on it. Besides fishing & hunting trips, I always took it to parties. I didn't ever drink & drive and the chicks thought that having sex in it was a cool idea.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    an RV isn't a bad idea.
  • crecat03
    11 years ago
    I've toyed with the idea of renting an apartment at the cheap apartment complex next to Follies in Atlanta. I live about 2 hours away and frequently go to the same general area of Atlanta for other things so I could use it most weekends. Hotels (places like Days Inn at $50/night) are still a good bit cheaper and I usually don't mind driving back and forth on the weekends.
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