To StripperWeb, With Love From TUSCL.

avatar for staxwell
Let's do this.

I'm gonna try NOT to be as big an asshole as I usually am here. I'll also try to hold back on the fucking profanity.

We talk about what we want from dancers ALL THE TIME. But aside from a few lovely ladies here on TUSCL list, no dancers are really hearing us.

Is there ANYTHING you'd like the girls over at StripperWeb to know? Any tips from the TUSCL customers POV? Any opinions on the girls at SC's and on StripperWeb are welcome. Likes or Dislikes? Anything you want new girls coming into the industry to know.

Let them know what the fuck is really up when it comes to the customers they loathe so much.

I want to say this:

1. If a customer tips you on stage, go thank him and see if he wants a dance when you get off the stage. That's probably why he gave you the tip anyway, as a heads up that he wants a dance when you're finished on stage. But, you already know that, so why deliberately miss out on the money he's prepared to give you?

2. If you just finished giving lap dances to some smelly motherfucker, please go in the back and freshen up. If you can smell him chances are that shit is gonna rub off on you, and if you come to me next I'll smell it. You don't have to be a Polar Bear to smell body odor up close. That's how I'll remember you: H.B.O. girl. Handle that shit.

3. IF YOU'RE DOING "extras", BJ's to be exact, please please please learn your craft. Putting your mouth on my cock and bobbing your head is not giving blowies. Go watch some Nina Hartley instructional videos or something. She knows what the fuck is up.

4. To the cam girl on StripperWeb who was talking about "the pus oozing" out of her newly enhanced b(.Y.)bs: That's fucking gross.

5. And stop being so harsh when you talk about us on StripperWeb. It's mean.

Fuck the radio! And fuck top 40! Nothing deflates my erection like a Ke$ha song. "Dis place is bout ta blow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-oh-oh-ooohhh!"

Alucard, you can even tell them not to drink and take prescription pills if you want.

nickifree, you hate everything, right? Let them know.

*Let's do this, then after a few days we can send this over to the pink site to declare wa...I mean, to let them know what we think.


last comment
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
Good post, stax. I couldn't agree more with number 1. I got back home from a club about one hour ago. I wasn't really feeling it, dancers were just OK. The one girl who appealed to me, I tipped her 3 one's, and she did come over and say thanks and ask my name, but she didn't ask me for a dance or sit down beside me. That was disappointing, and that's when I knew it was time to go home and watch the NBA.

By the way, I've heard of stripper web, but for whatever reason I've haven't done much reading on that site. Is it worth checking out? Anything interesting?
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
Heart breaking love & life stories, customer bashing, money loving chest thumping posturing, and some backdoor drama with a guy who pays for the site and allegedly raped one of the members he swooned.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Thanks stax, but I prefer to share my opinions with them directly. I've posted over 2000 comments over there in the last few years and have never had a problem.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
Thanks, Vikes. It's just the strippers version of TUSCL. They give each other tips, tell stories, talk about Channing Tatum, and bash and complain about customers. Pretty much what we do here, only we talk about Kate Upton and Beyonce.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
"I've posted over 2000 comments over there in the last few years and have never had a problem."

RickBoy - a lying, thieving whore - not having problems with other lying, thieving whores. Very interesting.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
LOL Stax, though the reality is that some of the most seasoned hounds on this site also post on SW. One can talk about almost anything over there - and even give the dancers a fair amount of grief - if one knows where to post certain things. I have posted about a variety of OTC topics over there as well as details about specific trips.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
"some backdoor drama with a guy who pays for the site and allegedly raped one of the members he swooned."

What? Makes me appreciate Founder even more. I bet Founder looks like Zeus; Greek chiton and all.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
I fail miserably at making jokes that don't involve the Loch Ness monster.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
@rick, once this war is over (if it even starts), I MIGHT give SW a second look.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Don't bother with #3, it's a hopeless cause. They either get it or they don't. That goes for all women.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
@jester, a fact I'm slowly learning.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
It's a different world over there, that's for sure. It's like walking on egg shells, afraid that anything you post will just piss off all the dancers - even posts in the customer sections. It presents itself as all pink and fluffy, but it's really very dark and morose over there most of the time, at least to me. Tho I still post there occasionally, I prefer the entertainment of TUSCL and the intel of zbone for my SC needs.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I'll pass. Once many years ago was enough for me.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
Okay, post it but be prepared to be bent over and ass raped with a strap on.

Those babes are brutal.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
"It presents itself as all pink and fluffy, but it's really very dark and morose over there most of the time, at least to me."

I actually noticed this too, lopaw.

shadow, what happened?
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
Lone_Wolf, that's what I was counting on. lol I want to jump into the Shark tank with an open wound. There's nothing like a nice battle this time of year.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I visited Stripperweb a couple years ago but did not enjoy it. At TUSCL we may give cynical advice, but I think we like strip clubs and strippers. At Stripperweb they are just as cynical, and they hate the customers and the clubs.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
I visit occasionally but always coming running home. They do seem to thrive on hatin' them custies.

So many seemed appalled by a little kiss on the neck or a suck on a nip, or God forbid, a kiss. Hell, the dancer I was with last weekend was kissing me on the lips but not DFK. During a break I said why don't you use your tongue a little more. She laughed and said, no problem, I'm not a mind reader. Some guys dont like it so you just have to tell me. Lol. It's that easy. I'm glad my faves aren't like the SW girls.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
I've visited there a few times. It's just, well, "boring" is the best word I can think of for an overall description.
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
I've heard so much negativity about that site, I've never had a reason to visit. I would bet that everything you mention has been beat to hell over there already and the results are in...

avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
@Clubber, persistence, brother...persistence.

I'm going to seek out the alpha female of SW. I believe she goes by title Tempest666. I'll have her head on a spike!

avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
The appear to be strongly opposed to kissing customers. So they can kiss my ass.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
"... that's what I was counting on. lol I want to jump into the Shark tank with an open wound. There's nothing like a nice battle this time of year ..."

"... I'm going to seek out the alpha female of SW ..."

LOL - Stax - you are funny man :)

BTW, Tempest666 is also on TUSCL (uses same nickname) and has a pic of herself in case you didn't know.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Getting dancers to see our p.o.v is like getting civi men and women to see things the same way, it hasn't happened since the beginning of time and it's defenitely not going to happen b/w custies and dancers.

A dancer started a thread similar to yours a while back and caused quite a stir with her dancer's p.o.v.

The name of the thread was "THINGS DANCERS ABSOLUTELY HATE" - the thread drew 157 very negative comments from the TUSCLers - I would think your thread would have a similar backlash/reaction on SW assuming it did not get blocked/banned:…
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Oh it will get blocked or banned first. They hate free speech over there. Hell, they hate truthful speech over there.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
we oughtta take bets as to how long it will take before stax is banned from SW. I predict within an hour of his post.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
I suspect that the advise about BJs is entirely irrelevent to them as the Pinkies claim that they are all "clean" dancers. None of them would ever do extras.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
I suspect that the advise about BJs is entirely irrelevent to them as the Pinkies claim that they are all "clean" dancers. None of them would ever do extras.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I went there once, saw the site and never went back. I never was really that interested in listening to a bunch of females talking unless they were talking about me.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
I was about to do some reconnaissance, but from what it sounds like I may be wasting my time. They ban & block...?

No! I can't turn back now! I must defend the honor of TUSCL.

"BTW, Tempest666 is also on TUSCL (uses same nickname) and has a pic of herself in case you didn't know."

Which will make this thing even more interesting.

I remember that thread, Papi! She set shit on fire with that one. And it's funny seeing that post I made in it and how I've been throwing shots at Jester for almost a year (if not longer).

@Otto, that's what they SAY...

@sclvr, if they were to actually let the post stay up, and if the girls respond the way I'm hoping they would be too much fun.

@deogol, that's what really makes me want to do this. The strictness of the site.

@shark, pretty much how I felt.
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
stax- So, have you joined and posted over there ? Same or different handle ?

Fyi, another "Alpha Dancer" here on Tuscl could arguably be Jay Jay Dancer (Jay 12 on pink site). She relayed nickfrees recent thread over there- nearly everyone skewered him for being a racist (dancers and "suckups" alike) without realizing that he's black!

Anyway, I'll grab some popcorn when you post your missive over there.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Minnow: "She relayed nickfrees recent thread over there- nearly everyone skewered him for being a racist (dancers and "suckups" alike) without realizing that he's black!"

Well of course - all dancers know black people buy rims and crack, not computers!
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
This is a very delicate mission, minnow. I have to do my due diligence before pulling the trigger. I do think I have an account already, I'll check soon. Jay Jay is good in my book. Anymore intel you have would be greatly appreciated (and confidential).
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