and not in, I'll suck your dick for $100 type of asking out, but more of, do you want to grab lunch together tomorrow type of asking out?
Happen to me, here's the story.
Setting: Some dive bar w/ dancers somewhere in Ohio.
So I enter this place, been there couple times before, so I grab a seat and sit down. Approached by this girl that I'm absolutely in love with the shape of her body. Okay so, she's not a beauty by any stretch, but we're talking about ass for days and titties for days, who can refuse? Not too old either, she revealed that she's 32, it's believable. Anyway, I seen her before & got dances from her before, but under much more awkward circumstances, this time it's totally different.
She sits down next to me, and just talks, we talk about bullshit and sports and whatever (yes she's a sports fan). She also tells me how she got a real job the week earlier & how she's excited about that. Eventually she asks me to use my phone, I'm like wtf but give in anyway watching everything she does, she goes to my text messages, my heart drops, but then she sends herself a text from my phone.
me: you know I'm going to need a picture to go w/ your contact now? her: alright *does a stupid pose* me: okay now I'm going to need one from behind. her: lol *turns around and bends over the chair* her: alright let me see. haha I love it.
So eventually I have to ask her for a dance because she wasn't offering. Then she complains that I'm not touching her and insists that I should. I touch her but then pull away quickly. I just wasn't in a touching mood man, I'm sorry.
So she stays there with me after couple dances and just talks. Eventually I'm ready to go & she asks me out. She's like look I'm not doing this just because you have money, but then she mentioned how she likes me and I'm a gentleman and whatever, and that she hasn't been in a relationship for 8 months now, and her last boyfriend used to beat on her. I tell her that I'll text her & we'll arrange to do something.
After that she texted me few times but I'm not interested so whatever.
Anyone ever have this happen? Share your stories please.
Dancer says "Let's meet for lunch." We agree on a date, time and place. I write it down and give it to her. She puts it in her top. Telephone call confirms the date. No show. Never heard from her again. She's hot, past 40, has a granddaughter and knows better.
Dalex now Da juice shall respond.....yes it has happend a few to many times .....its nice and very rewarding....if you get the shot go for it will enjoy
After I knew a dancer for about nine months, she asked ME if I'd take her to see a particular show where she lived. It was a long running musical featuring local talent. All of her family members had seen it--some more than once, but she never had. She thought I'd be a good candidate to take her. Most likely because the show doesn't appeal to a young age group, but she still wanted to see it. She was age 26 at the time. That lead to a very nice three year OTC relationship with her.
It has always come down to $$$ either in the short, or long, run; IME.
Strippers are used to getting paid by men (and lopaw) – and if you got $$$ (or more $$$ than she does). it is almost inevitable that she (or her drama) will hit you up for your cash – IME.
What woman takes a guy’s phone and just put their # in there? Does this happen to you in a non-SC setting? Your experience w/ her, and her behavior, is atypical – expect “dating†her would be atypical also. She is 32 - she probably knows how to get her way (and your cash) w/o making it obvious - IMO.
By the way, I still think you have way too much insight for a young guy and a SC newbie – but have no choice but to give you the benefit of the doubt.
I had that happen. She gave me a home number saying her cell phone broke when she got pissed and threw it. I called her number a dude answered lol... Later she asked why I didnt call and chewed me out. I love getting chewed out by bitches that dont know what they are talkinf about. When I told her a dude answered she acted like she didbt know who it she was busted lying and defended her lie.hahaha
It has happen to me 5 times last year. Only one of them bailed to go out for lunch. 1 dancer in particular use to go out with me when i visited Texas for vacation. She introduced me to her friends and cousins. Hell she even visited me in Arizona for couple of days. The fun stopped until she moved to Miami FL. The closes i came to that is with my ATF we go out about oncs every other month or when she calls me. The other times has been 2 dates at the most
Had it happen twice, and nothing to brag about either time. The first time, it turned out she just wanted me to buy crack for her (not my field). The second time, in Vegas, she told me I should hang out with her and her friends the next night, and gave me her number without me asking. I assumed she just wanted me to pay for her and her girlfriends to go clubbing, but called anyway just for the hell of it, and never heard back from her, which I took to mean she found some other ATM.
I has happened. Sometimes it has lead to OTC and sometimes it is just lunch (I am not looking for a full time girlfriend or mistress). Meeting at a neutral public location is a good way for her to check you out and to see if she wants to go further.
I'd say half the dancers I've hung out with outside the club, initiated it. I remember some here or at SW said 'the dancer always decides' that's bullshit. Dancers are women, and women don't always know what they want, so sometimes you need to give them options. But don't go looking for dates in a strip club. Only about 1 out of 10 or 20 will do it. They get hit on all the time by guys with bigger dicks, fatter stacks of cash, and deeper sacks of blow.
OP, I submitted an article about Black Belt strippers. Sounds like you ran into one.
I've been asked out to lunch/dinner on a few occasions. Flattering at first until I quickly remember no smoking hot young dancer is going to want to hang out with me OTC unless there is financial incentive involved.
Even if true, I wouldn't want to "date" these babes due to the drama. I have had several OTC dates that were fucking blasts though. Few things are more fun than partying with sexy dolls that are up for drinking and having a good time. The stares I get from other customers are worth the cost alone.
I do believe these girls like to go to nice places with guys with cash that can hold a decent conversation. Seems like they don't get out much.
this post makes me sad. i got a strippers number a week ago. she texted me. i usually am smart and dont worry about it. but reading the replies, i am losing hope. we had planned on going out this weekend but didnt say anything to her because the weather is shit today and i assumed it will be tomorrow
last commentThen punch him in 24 hours
Lol @dalex, me and my cousin waited an hour outside a record store for that CD the day it came out.
@Juice, give him a chance lol
In honesty I like the kid and love giving a good comedy show Dalex just happens to be my boy right now
Oh yeah and they think I have drugs for them lol.
LOL. .......
It has always come down to $$$ either in the short, or long, run; IME.
Strippers are used to getting paid by men (and lopaw) – and if you got $$$ (or more $$$ than she does). it is almost inevitable that she (or her drama) will hit you up for your cash – IME.
What woman takes a guy’s phone and just put their # in there? Does this happen to you in a non-SC setting? Your experience w/ her, and her behavior, is atypical – expect “dating†her would be atypical also. She is 32 - she probably knows how to get her way (and your cash) w/o making it obvious - IMO.
By the way, I still think you have way too much insight for a young guy and a SC newbie – but have no choice but to give you the benefit of the doubt.
@pabloantonio I don't have a big dick & if she felt any thing it'd be rather average sized dick.
I've been asked out to lunch/dinner on a few occasions. Flattering at first until I quickly remember no smoking hot young dancer is going to want to hang out with me OTC unless there is financial incentive involved.
Even if true, I wouldn't want to "date" these babes due to the drama. I have had several OTC dates that were fucking blasts though. Few things are more fun than partying with sexy dolls that are up for drinking and having a good time. The stares I get from other customers are worth the cost alone.
I do believe these girls like to go to nice places with guys with cash that can hold a decent conversation. Seems like they don't get out much.