strip club proverbs

avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
If one wants true wisom one must avoid the fuckin ATM


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avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
Thou shalt not sit at the stage least ye be considered a pervert.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
He who cums last, wins.
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
Two letters shall give you great powers to control your destiny; the two letters shall be N and O.
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
With some online checking accounts, you can technically use a strip club ATM and get the entire fee refunded at the end of the billing cycle. I've only ever resorted to using a strip club ATM a handful of times, but I don't see it as such a bad thing if you can either get the fee refunded or if it isn't too high. There's the risk that the machine is rigged in some way, but there is no way any club can get away running a business like that for too long in the US.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
If you get offered a $50 blowjob and don't partake thou shalt be gay witch is a abominable sin
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
thou shall be respectful to all at the titty bar. except the shot girls, those bitches don't add any value to the experience.
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
If thou encounters a bathroom troll, thou shalt tip him a dollar, for he is a greater PL than you.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Thou shalt not.covet thy nahbours stripper
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
never eat yellow snow
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Thou must sleep with your stripper and her sister or thou will.burn in hell
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
One shall not fall in love with a stripper.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
"Do what thou wilt", pastor. Spread the word.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Fuck more whores!
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
Fear not the cust upon the seat, lest it be not from the frosting of thy cinnamon bun!
avatar for vinstud
12 years ago
Take only the amount of cash you want to spend and don't take an ATM or Credit Card.
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
Thou shalt not wear jeans, nor briefs, nor boxers, nor a finicky belt; neither shall ye whip it out uninvited.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Thou shalt not cum in thy pants or upun the floor but only into.her lips
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
Beware the blue pill; thy perpetually hard dick does not convey wisdom, nor discernment.
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
When the serpent called Bartender asks, "Buy the lady a drink?", thou shalt look to the lady for a sign. And if the lady doth spit in her palm, the sign is given.
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
If a booty shakes mightily, thou shalt make it rain. But if they complexion is pasty or thy cap says Peterbilt, thou shalt let others go before you.
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
Covet yee not large boobs in thy pursuit of extras, for the boobs are like a golden calf. Truly I say, boob size does not matter. This is the word of the bored.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Fuck em before they fuck you.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Veryly verly I say unto you if you don't Fuck again thou shalt be soft for all eternity
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Ya I say that Cash is thy king and all the girls shall worship it.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Look at HarryDave spamming like the retard that he is.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
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