With some online checking accounts, you can technically use a strip club ATM and get the entire fee refunded at the end of the billing cycle. I've only ever resorted to using a strip club ATM a handful of times, but I don't see it as such a bad thing if you can either get the fee refunded or if it isn't too high. There's the risk that the machine is rigged in some way, but there is no way any club can get away running a business like that for too long in the US.
When the serpent called Bartender asks, "Buy the lady a drink?", thou shalt look to the lady for a sign. And if the lady doth spit in her palm, the sign is given.
Covet yee not large boobs in thy pursuit of extras, for the boobs are like a golden calf. Truly I say, boob size does not matter. This is the word of the bored.