Free market pricing in an SC, what would happen?

avatar for tusclfix
This came up in a discussion with a friend.

Say dancers can set their own prices, and they can even vary prices by customer. What would happen?

I thought there would still be tiers as different people have different means, preferences and attribute different values; while dancers would have different characteristics, needs, tolerances, etc. I cite varying pricing of escorts.

My friend thought everyone would end up doing cheap dances with extras. He says in an extras club, eventually almost everyone does extras or they leave.


Are there any clubs that operate on this model? I don't know of any myself.


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avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
My experience from honey's is that if management doesn't clamp down and even if there are only a couple of girls willing to do them, then in a very small amount of time about 80-90% of them will be doing them, regardless of looks. Extras are that big an attraction to guys and money that scarce and morals that lax.

I would love to see a mathematical model showing some game theory as to how it "deteriorates " so fast.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
Yes. Stage tips, sky's the limit. Lap Dances more commonly set but can vary in clubs, PT's for one - lap dances range from $20 to $40 depending on the girl and location. Clubhouse the same $20-$30. VIPs are always negotiable with the girl but the house fee is standard. And of course, it's been written numerous times here blow jobs and fucking can run whatever the dancer charges. Strip clubs are hands down one of the freest market places there is.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I don't think clubs like you mention can last long. Attract too much LE interest.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Am only guessing since all the membership here doesn't detail what they pay to each individual dancer for each individual experience. I believe that dancers already charge differently on a person by person basis.

In certain parts of the country your friend is pretty much correct about prices and Xtras. Detroit is an example.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
It's actually a pretty tight range of what girls charge. Big myth that hot girls charge significantly more if at all. Outliers on the upside are almost certain to be robs. Outliers on the downside almost certain to be smack addicts. Otherwise your FS will fall in a pretty tight $100 range (I.e $25 standard deviation).
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
Lol, $100 FS. The girls must be doing really shitty in the clubs otherwise to be offering $100 FS.

avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
How about a link detailing the stats presented above.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Dude, a $100 range, didn't say the median was $50, more like $200 in these parts. Lower if you get a regular.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Oh, absolutely, drac, let me get right on that.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
Maybe I misunderstood the question. As far as whorehouses in Dallas, the free market seems to benefit the most by the very nature of the legality of whoring. From the dancer's perspective, you can earn more teasing as long as you can cope with the constant advances from the customers knowing it's a whorehouse. From the smart whore's perspective, you can earn more by pretending to be only a dancer and getting the customer to pay more to turn you into a whore. From the dumb whore's perspective you make the same or less than a dancer because you have no work ethic and end of month is here and you need to suck sixteen cocks to make rent.

Then of course, management and law enforcement periodically pretend to give a shit, crack down, and the whore house is just a strip club for a period of time and the whores move on.

So in short, it's a variable free market that rolls in waves.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Won't dancers only sell just enough dances in that model for guys to figure our that they do provide the full enchilada? I knew some girls like that (even today) when Seattle was at its baddest - some guys don't want extras (maybe married guys and others worried about STDs) - but there can only be a small number of them since most of your market will go for extras if they know they are available in that club.
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
I think it would trend toward the lowest common denominator with 10's getting a reasonable premium.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Would certainly help your credibility to provide a link to your stats. Otherwise I presume the stats are a product of your imagination.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Sounds like a false dichotomy alutard.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
Doug - if you mean the model here, 1) it's really not well known which clubs are whorehouses and when. Rick, for one, claims all the action here is OTC. 2) smart whores don't hit up regulars just tourists and those that can afford it, then they are upfront 3) dumb whores hit up the regulars and get the usual rate -- blow jobs are offered somewhere around $50-$100. Hand jobs run the flat dance rate (i shot you not) to $50. Never had an offer for sex, but one time a bitch lived with me a couple days and stole $300-400 and maybe $100 worth of other bullshit then ran off with a disconnected phone and no contact info. Moral of the story, don't let an out of town stripper stay with you unless you know her family or her really God damn well.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Your addressing me again now. "Changed man/just ignore him" play breaking down already? Don't blame you really, did poke at you quite a bit. Welcome back whatever the reason. Now let's get some serious fucking flaming going!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Doc: "Rick, for one, claims all the action here is OTC"

You mean Dugan? He's not exactly the guy I would cite for having much credibility. Likes to think things are harder/sacrcer than they are. Guess if makes him feel he had accomplished more when he does reel something in offt the line. Not saying he is necessarily wrong, but I would look at what more grounded minds have to say first and take his claims with a grain of salt.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I think it's the way to go, but there has to be a rule that agreement to the price by dancer and custy is witnessed by a VIP door attendant before any dancing starts.
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
I think as others have pointed out, in certain cities many of the clubs already have free market pricing. It's a grey market inside the clubs. The set rate is quoted as an opening to negotiation. This is true worldwide for many goo and services.In the US we are accustomed to set prices and that makes us poor negotiators (in general...bah blah offence to anyone here, etc.)

One side effect of free market pricing in the clubs could be more fights in the dressing room. But that's another topic.
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
"goo"? As I age my brain and my typing fingers are developing a distant relationship.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I think “free market” pricing would be a good thing not only for customers but dancers also IMO.

I may have misinterpreted the OP and some of the other posters w.r.t. it being a free market already. I would say it is w.r.t. extras but not LDs IME.

I think the free market strategy would be just as beneficial to dancers since:

1) they can probably generate more volume of LDs especially on slower nights
2) more customers would be willing to “try out” a particular dancer they may not be sure off if they could negotiate at least the 1st or 2nd dance and thus not take a big hit if it didn’t work out

I’ve been in clubs where dancers have told me they’ll do LDs for e.g. $15 when the club price is $20 b/c business is bad that particular night. This is not too common but it has happened and almost every time it has they specifically tell me not to let anyone (especially other dancers) know.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
There are plenty of dive topless joints in my area that let the dancers set their own prices. You'd think that they would each undersell each other to the customers benefit, but that's not what happens. What ultimately happens is that the long timers set the dance prices fairly high, and if any of the new dancers try to undersell dances, they are railroaded outta town.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Same here, sclvr. The dancers at some of the topless joints keep the dances at a fixed price, and any dancer that tries to undercut them is read the riot act and will usually be forced to leave. That keeps the dance prices right where the dancers want them, much to our chagrin.
avatar for glen_livet
12 years ago
A local club operates lets the dancers set their rates. The prices don't really vary much between dancers, but on slower nights, many girls offer discounts for multiple dances. I've experienced negotiations that start at $40 for one dance and end up at 10 for $100.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
I thought collusion was illegal in the United States?

avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Funny. Pussy cartels. Won't work anyway. No honor amongst thieves and all.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Here is one dancer's article on the subject:…

The last sentence is interesting. LOL.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
being that I'm one of those few that don't go to clubs for extras (not like NY really does extras anyway, that's left to your local SW), if SCs were a free market, I'm pretty sure I'd be charged far more for the lap dances alone. Probably be broke (not likely but yeah) after three dances and the usual hustle will try to enforce you pay all three consecutive dances. I say this because usually they are agroaggressive about getting you into VIP and try to SWAY you with 3 free dances and when you say no they try to force you to pay for three (when you originally intended for one). I would assume that would be equivalent to denying extras. So to jump from 20 to 50 dollars a dance, is something that will force me to leave immedietely. I say no thanks to free market in strip clubs.
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