Whether it is genuine/natural female rivalry/jealousy; or she is “jealous†of having to share your wallet, not necessarily you, with someone else – the latter is usually the case.
Yea. She gave the dagger eyes to a dancer I was taking to. I put a stop to that, but it worked to her benefit cuz "I was wanted." I know, what a sucker.
Every ATF I've ever had was smart enough to know that she would get the lion's share of my attention and my money. They all would occasionally pimp out another dancer for a LD or two if she (the other dancer) was having a slow night.
I only had one that even *played* at being jealous, but I wasn't able to get more than 5 words out to calm her supposed jealousy before she cracked up and told me she was kidding.
I don't think I could have an ATF that was petty enough to get jealous.
Yes they frequently of get jealous. That's what's weird...they're women with emotions and street hustlers at the same time. I've frequently seen them get their emotions get in the way of their game. Just try to get several friends with benefits and you see some ITC and others you can see for free outside. If you have the patience to listen to their personal drama, you might be surprised how much free sex you can get on the outside. This has helped me get rid of the jealousy situation, because the others don't know what Im doing, at least not yet!
No matter how much of a hustler a woman is, deep down I haven't met a single woman who isn't at least somewhat self conscious about their looks. By getting dances with someone else (or in general, spending time/money with another girl in the club), you're sending her the message that the other girl is better in some way.
Now, I don't think the girl is actually going to be emotional about it. And if they are, they're probably faking it to get your business back.
Personally, I never really did well with the idea of just having a single girl in a club I spend most (or all) of my money on. Spreading the wealth seems to be a better way to go for me in most cases. One of the best things about a strip club is that you can have fun with -multiple- girls, and don't have to be tied to one.
i get it but i still get jealous sometimes, especially if i genuinely enjoy his company. it's pretty annoying when a fav comes in, and i'm up on stage, and then some claim jumper swoops in and i have to watch them getting all friendly in the corner, or heading to the vip.
Well carolynne, you could always do what I've seen some other strippers do in that situation, jump down off the stage and beat the shit out of the other dancer. :)
My first two never did and the second one always encouraged me to see as many other dancers as possible. The third ATF relationship, OTOH, ended, at least in part, because I was getting dances from someone else, and apparently the wrong someone else. She was real flakey, and it was hard after a while, but once we broke up, it wasn't long before she left that club. #4 didn't like one of the other dancers I would always go for, probably because she was the same physical type, but if it was someone who didn't resemble her physically, she'd be all right with it. My current one knows I enjoy playing around and will give me friends to play with.
last commentWhether it is genuine/natural female rivalry/jealousy; or she is “jealous†of having to share your wallet, not necessarily you, with someone else – the latter is usually the case.
I only had one that even *played* at being jealous, but I wasn't able to get more than 5 words out to calm her supposed jealousy before she cracked up and told me she was kidding.
I don't think I could have an ATF that was petty enough to get jealous.
Now, I don't think the girl is actually going to be emotional about it. And if they are, they're probably faking it to get your business back.
Personally, I never really did well with the idea of just having a single girl in a club I spend most (or all) of my money on. Spreading the wealth seems to be a better way to go for me in most cases. One of the best things about a strip club is that you can have fun with -multiple- girls, and don't have to be tied to one.
You'd do much better with a man like me who doesn't need variety and wants consistency. ;))