
Dancer Texting Buddy?

It seems I've become one of my new fav's texting buddies. I was just checking my Goggle Voice and saw we'd exchanged 60 texts just over the last two days. (I'm not talking pitches to come into the club or for OTC, these are just random everyday stuff) I know young girls text incessantly nowadays, but it still seems like a lot.

Am I making too much of it, or have I finally found a dancer as needy, clingy and emotionally draining as, well, me? lol

Anybody else texting buddies?


  • gsv
    12 years ago
    That's a lot - I've never had a dancer text me that much, nor have I texted her much that.

    If you enjoy it though, that's great
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    True love, no doubt!
  • Lone_Wolf
    12 years ago
    I would consider that many texts a serious red flag and would begin to distance myself from her slowly.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    lol steve I have alot of dancer text/fuck buddies, but 60 texts over 2 days with one of them is a bit much....just watch out for carpel tunnel!
  • Experimental
    12 years ago
    Meh. Its not that much really. Teenagers and 20somethings, chicks and even many dudes, send hundreds even thousands of texts a day. I've had conversations with strippers, regular girl friends, even my guy friends that take hours by text and would be a 5 minute verbal convo. This is why unlimited minute plans are so common nowadays. Everybody texting like mad. 60 in a couple days is nothing unless this chick is a cougar, then I would find it odd.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    "unless this chick is a cougar, then I would find it odd."

  • Experimental
    12 years ago
    Older women talk on their phones. Older men do too.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I have never sent a text message or received one and I am doing just fine without them.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Unlike a lot of people my age, I despise text messaging, but in reality 60 isn't that high. If she's sending you 60 she could very well be sending girlfriends 600.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    So far man I've had 2,000 text in a year with my atf
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    I have a few dancers that I have "textersations" with, but I agree with the others that 60 texts in two days is a lot. Certainly way much more than I do with the dancers I text with.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Maybe she's psycho? Oh wait a minute, they all are...
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    jestie: "Unlike a lot of people my age, I despise ..."

    Just had to laugh at that sentence. Absolutely prototypical oppostional (aka passive-aggressive) jestie at work.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I texted about that much with my Ex-ATF from 2011 who retired. She is 39.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    I'm hardly a "texter" and have only exchange with my last favorite. Mostly just BS stuff other than her schedule. At most 2-3 a week.
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    What does she have to say that is so important. Probably nothing. She's just filling time and trying to get you to come to the club and buy dances, but doesn't want to scare you off by making a direct sales pitch. You're supposed to believe that she likes you and wants to see you. Stripper scam.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I have 5 or 6 dancers who text me regularly, maybe once or twice a week. Surprisingly, they all say the same thing: "Hi, sweet heart. Want to come see me at the club and have a good time?"
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    Young people text like crazy. 60 may be alot for someone who is not a close friend but just go with it. It all depends on wht she islooking for.
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