Hordes of randy Republicans were expected to be a boon for Tampa's many strips c

avatar for jackslash

For strippers, the Republican Convention is a bust. This is what I had expected. The delegates are mostly social and religious conservatives who want nothing to do with strip clubs. And those who would like to see some strippers fear a scandal if they are exposed. I may have to make a special trip to Tampa just to help the strippers out.


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avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
If I wasn't tied up today, I'd join ya. Redner's club needs our $20 cover. I need to see some of his women. :)
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
From everything I'm reading, the clubs are crawling with reporters just itching to catch a Republican in the act, so to speak.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
The reporters are just using that as excuse to expense the lap dances they would get anyway. Although I've heard most dancers charge extra for reporter since they are sub-human bottom feeders.
avatar for nickifree
13 years ago
Well Tiredtraveler consider yourself as a sub-human bottom feeders. Since you yourself "report" on your SC visits then that make you a reporter.
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