Do you have any favorites whom you can't remember her club name? Is she hot too

avatar for sharkhunter
I'm surprised I'm saying this but I have one favorite whom I can't remember her name. She's hot too.

I probably thought I wouldn't keep seeing her. She never dances on stage so I never hear the DJ call out her name. Now she's working at a new club but I remember her asking me questions about the club or some contest a weekend or two ago. If she's been doing dances for me for at least 2 months if not longer, I might feel embarassed asking what her name is especially since she is now calling me by my name.

Anyone have a favorite whom they don't know their name?
Note: I've never seen her dance on stage so I never hear the DJ call out her name. She didn't dance on stage at one club and if she is dancing at the new club, I haven't seen it yet.

My remedy to this situation is if I think about it, the next time I see her,I'll ask her what name she is going by in the new club. Or would you guys ask a bouncer or another dancer instead? I find it slightly embarassing to not remember even her stage name. Maybe if caught I should say, I thought you looked so good, you made me forget everything.

I do know someone who let one girl he met call him by a different name that was not his real name. He didn't correct her because he thought he probably wouldn't see her too much more. He ended up marrying her but she still calls him by the incorrect name.


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avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I always remember the names of any dancers worth seeing more than once. My memory is NOT made unreliable by Alcohol.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I think I place less importance on all the fake club names so I don't try to remember them. Another one of my favorites told me her real name and I don't remember her club name anymore. I do remember her club nickname which is a derivative of her real name.

Remembering names is usually at the bottom of my list in strip clubs. I may remember 5 or 10 minutes, maybe longer. Dancers come and go so it's usually a question of how long they are going to be around.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I'll probably find out whenever I hear her name announced in the new club. Then I won't need to ask anyone.

It's not the alcohol. I know there are over 200 people where I work at and some people come and go. I don't remember all the names of all the employees at work either. I've been given a hard time on a few occasions because I don't remember the name of someone. Lots of times I've discovered people working in the same department, don't remember the last names of other employees and there aren't very many people working in a department.

Ok, I will find out her name and remember it. I try to remember names of people who remember mine. Well if she's hot I will.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
So why talk about remembering dancer's names when you admit that it isn't important to you? My problem is recalling server names as I interact with them less than with dancers.
avatar for Strappyg1
12 years ago
Just ask the bartender/server. They get this all the time and it's no big deal to them.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I currently have one like that. I don't know if she's hot, but she's a redhead, which has to count for something. I haven't seen her dance on stage recently, so I don't know if she even does that anymore.
avatar for steve229
12 years ago
I've covered my forgetfulness before by asking a dancer how she spells her name (since dancers often use fanciful spellings).

Once case where it DIDN'T work out too well was when her name turned out to be "Rose." She looked at me like I was an idiot, lol
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
I can't remember the strippers names half the time but I sure as hell remember the club
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
I almost never remember stage names. And they often change names when they move from one club to the next anyway, so even if you did remember her stage name at the old club it might not help you.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
I like steve229's idea. It's true, these dancers have some " unique " names. I forget a lot of these dancers too. I don't have any ATF's at the moment. I'm still in mourning for my last ATF, she left the state. :)
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Sometimes marketing or sales people don't remember my name and use the old trick of "How do you spell your name?" I respond by saying very slowly: J. A. C. K.
avatar for steve3003
12 years ago
Just call them babe. And don't do that pretend stuff with them strippers. They're pretty understanding bout forgetting them names. They're only interested in your fucking money, so they'll dutifully remind you 5-6 times over a span of weeks/months till you get it right, or fucking forget again.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I remember the names of the good dancers and the bad dancers. I just can't remember the ones in the middle.
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