
2 years on TUSCL and a couple of other things

My first club visit was in Minneapolis while I was in town for a Vikings game during the 2009 NFL season. Buddy and I went to a club called Deja Vu. Since then, I've been going to clubs regularly and I eventually found out about TUSCL.

I never thought I'd visit this site a couple times per day, but I find the discussions and articles interesting. Honestly, I don't read that many reviews. New reviews, for clubs in my area, rarely pop up and I don't find it interesting to read a bunch of reviews on clubs that I won't be going to anytime soon. But thanks to the discussion board, I keep coming back to this site.

If there's one thing I've learned from my time on message boards/forums, it's that they all share 2 things in common. First, all of them have their fair share of odd characters/members. You know who you are. Secondly, they all have members who bicker with each other. It never fails. I also visit some hip-hop message boards and I see the same thing. I thought because most of the people who are members of TUSCL are older, that I might not see members bickering with each other, but it still holds true.

So, this is basically my little shout-out to all you TUSCL members who make the discussion board fun. I think one of the ways to make it even better, would be to get more dancers posting. I'm not sure how we can do that, but it would beneficial. Stilleto25, maybe you can ask some of your dancer co-workers to register lol. Special shout-out to you. I know you aren't the only dancer who posts here, but you are the only one who posts consistently and I really enjoy your contributions.

One last thing, this is my favorite time of the year for clubbing. Why, you ask? Because no 3 things go better together than beer, naked women and VIKINGS games. :)


  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    Dancers are free to join, anytime. When they fill this board with whining about cheap customers, child support, boyfriends and begging for hiring leads, it will be time to move on. Stripperweb is for that and they can have it.
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    Given the current state of the Vikings compared to the Packers, Lions, and Bears, you'll probably want to pay the most attention to the beer and nekkid women!
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    @3leggedMan- lol yeah, I realize we are in a tough division and it will be a long season. But I'm just excited for the season and SO glad the Vikings finally got a stadium deal and won't be moving. :)
  • TABB
    12 years ago
    That's good the Viking aren't moving. Wasn't there talk of them potentially movie to LA when the new stadium was going to be built? One last question is Tobey going to be the second running back or he still fighting for that position?
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I agree with you GoVikings (not about your favorite team, LOL)

    I only post on one other board - but it's almost the same way. Even discussions about sonething fun (seeing naked women) many times turn into flame wars. Not sure why - I could speculate - probably the anonymity of the board has a lot to do with it.

    And sarcasm/humor often seems lost. Some don't pick up on it and take offense.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    "If there's one thing I've learned from my time on message boards/forums, it's that they all share 2 things in common. First, all of them have their fair share of odd characters/members"

    Thank you, GoVikings..
  • londonguy
    12 years ago
    Nice post GV.
  • Bogeyman1
    12 years ago
    GV I plan on attending the Vikings and Texans game in December. I work in an office full of Cowboys and Saints fans and those two will hog the Fox in my town that day, the only one my Texans will be foxy. Otherwise CBS Beaumont TX takes care of us here on the other side of the Sabine. So not to be outfoxed I'll take my foxy ATF to Reliant and go clubbing after. It'll be fun seeing Adrian Peterson back in his home state and to see the old best RB go against Aryan Foster the new best RB.
  • steve229
    12 years ago

    GV - Wow, 2 years already! Thanks for your contributions. It's been good to have someone to commiserate on the sorry state of VA strip clubs, lol

    12 years ago
    Cheers GoVikes, couldn't of said it much better....

    except maybe GO PATS, the Summer of Gronk is over....agreed, Fav time of year cuz it's time to get serious about Football...

  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    Spot on GoVikings! Nice post. Some of the worst bickering is on Youtube's music vids. You know, "Led Zeppelin sucks you asshole! Iron Maiden was way better!" Sorry about your clubs. If you could spend time at the beaches and clubs in San Diego, you wouldn't be thinking of strip clubs. It's paradise for young guys out here. Except for watching a good team like the CHARGERS choke year after year.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    TABB- Yeah, they were talking about moving them to LA. And yes, Gerhart will be the second running back. And because of Peterson's injury, he'll probably get more playing time than usual this year.

    Bogeyman1- Did you hear Arian Foster went vegan?

    steve229- lol yeah, we've got it rough haha.

    mikeya02- I've actually never been to California. That's where I want to go next summer for vacation. I heard the population of beautiful women is very high. Plus, I'm assuming California would be a fun vacation spot and there would be a lot to see/do.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Congrats on surviving some of us, GoVikings. People are people wherever you go, but if you get the opportunity, by all means go to Southern California in the summer. Every time I go there, I hit the beaches, whether in San Diego, or up Santa Monica. In particular, the Santa Monica beach scene is great. On a final not, GO LIONS !! BEAT THOSE VIKINGS !!
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    California ain't the California of the 60's.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    Lol my favorite bumper sticker that I used to see all of the time here:

    "Welcome to California. Now Go Home."
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    Awwww thanks GoVikings! You are very sweet
  • brainiac
    12 years ago
    As a lifelong Lions fan and Vikings hater, I wish you more happiness with the girls in the clubs this fall than with your Sunday afternoon television viewing.

    I do agree--it really is the best time of year for clubbing.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    The Vikings won 2 games last year. I think if everything goes right for them, they could maybe win 5 games, and even that is a stretch.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Actually they won 3.
  • Bogeyman1
    12 years ago
    GV if Foster the Vegan pulls a muscle there's gonna be hell to pay. He's kind of out there.
    12 years ago
    GoVikes, this ones for you bro...

  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    True dat, deogol, but I've always had fun in California.
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