Baltimore suggestions

avatar for mjx01
Aspiring Global Hound
Heading to Baltimore in a week. Any suggestions on hand roaming frendly clubs?

I've been to Scores and Ritz. The view was good but didn't seem to be hands on. Player's Club(Wagonwheel) has a good rep but kind of far out from the inner harbor.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. PM if you prefer.


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avatar for rell
13 years ago
i mean you can always try the block (E baltimore st) that has about 12-15 clubs on that 1 block and 1 of them is larry flints hustler club .. if you want a brand name.. all of them are hands on its just very hit or miss at those clubs.. but theres no cover and well if ones a dive hop out and go to the next
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
avatar for Jackmd
13 years ago
Rell above covers it all.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
13 years ago
I agree with rell. Without traveling beyond downtown, The Block is definitely the place to go for hands on action. I've only been to The Block a few times, but here's what I've learned and picked up from others.

The Block is sort of a strip club version of a carnival midway; lots of bright signs and barkers at the doors to entice you inside. When first arriving on The Block, I enjoy walking around a little just to soak in the atmosphere.

Hustler is run like most other clubs and its mileage is similar to Scores and Ritz. I've been to Hustler a couple of times and found it to be rather corporate and sterile. I've never visited, but Norma Jean's, in the same building as Hustler, appears to be a popular black/urban style SC, focusing on music and stage dancing rather than LDs.

However, most clubs on The Block operate on the drink system. After about 30 seconds of talking to a dancer, the bartender will ask you to buy a $25 small drink for the dancer. If you don't, the dancer will leave immediately. If you do, you'll get 5-8 minutes of hand roaming over clothing. Longer LDs are also available if you buy a bigger drink ($70-$80). The club takes a large portion of the drink payments, so the dancer often requests a tip. Bring plenty of cash; The Block is more expensive than most other clubs. Extras from the far end of the spectrum are not my thing. But I have been offered BJs for $150+tip and FS for $350+tip if you're interested.

At these clubs, you won't find many 8s-10s, but I've seen more 4s-7s than I originally expected and there are some 1s-3s as well. Most clubs tend to skew vanilla or chocolate, but there is usually a little bit of a mix in the clubs. The barker/doorman ethnicity outside is often a good indicator of most dancers' ethnicity inside.

As rell mentioned, there is no cover for these clubs, so you can easily pop in, take a look, and decide to stay or go somewhere else. Some clubs go for the party atmosphere while others have a more relaxed atmosphere.

Even though I've never felt unsafe on the Block, I recommend you leave well before 2 AM. I saw The Block once around 2AM. It seemed rather chaotic with the police encouraging everyone to disperse as quickly as possible. (Baltimore City Police HQ is one block east of The Block.)

WWonka wrote a good article on The Block. Click on the "Baltimore" hyperlink on within the "clubs" section and you'll find a link to the article at the top of the page.

I've also had some fun at Goddess, which is across the street from the Marriott. It's a more traditional SC but be ready for a $20 drink hustle. Goddess did have an infamous review:… At most, I think this was an aberration because I've never heard any other followup or stories and I've never had a problem there.

Welcome to Baltimore and I hope you have fun!
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
thanks all
avatar for Towby240
11 years ago
Haven't been here for long. I've been watching for about two weeks. I had to post a comment.

Haven't been in the online community or anything, but I will start by saying this is a good place. I've been going to clubs since my time in the military and wish is found this place sooner.

I live north of Bmore but have been to the block. It's as good a place as any I've found. I hear a lot of ppl speak about Michigan but I have t been there.

Fact is, if you at looking for extras, Bmore is a food place to start. I've found easier but this place is legit. Just keep your game on.

Went to one place. Just walked in, ordered a beer and sat down. A couple dancers came by and made offers for drinks but I passed. Then, a black woman came by and she had an ass. Real jiggly from the looks of things. Asked for a $20 or so drink. Just doing the math made it worth it. We talked about a fee things and then she a skies if I wanted a "dance." Of course I said yes, she may as well been screaming extras.

I get a dance, and then she(of course) offers me more. I said, "Absiluyely. Later. I'll be here for a bit:" Then gave the dancer a $20 tip. She earned it.

Regardless, as usual, 30 minute later she came back. Only, as it usually goes, she offered more. Long story short, I negotiated with her, an HJ that turned I to a CBJ because, as always, I have q hard time getting off to HJs when I'm nervous.

Treat a girl right, give her what she deserves (if you get the feeling she is a little liberal), and be respectful, and no matter where you are you woman will treat you right. That's if you pay her what she's with and are respectful.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
mjx, Player's Club is worth the cab fare. BYOB and full nude, with a mix of gals. YMMV, but the place can be fun.

I usually stay in the Inner Harbor area when I am in B'more, mostly because that is where most of the nice hotels are, but the Block sucks. High hustle, including the drink gimmick, which is $20-30 a pop and the dancers suck them down quick. I've had some fun on the Block, but it always ended up being very expensive and rushed.
avatar for minnow
11 years ago
Uhhm, do you all realize this thread is almost 2 yrs old,bumped by a zero/zero newb along with 2 or 3 other threads.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@MJ-Whatever you do, stay away from Omar. Nothing good comes from Omar.
avatar for Fanky
11 years ago
Lol clubber
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