Should I try to contact her?

avatar for Jpac73
I have not posted on tuscl in a good while but had something on my mind and wanted some advice. Lately I have become friends with a few dancers on Facebook. The First one no longer dances but I was able to become friends with her after becoming friends with her brother who graduated with me. The second dancer is actually my current favorite. I decided to ask her this past weekend, because I got tired of chancing it on whether she would be working a particular weekend or not( I don't like calling clubs for a dancer). Well she said yes, and I was able to become friends with her.

Furthermore, as you know dancers keep in touch with the other girls they work with. While browsing my current favorite's page I discovered that she is friends with a old favorite that left the club a year ago. I never got a chance to say goodbye to that dancer because I took a 4 month hiatus from the club and upon my return I was told that she had moved away. So now I am wondering should I send her a friends request or message? I am skeptical because she will know that I located her through either dancer A or Dancer B since she uses her real name on the profile and it is set to private(seems like they all do.)

For those that don't know much about Facebook you can see if your friends or friends with people you know. If she accepted my request she would see that I am also friends with the other two girls. I just don't really know how she would react, she may think that the other two girls gave out her information to me.

I am leaning towards just not doing anything and letting it go. What do you think?


avatar for indyslick
13 years ago
I wouldn't worry so much about how you got her info - that happens all the time in social media. Your problem is going to be if you try and work more than one at the same time. You could put weeks or months into working them and one off-handed comment could screw the whole thing up. If all you want are friends, go nuts. But you mentioned the second dancer is your favorite - so why mess with it by adding yet another dancer to your list? If you are looking to close one or more of these girls, you're walking through a mine field. That's like trying to date two dancers from the same club simultaneously. You can always add the third dancer later on.
avatar for Ashleyylove
13 years ago
Will they hire 18+ dancers?
Don't worry so much. Just do it. Most people accept all friend requests, and no one knows how you got their name for sure. I'm friends with several dancers and ex-dancers on Facebook. One dancer to whom I sent a friend request did not respond, but it was no big deal.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"Will they hire 18+ dancers?"

Are you talking age or dress size?
Dude, I would just let it go if I were you. If the old fav wanted to keep in touch she would have let you know. I don't see any good coming from an old customer reaching out to a retired dancer on a social media site.
avatar for Jpac73
13 years ago
Thanks for the responses, but I might take rick's proposal to just let it go. I don't even know if she is still dancing, chances are it seems like she may have stopped, looks like she may be engaged. Unless she moves back to town or I move to Atlanta it will not do me any good other than increasing my "friends" number of Facebook.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Fuck Facebook boycott that motherfucking program already!
avatar for DroidX
13 years ago

I would take a soft approach, and start liking content she posts or tags on Facebook. If you start liking her content, she may eventually click on your profile and feel like she found you all over again. By doing it this way, it won't seem as stalkerish. If she feels like its her choice, even better.
@OV: Geez, I'm dying here. ROTFLMMFAO!
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