This is a text only survey (hopefully that won't cut done on the responses). As explained in the survey, I just got to wondering whether TUSCLers consider the concept of a "10" to be an ideal or if there really are "10s" out there for some of us . . .
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last commentThere was one 10 at the same club a few years befer xATF arrived on the sceen.
Now outside of those two, I rarely run across a true 10. For whatever reason, I've felt dancer quality has been down the last year or two. I;ve been traveling to other clubs to expand my options, but haven't really found a lot of top shelf talent.
So far the votes are running strongly in favor of "10s" being out there if you look for them.
Also years ago I saw this woman who worked in an old Hudson's Dept Store, a Black woman. She was a close to a 10 as I've ever seen in civilian life. NEVER spoke with her. But I used to walk by her work spot just to look at her. OMFG was she beautiful & sexy!!!
Seriously, my ATF who I'm seeing now is a "10"....the most naturally beautiful girl/woman I've ever met....
In San Diego, there's a decent shot at seeing on at Cheetahs, and there's one girl at Pure Platinum downtown (at least there was a few months ago) that meet my criteria. Girls at Cheetahs mostly hit the 6-8 range for me, but there's occasionally a real hottie working there. I'd probably see more if the dancers there weren't hustling everybody so hard - it's hard to scan the scenery when you have to shoo away a dancer every 5 minutes.
I once saw a woman in real life that was as near to perfect physically as I had ever seen (and it appeared to be all the work of nature) -- but as some others have commented, her personality was a major detraction, as her attitude was similar to a line from a currently popular LMFAO song.
When I am sober.........haven't seen a 10 yet.