Survey: How often do you encounter a "10"

avatar for JacksonEsskay
This is a text only survey (hopefully that won't cut done on the responses). As explained in the survey, I just got to wondering whether TUSCLers consider the concept of a "10" to be an ideal or if there really are "10s" out there for some of us . . .

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avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
I did the survey. Not sure if my answers were saved though. I see a 10 rarely rather it be in the club or anywhere in general.
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
By definition 10's should be uncommon no matter where you are.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
Well.. my xATF was hands down a 10 IMO. Perfect body IMO and good personality to go with. She has been dancing for several years, so I was spoiled with a 10 every time out at my former regular palce. (It's a real shame thing went sour with her.)

There was one 10 at the same club a few years befer xATF arrived on the sceen.

Now outside of those two, I rarely run across a true 10. For whatever reason, I've felt dancer quality has been down the last year or two. I;ve been traveling to other clubs to expand my options, but haven't really found a lot of top shelf talent.

avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
I encounter a 10 every time I add together txtittyfan's IQ with mikeya02's.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Omega22 -- its a one page survey, so answers are recorded even if you navigate away from the page.

So far the votes are running strongly in favor of "10s" being out there if you look for them.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
Frequently when I meet a 10 in real life, once I get to know her better the rating drops. Also they rarely stay a 10 as they age, even after a year. I also don't meet as many of them as I did when I was younger.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I haven't seen a 10 in years. I used to see them more often. Now it's seems like a drought.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
Thought I had spied a 10 yesterday when I was standing in line to weigh and pay at the frozen yogurt store. Then she turned to the side and I eyed her almost non-existent chest. Dang....
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
It would appear mathematically impossible but I recently saw a 5 who was twice as big as a 10.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I had a Lap dance years ago at Mons in Tampa from a Dancer who was physically as close to a 10 as I ever seen in a Dancer. Unfortunately her personality seemed to be like that of a stone!

Also years ago I saw this woman who worked in an old Hudson's Dept Store, a Black woman. She was a close to a 10 as I've ever seen in civilian life. NEVER spoke with her. But I used to walk by her work spot just to look at her. OMFG was she beautiful & sexy!!!
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
The closest I ever came was when I took two 5's in for a CR and had a freakin 10....

Seriously, my ATF who I'm seeing now is a "10"....the most naturally beautiful girl/woman I've ever met....
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
I have seen physical 10's. I have talked to a couple and they dropped to an 8 because they were vain and vapid I have met very few that their personality matched their looks. I have never met a dancer who was a true 10. I have seen and had dances with a couple of stong 9+'s. A 10 should be an unattainable goal.
avatar for xedin5436
13 years ago
I've seen a few at clubs, but they're certainly quite rare. Living in SoCal, and since I used to work in La Jolla, I've certainly seen my fair share just walking around.

In San Diego, there's a decent shot at seeing on at Cheetahs, and there's one girl at Pure Platinum downtown (at least there was a few months ago) that meet my criteria. Girls at Cheetahs mostly hit the 6-8 range for me, but there's occasionally a real hottie working there. I'd probably see more if the dancers there weren't hustling everybody so hard - it's hard to scan the scenery when you have to shoo away a dancer every 5 minutes.
avatar for Skyrbuoy
13 years ago
Way back, there was a dancer that posted here occasionally. I ran into her at the old Peek a Boo in Lake Worth. Blonde/blue/built like no other. A solid 10. Chased her around, just missing her at Flashdance, cheetah, and back when Spearmint was Deja Vu. Coke bottle beautiful.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Need a few more responses to make the report.

I once saw a woman in real life that was as near to perfect physically as I had ever seen (and it appeared to be all the work of nature) -- but as some others have commented, her personality was a major detraction, as her attitude was similar to a line from a currently popular LMFAO song.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
When I am drunk...........every girl in the club is a 10.

When I am sober.........haven't seen a 10 yet.
avatar for crazyjoe
13 years ago
I saw a skinny one next to a really fat one. Does that make a 10?
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