OTC first timer advice

avatar for mal_hodgson
I have a chance to set up an OTC with a dancer. Not my ATF by any stretch, but I have been getting dances from her regularly. Last time was a VIP session, with good two way contact and even got her to reach in my pants when I unzipped, but that was it. She was real nervous about management catching her if she did more. I should add i have no evidence that there is any ITC extras action at this club beyond a quick inside the pants fondling by a very few of the girls.

After turning down my ITC suggestions, she offered OTC at her place. Any suggestions for an OTC Noob on how to get the most out of an OTC experience?


last comment
avatar for Sowhatt
13 years ago
Don't prepay, and I wouldn't go to her place unless you really trust her, you never know who's waiting there to welcome you.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

"I wouldn't go to her place unless you really trust her, you never know who's waiting there to welcome you."

It could be Juicebox69!
I'm not an expert but it seems to me a motel would be better than either her place or yours.
It could be touchy. If you go to her place you never know who could be waiting for you there. If you have her come to your place a stripper knows where you live. If you get a hotel room you're looking at spending extra money on top of what you're paying her.

I've had several strippers come over to my house and I'm spending next weekend at a stripper's place, but that doesn't mean I suggest following my example. I don't have any children, I'm not married, and I have a security system with cameras covering all of the doors into my house. The stripper who I'm spending next weekend with has been at my house several times and I've been to her place several dozen times. It looks like I'm being reckless but I'm actually being very careful and protecting myself. Make sure that you do the same, protect yourself.
I would carefully follow the label directions. If you have any questions, the pharmacists Walgreens can be quite helpful.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
I've never had any problems with strippers doing OTC other than they sometimes show up a bit late. What do you expect from young girls though? Also this stuff about pimps and meeting at a hotel and don't have her over to your place is just paramoia, IMO. Only advice I have to offer is have fun fucking her! This is what we live for, baby!
A few thoughts come to mind:

1. Do not prepay, ever. You pay once services are rendered.

2. Make sure you are both crystal clear as to what the expectations are upfront.

3. Do a little research on the location in advance of the meet. I'm not really as concerned about the whole "her place" thing as other guys are, but I might be if it is a motel or crappy apartment complex. Also, you might draw some comfort if she has been dancing at that club and living in the area for some time. The most problematic girls tend to be the transient ones.

4. Just keep your eyes open and your wits about you. If you do not like anything that you see, then just walk/drive away. Don't let eagerness to get your dick wet make your brain soft.

Good luck!
i agree with rickdugan. also if you get a gut feeling something doesn't seam rite don't go or RUN LIKE HELL!!!
avatar for 23cambyman
13 years ago
Steve229- HAHAHAHA...you are right, you never know who lurks there
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Fuck it go to her place, bang the shit out of her and pray her boyfriend named Mule or Nails doesn't show up
avatar for bb12
13 years ago
Use protection.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
Sorry, but I'd be surprised if it ever actually happens. So many of these dancers promise this and then find any excuse in the book not to see it thru.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
^^^ Speak for yourself lopaw. Complete flake outs have never been a problem for me. Not sure exactly what you do that's different that scares them away.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
My advice remains the same:

Do not ever go to a dancer's place.
avatar for Travis833
13 years ago
1. Don't go to her place

2. Don't meet at your place. If things inevitably hit the skids do you really want her to know where you live?

3. Use protection.

4. Never prepay.

5. Get there early if it's a hotel to make sure no one else decides to show up with her.
Good advice for a dancer you don't know.

I would only say that once you get to know a dancer and establish an OTC relationship, it becomes easier and less worrisome. You can do it in her place, your place or any place and just relax and enjoy the experience.
Use a neutral location, hotel at least to start. I would never let her know where you live. All the rest above.
So far lopaw called it. Went to her place at the arranged time and no answer to my knocking or phone calls. Can't wait to hear her SS excuse. Next time I see her at the club I'm going to expect something extra if she wants to keep my business.

Her apartment building was kind of sketchy, but it was daytime so I didn't feel to unsafe. Probably wouldn't have gone in if it was dark.
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