What happens to a stripper when they grow up?

I can't say that I know a 40 yr old that used to be a stripper or at least nobody that will admit to being one. So, what does a stripper do when their looks outgrow the pole?
I can't say that I know a 40 yr old that used to be a stripper or at least nobody that will admit to being one. So, what does a stripper do when their looks outgrow the pole?
last commentNo universal answer. I still know three dancers who have been retired awhile.
One is my age. Early 50s. Still a drug addict. Can't hold a job. Even got fired at Mickey D's.
Another used her earnings to go to grad school. Now is a successful professional.
The other is in the middle. Just a normal life. 3 kids out of high school. Married, house in the burbs. Nothing fancy. Gained some weight. You would have no idea she was a career stripper.
I thank some will sell sex at dive bars and others will become self employed escorts on the down low....and others well they prepared for it got a degree or made an investment and got a real job that they always wanted
"What happens to a stripper when they grow up?"
They STOP wasting time & effort on 20s something ASSHOLE men. LOL
They take jobs at stripclubs where they, thankfully, keep their clothes on.
I agree w/ juice about the escort/hooking thing. After a local divey club here closed down, I wondered what would happen to the older dancers that would now be out of a job. These were dancers who never got out of the business, and now were too beaten up and used up to be hired anywhere else. Word on the street is that most of them are now escorting for cheap on craig's list because they can't do anything else. Kinda sad.
I was at a club outside of Pittsburgh ... the bartender was a "retired" stripper. She acted as sort of a den mother to the younger girls. She still dressed like a stripper (unfortunatly).
Another club (I forgot where but remember the story), the owner was an ex stripper.
I know a few who have taken receptionist jobs and have 70 y/0+ sugar daddies. A couple are cutting hair full time. Of course there is the one who at 45 finally became the daytime bartender at one of the clubs.
Then there is the 17 year stripper who finally, just finished her degree. The big ? is whether she will do something with it.
Different occupations I remember. Real estate agent or broker. Dental Hygenist, veterinarian, lawyer but she had a more technical name but I asked her to repeat it due to the loud music, and the list goes on and on. One girl was an artist. She got a boyfriend too. Another dancer was in her 50's and still working. Skinny but over the hill as far as aging dancers go.
One dancer cleaned homes and charged by the hour running her own business. It's possible she did it topless and got paid a high rate of pay as a result. She actually asked me if I needed some rooms in my house cleaned. I was thinking she would need to move in with me if she did that. Then I would have the problem of not having a place to put things I want to keep. She was hot and still dancing.
I knew a late 30 something year old dancer that was 40 before she quit. I believe the only reason I knew that was because she was getting very friendly with me not long after we met and we talked a lot. She was looking for a boyfriend and I didn't pick up on that for a long time. I just thought she was another very friendly dancer. She was the same age as me. I prefer younger dancers than me but she still looked pretty good. I would have never suspected she was the same age as me if she hadn't told me.
In hind site, if a dancer asks if she can sit and talk with you the whole time you are in the club, that's not normal. She likes your company or likes talking to you if you're not paying her.
I'll also add, it's not normal for dancers to pay for their own drinks. At one time especially after talking to the one dancer so much, I thought it was normal for dancers to buy their own drinks.
I know a couple strippers who retired when they were around 40. One became a hair dresser. Another dancer moved in with a man who owns his own business and then married him. She's doing very well.
But I'm afraid that most dancers won't have good prospects when they retire. They don't have the education and skills needed in the straight economy, and "stripper" is not the kind of experience employers want to see on a resume.
I've mentioned it before but I work with two ex-strippers. The older of the two seems well adjusted, but she always seems one misstep away from the unemployment line and perhaps having to dance again, which would make her the ugliest stripper alive. (I've worked with her for 10 years now, and from the day she started, I still can't visualize her being pretty enough to take her clothes off for a living). The younger of the two, once she got away from the ex-boyfriend who still worked at her last club, seemed to grow up a lot. Of course, she holds the whole scene in contempt, and actually, both of them do.
As for ex-strippers I don't work with, it seems like most just got other jobs within the strip club. I know one who had a job at the local Hooter's the last time I was there. I suspect one of my old favorites still has her photography business, though I don't want to have to look it up.
Some die.
Holy crap, VM! Did you actually find a real topless shot of MG, or is that just a very similar lookIng woman?
This was about 10 years ago. A incredibly hot stripper named Chastity (I know, typical stripper name) got a part time job when she was 27 and at her peak. She became an outside salesperson for a temp labor company catering to the construction trade. I still remember the first time I saw her on a jobsite. 5'7" blonde and huge tits. She would wear skin tight jeans and tight shirts that really showed off the cleavage. All work came to a complete halt! Her competion's outside sales people were mainly older, fat guys. This girl's company OWNED this market. Saw her 2 years later and we talked for a while. In 2 years, she had a 3000 sq ft house and was driving a new Mercedes. She banked incredible money for 8 years and retired.
I guess the moral is for a stripper to retire while she still has something to offer rather than become a pathetic old woman.
Depends if they followed txtittyfan's financial advice or not. If they didn't listen to him they probably go onto normal lives overall, if they did listen to him they end up broke.
georgmicrodong, from a, ahem, detailed inspection of the pics I found. I would say that this is Denise (aka Melongirl) in all her delightful beauty. Look at that thread I started on Memorable Pictures. spoonie had a link, that took you to a number of pictures of Denise. Some posters on that link allege, that the tits aren't hers, but were basically photoshopped onto the body. I can't say, I've never had the pleasure of seeing Denises tits up close and personal. :) I think the breasts on those pics are indeed Denise's.
I knew a dancer for four years (2004-08), who is now 34. She started dancing while still in high school. She's danced most of her adult life since. (She had two other jobs, briefly along the way.) After the younger of her two kids was in school, all day, in 2005, she began a community college curriculum in nursing. She had a plan to be a licensed nurse by the time she was 35. It was a great plan, and while I knew her, she was doing very well in school. But, I always wondered how she's going to explain her work history between ages 18 and 35. I sense she may be dancing a lot longer.
They become old and crusty
Don't know still doing it and loving it!! Lol
I can say this, I would Love to train girls how to do this job better! I truly love it, all of it!