shadowcat's topic, "Has Hollywood gone too far.", made me think. For all time, you get one choice, what movie would YOU watch. Remember, only ONE! I'll tell you mine later. No idea how many times I've seen it, but would watch right now if I had the time.
Casablanca. Saw it for the first time on the big screen twice in the past two months, sponsored by Turner Classic Movies, here in the Detroit area. The audience reactions to the well known lines enhanced the experience. WWII intrigue, romance, moral choices and witty dialouge make it a great movie. I did not know until I saw it last week on the big screen that Rick Blaine OKs a voucher--the first time we see him--dated 2 December 1941. The whole story is told just a week before Pearl Harbor. "It's December, 1941. What time is it in America. I bet they're asleep. I bet they're asleep all over the world."
It's hard for me to choose. I have two movies I will stop and watch anytime they are on. One is a comedy and one is a biography. If I only had one movie to watch for the rest of my life, I would take the comedy because laughter is the best medicine and that movie is "Coming to America".
I can repeat just about every line in that movie and my impressions of the barber shop scenes are requested by my friends at parties all the time.
Its hard to pick one because I'm a big movie lover. I'm going to pick a movie way before my time and it The Good, Bad and the Ugly!!! Followed closely by Bullet and mad Max.
That's really tough. Unlike Alucard, there just isn't one that is a clear choice. But the three movies I will always watch if I see them on TV are North by Northwest, Jaws, and The Shawshank Redemption.
Some surprising choices, at least to me. I will agree it is a tough call and there are great "got to see" films in each category, comedy, drama, horror, etc. Still interesting.
jackslash has a good pick with Annie Hall - a lot of Woody Allen's movies from the 70s are pretty much mulitple movies in one, so things like that would make for good repeated viewing. My personal preference would be Hannah and Her Sisters, though.
However, I think my real pick would probably be Lebowski, or maybe The Longest Day. How The West Was Won would also be good for mulitple movies within one movie.
I'm surprised someone didn't list Dracula AD 1972 :) Actually not a bad flick if you like Hammer films.
A movie I just watched recently on TCM was "The Iron Rose" a quirky French horror film from the 70's. Not a great movie, but it has one of the sexiest actresses I've seen literally falling out of her blouse most of the film. it's rare, but you can stream it from Amazon if you want to check it out.
My favorite non-comedy, "The Day the Earth Stood Still", and not the BS remake!!!
Some great choices here. Those I enjoy among those listed, in no particular order...
Gone With The Wind Shawshank Redemption Goldfinger Animal House The Godfather The Green Mile Slapshot
Others I really enjoy...
Red Dawn Ghost Frankenstein, Wolfman, Dracula, The Mummy (old B&W) Journey To The Center Of The Earth, and also not the BS remake! Time Machine, see above about remakes. Christine The Stand
At the risk of piling on let me say Casablanca. In fact I am going to go get my DVD right now.
If I had to pick something not already mentioned? I lean toward Dr. Strangelove but would pick A Christmas Story. I eagerly await the annual 24 hr showing each season on (I think) TBS.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail Blazing Saddles Weird Science One Million Years B.C. Wayne's World Austin Powers Star Wars Goodfella's As Good As it Gets Pulp Fiction Gladiator Perfect Storm There's Something About Mary Pirates of the Carribean Sherlock Holmes The Fighter The Departed The Hangover
Goodfellas would be near the top. I can watch the first half of that movie all day long. The second half is good, just gets boring after repeated viewings.
Since others have added to their list, I will add some more of mine, some of which have already been listed. Most of these are not Oscar winners, but they entertain me every time I watch them.
X Blazing Saddles Pulp Fiction Major League Bull Durham Dragnet (the comedy)
A lot of good ones I've left off my lists. When I opened this cupboard, I had no idea how many I didn't even think about. But, of these, there are still few I will make an effort to view, but rather if they are available, I watch.
last comment…
GWTW - "Gone With The Wind"
I've seen it 250+ times in my life.
I can repeat just about every line in that movie and my impressions of the barber shop scenes are requested by my friends at parties all the time.
North by Northwest
Casablanca. I agree with SuperDude.
Requiem for a Heavyweight. Great performances by Jackie Gleason, Anthony Quinn and Mickey Rooney. The ending of that movie will break your heart.
In Harm's Way- John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Directed Otto Preminger WWII epic
Do you notice that there are almost no new movies.
However, I think my real pick would probably be Lebowski, or maybe The Longest Day. How The West Was Won would also be good for mulitple movies within one movie.
I could watch that 24/7.
60+ full length viewings, 25+ highlight viewings
erieroamer beat you out by one post. Amazing to me how many of the films listed are among my favorites.
I certainly did! When will writers andrnerdtedrnerdted director truly understand what the audience wants - not give us what they THINK we want.
I would rather watch 12 Angry Men a million times over rather than watch another special FX summer blockbuster with computer generated explosions.
A movie I just watched recently on TCM was "The Iron Rose" a quirky French horror film from the 70's. Not a great movie, but it has one of the sexiest actresses I've seen literally falling out of her blouse most of the film. it's rare, but you can stream it from Amazon if you want to check it out.
Some great choices here. Those I enjoy among those listed, in no particular order...
Gone With The Wind
Shawshank Redemption
Animal House
The Godfather
The Green Mile
Others I really enjoy...
Red Dawn
Frankenstein, Wolfman, Dracula, The Mummy (old B&W)
Journey To The Center Of The Earth, and also not the BS remake!
Time Machine, see above about remakes.
The Stand
This could go on a long time...
If I had to pick something not already mentioned? I lean toward Dr. Strangelove but would pick A Christmas Story. I eagerly await the annual 24 hr showing each season on (I think) TBS.
Blazing Saddles
Weird Science
One Million Years B.C.
Wayne's World
Austin Powers
Star Wars
As Good As it Gets
Pulp Fiction
Perfect Storm
There's Something About Mary
Pirates of the Carribean
Sherlock Holmes
The Fighter
The Departed
The Hangover
Goodfellas would be near the top. I can watch the first half of that movie all day long. The second half is good, just gets boring after repeated viewings.
Blazing Saddles
Pulp Fiction
Major League
Bull Durham
Dragnet (the comedy)
And I'm not an especially big fan of Westerns, but it may be one of the best things ever put on film.
A Clockwork Orange Stanley Kubrick
Crimes and Misdemeanors Woody Allen
Network Sidney Lumet
Three Days of the Condor Sydney Pollack
The Birdcage
I thought that had been scrubbed from existence!!! Damn those Feds that can recover ANYTHING! :)