What Does It Take?

avatar for sinclair
How many visits did you have to make and how much money did you have to spend before your ATF/fuck-dancer suggested she'd like to see you outside of the club?


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avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
There have only been 3 dancers in my life that I saw OTC for other than P4P. They all worked at the same club 240 miles from where I live. I think that it was around 6 months after first meeting them that we deceided that we liked each other enough to take that step. I gonna guess at $1200-1500 each.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I don't think you can put a solid number of visits or $$$ number on this. 1st I believe it depends on her trust/comfort level with you. 2nd on her money needs related to the Club she works at. Does the Club take a BIG cut of her earnings? Does she make enough in Club to meet her $$$ needs? Is here life circumstances away from the Club conducive to seeing guys OTC?
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
I agree with Alucard; there are a lot of factors at play. There were a couple of girls last fall who I felt were favorite material, but I never broke through the OTC barrier with them before they disappeared altogether.

As for my current and ATF girl, it was about two months at an average of three club visits per month. I'd say maybe 1k, tops, before she brought up OTC. Sounds steep when I write it out like that, but it has paid great dividends. We've had an almost exclusively OTC arrangement for the year since we met that has worked quite well for both of us.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
Some things you just cannot buy. You may be able to rent, but you cannot buy.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
$285 and counting
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
Loaded question with alot of variables. My current ATF....one VIP dance and I said as we were finishing up " what a shame the club is closing now, I was enjoying your company"....her reply: " who said the night was over. We can just move to a new location". After I picked my jaw up off the floor, we were at my hotel about 30 mins later, and the rest, as they say, is history!
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
ATF specifically? I've only had two so far. The first was up for it after the first VIP we did. The ever useful "so, how would you like to meet outside the club for this, so you don't have to share?" met with a resounding "Yes!"

The second, my current, was happy to blow me in the club the second time I was there; the first time I went in without enough money for the VIP, but it took her three freakin' months or more to agree to see me OTC. I'd almost given up on her when she agreed.

For most girls, though, one or two visits, and the cost of a VIP, which cost is my "test drive" to see if she was willing to play before proposing OTC. Unlike others who've posted, I've found that most girls who will do OTC, will do it within the first few visits. It still surprises me even though I've seen it hundreds of times, but most have agreed by only the second time I've seen them, and after only one ITC romp.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
My first ATF I suggested we go out when I first met her. She said ok. Things didn't turn out like I expected though. She was referring to a private party, only topless dancing. I was actually referring to going out, not paying her anything but more like a date. I was new to strip clubs.

Most girls who wanted to hook up after first meeting them didn't stick around or stay working at the same club long enough to become a favorite. One girl who did made me nervous she might have some sexual disease the way she was always all over me in the club. I didn't know or not if she was like that with everyone or not. Totally reckless with me and I wondered how many others. She claimed she knew me. If a customer talked about a dancer the way she remembered me, everyone would have been getting a stalker vibe about it. She did stalk me in the club one night because she told me she was watching me all night following me around spying on me just about everywhere, even when I got lap dances from other girls she told me.

If it takes too long to go out, I usually don't.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
So to sum up if I go out with a dancer for any reason, usually it's after we first meet, during first night or the second time we meet up and I've spent anywhere from $0 to $45.

I do remember one dancer that suggested meeting up and going out to a restaurant to grab a bite to eat and I could drop her off at her place after I had seen her on at least two or three nights in the club. I bet I had probably spent at least $60 in dances by then. She didn't have a car so she started routinely leaving the club with me whenever I visited.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I've only had one girl not even introduce herself before attempting to take me somewhere. Most at least tell me their name first. I didn't go with the girl who tried to take me back to her home without even telling me who she was. I had no clue if she was really a prostitute, a dancer, or a horny female customer in the strip club, or someone setting me up to be robbed back at her place by her friends.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"So to sum up if I go out with a dancer for any reason, usually it's after we first meet, during first night or the second time we meet up and I've spent anywhere from $0 to $45"

Geez sharkhunter, you MUST charm the Livin Daylights out of theses girls if they will go out after ONLY having less than $50 spent on them by you.

I want to know what you eat so I can become that Damned charming!!! LMFAO

My 2 Ex-ATFs took at least 4 to 6 months before an OTC.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
My current atf of 7 years took me 8months to get otc and 4 more to otc fuck her.....she was an air dancer at a non extras club....I saw her for 4 to 6 hours once a week for that time and spent probly $1,500 lower or higher...its some wear in that number lol.......now I pay nothin except meal and gas and whatever els we might do....I see her either 3 times a week for 8 hours or once a week for 24 hours and have some of the most amazing sex of my life !

Non atfs.....it all deepends on clubs, girls and needs......I've got otc from the first meeting in high extras clubs at the price of $300 to once again 6months and $1,00 out in non extras clubs........good luck man and stick withit....it pays out big time in the end
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