ATF - What Exact is She and How is she Different

avatar for Golfer99
I hear lots of you guys talking about your ATF. Well I don't have a home club. The clubs in my area suck so bad that I don't claim them lol I do have clubs that I go to that I have dancers who have danced for me that I enjoyed and they remember me.
When I think of an ATF it sort of takes me back to some of the clubs that I hit as an out of towner and I can't get any of the girls to dance with me cause the locals have them all. (LOL) So I guess my question is do you guys share your ATF with us poor pathetic visitors or do you keep them to yourselves and does it bother you to see your ATF go off with someone else.


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avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I also enjoy hearing from others here. Just the other day I answered some questions from someone who was planning a visit to the Northeast. Just a word of warning though - the email address listed for me isn't my primary one and I don't check it all that often, and I have the junk mail filter set on high so your message may get erased automatically before I ever get to see it. So if I don't reply, try again.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
Your ATF is the girl you connect with. It's not just about contact or personality or looks. It's a two way street and, though she is there doing a job, the two of you are able to transcend that and just enjoy each other's company. My caveat her is not to forget the part about it still being her job. Once a regular loses sight of that he becomes a RIL. A RIL is of no real use to most dancers.
avatar for Golfer99
19 years ago
Shadowcat if I'm in the club I promise to run protection with your ATF while you get your jollies with the $40 hoe in the VIP lol Hope to get to meet you in person in the club one day. I know you visit it from time to time so I'll make sure I'm there during one of your visits if at all possible.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
There's no question that what made my ATF become my ATF is her personality. Sure she's cute and has a nice body and is sexy and all that, but so are a lot of other girls. What sets her apart is that she's very personable, very intelligent and extremely witty. She'd keep me laughing for hours, still does. But she has a very serious side that's also intriguing. All in all a very complex and interesting person. I still enjoy her company immensely even though it's been more that 6 years since I last saw her naked. But I keep hoping (lol.)
avatar for Golfer99
19 years ago
Thanks guys. I agree with the last comment that was made. For those of us who don't have regular clubs, we obviously don't have an ATF but there are several clubs that when I'm in the area I go there just to see one dancer and if possible I try to make sure she is working and if she isn't I probably don't go. I try to keep up with them via email which makes my visits more productive. I appreciate some of you 'regulars' sharing your ATF's with us peons from time to time.
In reality the girls that you pick as your ATF's generally are the same ones I like because face it, part of the reason you picked them is personality or you wouldn't hang with them - you'd be happy when they run off to dance and I like that too.
The other day I met Bones at the TC, first time I've ever taken advantage of the opportunity of meeting a fellow board member in a club. Great networking. You get to have someone with knowledge weed out the lame girls for you and you get to meet someone who hopefully you get to buy a couple of drinks for and become friends.
Unfortunately all I can do for any of you that come here is take you to a crappy club with 3 fat dancers with 8 teeth between them but I will buy you a drink or a dance for showing me hospitality in your home club.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
From the glossary:

"All Time Favorite - a patron's favorite dancer. *** If you have one of these, please see PL lower in the gloss ***"
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Good definition, Chandler. I think I've had 5 girls over the years who fit it, and two of them were for a short time only (one quit, the other occurred while I was away on a 2-week vacation.) So I've really only had 3, although the vacation one I still consider to be my #2 ATF, she was that special.

AN, we operated pretty much the same way but the issue hardly ever came up (no pun intended) because I usually went to see her during the least busy times of her shift. In fact she often scheduled a day shift just for me. The place required each girl to work a day shift or two if they wanted to work weekend evenings, so she pretty much had to schedule a day shift anyway, so she'd schedule it for my convenience. Many times I was the only customer and we'd sit and talk for hours. And I gave her more money than she'd make if I weren't there so she never felt any need to leave my side unless her brother came in.
One definition is any stripper you want to see so much you go to her club to see her and her only. For some of us, that's unusual enough to deserve a special term.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago

Amazing to me how close our ATF experiences match. The only difference is that I stopped the realtionship, and that, I regret. I have seen her a couple of times since, through mutual friends, but those friends do not know that we knew each other other than with them involved.
I sort of view ATF as a top 5 list since I don't remove a girl from the list just because she quits dancing or moves. Technically ATF is just all time favorite and it really doesn't need to imply a special relationship or friendship, though it usually does in practice. Anyway, FONDL has described the relationship pretty well. She knows you will take care of her because she takes care of you. The regulars are the pay-the-rent customers the good dancers count on and cultivate. It is a two way street however. I've always had an understanding with mine that if they hook a whale (so to speak), be up front, let me know and I'll come back some other time (at which point they'll make it up to me). They certainly can and should cultivate other customers, but on a normal night I expect to be her first priority.

In some of the lower volume clubs having regulars is the only way to survive, so these girls often don't see the point in trying to sell a one time $60 trip to the VIP to a stranger when they need to take care of the guy who comes in once a week and spends $100 on her.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
I bet this thread is going to bring tears to many a reader's eyes.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
We've discussed this fairly recently here but I don't remember where. But you're right, in a lot of clubs if you're not a regular you don't have much of a chance with some of the better girls, they stick with their regulars. I find that to be a lot less of a problem during the day, which is one of the reasons I prefer day shift.

But to answer one of your questions, no I don't mind if my regular leaves me now and then to dance for other people, as long as she lets me know what's going on. I expect her to tell me about how long she expects to be, and if her guess turns out to be wrong to let me know. For example, if some guy wants to take her in for a VIP that's going to last awhile, I expect her to come tell me that. And I've found that most girls will do that, they'll try pretty hard to keep a regular happy. Many girls make most of their money off of their regulars, so some unknown guy coming in doesn't interest them very much when a regular is there.

What made my ATF different is when I'd come in to the club she'd immediately come over to say hello and if she was busy she'd give me some idea of how long she thought it would be before she was free. She called me regularly to let me know what her schedule was for the coming week. We sometimes met for lunch or dinner OTC before or after her shift. She was very open with me and told me everything that was going on in her life, and was interested in hearing what was going on in mine. She frequently asked me for advice and often did what I suggested. In other words she treated me more like a friend than a customer. We were what I call club buddies. As a result I was her best customer for the 1.5 years that she danced. When she quit she called me to tell me where she was going next (a sports pub) and invited me to come see her, which I did. She's now my closest friend. And my ATF.
avatar for Golfer99
19 years ago
So Shadowcat when I finally make my visit to the PP down in SC I need to make sure you are there so that you can share youre ATF with me. From the comments about the club it's one that I need to go to for sure. Thanks for all of you guys who answered this thread and even more thanks for those of you who take the time to meet the board regulars and help us out when we're in your home clubs. You save us money and make sure we have a good time. Bones was great when I was in his home club last week. I guess that brings up another point, maybe a topic - do you guys who post on the board mind being contacted by other board members about clubs or specific dancers? Thanks.
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