
Chatroom on TUSCL

Friday, June 30, 2006 5:43 PM
What do you guys think of the idea of having a chatroom here on the site, in addition to this discussion board?? Or instant messaging like Yahoo messenger?? Of course, we'd still need the ignore feature.


  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    I used to occasionally visit the chatroom on the Blue Site. I found that the conversation was stilted and artificial, and not very helpful. Anyone who wants to communicate with me is more than welcome to do so at the e-mail address connected to my page. I find person-to-person communication a lot more helpful than station-to-station.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I'd like a "regular" official chat time on one of the many IRC channels. Founder could put up a page, of where it is. Chatspike, Microchat, etc. Channel #TUSCL. The only problem with this arrangement is that kids who know IRC control commands might take it over and then establish themselves as "channel ops" and boot everyone but their friends. That's a common evolution in IRC-type chat. But it would be great to hang, internet-wise. The old newsgroup ASS-C has an associated chat location.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    Think it would be useless. Look at club chat it's pretty useless. I think that since most of the VIP members leave their emails you can always catch up with them that way.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I don't care much for chat rooms. They tend to become clique and are a bore most of the time. I see one post I want to respond to and, before I can type a sentence, three or four unrelated topics get posted...too confussing for me, I have enough stress in my life.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    Sounds like a good idea, old man.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    Wasn't there a chat room in the past? I didn't use it, but I think there was one.
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