@clubber- one of my dancer friends and I always use the word twat,especially if we're inside the club. So many girls call eachother and themselves bitches that I've started saying twat instead.
A guy with a harelip went to buy a race horse. They brought the filly out of the stable, and led it around in front of him. After a few minutes he said, "let me see her twat". So one of the paddock girls lifted the horse's tail up for the buyer to inspect. He looked at her a bit disgusted, and repeated angrily, "I want to see her twat". The paddock girl looked the dude in the eye and said, "are you blind, LOOK AT IT, I'm tired of holding this tail up". To which he stammered, "No, No, TWAT... I want to see her twat awound da wace twack".
Too consistently spelled all the way through to have been done on a smartphone. Usually something gets autocorrected into a nonsensical word and her worst misspelling is "He's" for "his". The odd capitalization does make me think it was originally put in some other sort of online board -- as in, it seems it was attempted to be posted entirely in ALL CAPS but the person kept switching between using caps lock and holding down the shift key, and there are many board formats that will "correct" one or the other into the capitalize-every-word form.
Either that or this person is old enough she used to write underground "zines" back in the mimeograph days and got stuck with the style.
@clubber- "You stupid bitch!" Vs "You stupid twat! "..lol. if you get into an argument with a girl in the locker room and call her a twat, she'll actually pause for a sec to digest the word. She expects to be called a bitch, then she hears twat and she's like "what? "
last commentReview.
Either that or this person is old enough she used to write underground "zines" back in the mimeograph days and got stuck with the style.
Never said women couldn't cuss up a stream as good as any man, just never hear them use twat. Guess I need to go see 25 and her twats!