Missing Dancer

avatar for jackslash
Missing dancer was last seen with three men leaving the Vegas strip club on Michigan Avenue in Detroit. I don't know this club, but that area on Michigan Avenue is not a good one. This will not turn out well.



last comment
avatar for steve_ny
13 years ago
27 year old mother of six - Impressive, hope she turns up ok.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
Don't you think they mean Club Venus? Or is this a new/renamed place? Either way, I hope she is ok, especially for those kids.
avatar for SnakePlissken
13 years ago
The age old question:

Which came first? The rape or the murder?
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
This is a new place, it is not the same address as club venus. Here is their twitter page for what it is worth.

Vegas Strip Club is a New Upscale Gentleman’s Club Located at 6609 Michigan Ave. Detroit Michigan inside The Former Sting Club Building. It opened Sept 23, 2011.

avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
I'm going to submit it for "add club" on TUSCL so hopefully we will get some reviews for it.
avatar for zef8mich
13 years ago
This says it the the Sting near Livernois on Michigan, so it wouldn't be Club Venus. Although it's name has probably changed with new owners.

avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
NOT a good or smart idea to leave with THREE men! 1 man...OK. If the situation demands it a woman can possibly fight off 1 man, BUT 3...I think NOT! I have great doubts about her safety.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Can you say "Jaycee Dugard"? I thought you could...
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
The FOX article says she left in a "black" vehicle. The Free Press article mentions she left in a "white" vehicle. Did I read that right?

I can see a witness mistaking silver for white or green for black when it's dark , but black and white?
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