I Am Pissed With tuscl
I was writing a review of the Cannonball this morning when I inadvertently submitted the incomplete review. I immediately e-mailed tuscl of this screw up on my part then went back and wrote the complete review and submitted it. Now, lo and behold, the incomplete review is posted. I am very annoyed. Shows exactly how much editing is done.
My apologies to any tusclers wasting their time reading the incomplete review.
My apologies to any tusclers wasting their time reading the incomplete review.
Hang in there! TUSCL isn't perfect, but founder makes this site MUCH better than any alternative.
Dude, I've been doing this for 30+ years. If a few wild things *didn't* happen in that timeframe, *that* would be the outrageous part. :)
If story-worthy events don't occur in your clubbing over time, you're doing it wrong.
Art, looks like the full post is up now.
Clubber, agreed. TUSCL is so much better than any alternatives I know of.
YOU fucked up and you are mad at Founder because he didn't catch it before it got posted?
"yes", what he said
Second - I read the full review and ditto what Club_Goer said
Third - in my book if that's the worst thing that happens to me, it's been a good day
Hang in there, because I really like what you write