Any $20 High Mileage Laps in Seattle Area?

avatar for puttyput
My old go-to, The Sands, is up to $40 a lap. Granted very high mileage, but to rich for my blood in this economy. Any club/dancer recommendations would be much appreciated.


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avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
For $20 that would be a no. You'd be better off on backpage if you're looking for something high mileage for cheap.
avatar for puttyput
13 years ago
Actually Centerfolds (just up from Sands I think) sounds promising. As long as you keep expectations low for looks?
Putty, I would suggest that you PM Dougster - that is his neck of the woods. In fact, he can probably also point you to the hotties that will bang you for as little as $150 or at least after the first session. ;)
avatar for puttyput
13 years ago
Not looking for full service. Just a 2 or 3 good lap dances with nice/friendly dancers that are very hands-on.

At $150 I'd rather get a good hour long massage with a happy ending.
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
Here in Columbus, OH the high mileage dayshift laps at Kahoots are $30/song. The club takes a $10 cut per song, so technically the dancer is only being paid $20/song but the customer has to pay $30/song. Then there is Sirens dayshift laps with $25/song with the club taking a $5/song cut so again, the dancers are only getting paid $20/song and putting some decent effort in their laps.
pp- I have yet another suggestion. Try Pming "nola manager" or "mediocrity" with your question. Afaik, both are Deja Vu managers at a DV club in Seattle. They're a husband/wife team who post(ed) on the pink site. I'm sure they'll give you a piece of their mind if they're still monitoring Tuscl. Pay special attention to nolas article. If that doesn't work, may I suggest going to travel/airline websites for a low fare road trip.........
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Puttyput- for centerfolds your expectations about looks and basically anything a man would find hot about a stripper better be rock bottom. But what do I know, Ive only danced in Seattle for five years.
avatar for puttyput
13 years ago
Well looks take a far second to technique for me. I'm not some single, old fat dirtbag looking for my fantasy girl. Just looking for some nasty hands-on adult entertainment every week or two without going broke. With that said, there is apoint where the looks just ruin everything else because you can't get past them. Sounds like I may need to have a few beers nearby if I give Centerfolds a try. LOL.

I haven't been frequenting the clubs past few months, but in this economy, for a high-mileage lap dances, I do think $30 is reasonable if the songs are decent length, but still borderline high. It all depends on the specific girl and the club I supposse However, for an average looking dancer, if you are a repeat customer, I think 4 for $80, or 3 for $75, is more than fair.

"At $150 I'd rather get a good hour long massage with a happy ending."

You are obviously crazy. :)

avatar for puttyput
13 years ago
I'm obviously inexperienced with going sensual massage rates. I thought $150 was ballpark for white suburbia. Maybe near-airport asian stuff is less? Or am I low? I have no idea.
avatar for skeets35
Tacoma, WA
13 years ago
If you are looking for the sure thing, paid private attention, go to in Seattle for your needs.

As for "high Mileage" in Seattle, stay out of the Vu near the airport, Club Sin in Renton, Sands, Centerfolds, and the Bare.

Your better options would be Dreamgirls, Lakewood (Tacoma) or Lake City Vu, or even the new place near Lake Union (not sure of the name)

But, the days of the great dances with extra are gone, you can still get a good grind.
avatar for puttyput
13 years ago
I can verify Sands is high mileage, at least by my definition, but that's expected for $40/dance. If extras mean a BJ or sex, I guess I've been to naive or innocent all the 20 years or so I've gone to Seattle clubs off and on. Are you talking Little Darlings as far as by Lake Union? Never been there.

Looked at and glad to see the world's oldest profession is thriving. Actually if I was a gal and out of a 'real' job, if you were smart about how you went about it, the escort biz would be an attractive option!

I briefly looked and saw 1/4 hr for $100. That's why I'm talking about Sands being too high at $40/dance. Three dances and a drink gets you about 15 min max lap time and costs more than $100. I'm not a guy. Too complicated/risky in my opinion. Everyone asking for references, etc. I can see why though. Either a good grind or a massage with maybe some hand action is more than enough for me. The whole escort thing sort of turns me off anyway thinking how many customers been there before me. I know its the say at the strip club but it aint every screwing the stripper every dance.

Nah, putty, just yanking your chain. I gather (not being an aficionado of MPs) that price isn't too bad for a rub and tug. If that's the sort of thing you're looking for, I've seen recommendations for the usasexguide and theeroticreview websites; they're probably more in tune with that scene.

Myself, I prefer a more active role in my sex play. To each his own.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago

This gradation in lap dance prices corresponding in more mileage is something that I find very interesting. Would you care to describe the mileage available for $20, $30, $40, $50 - whatever the scale may be in Seattle clubs? Or, is that too personal for you?

I have had only a single visit to a Seattle-area SC, the old Honeys in Everett, an ultra high mileage club at the time of my visit. If my memory serves, I paid $40/song,,.....,ah......,well, you know...........
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
Don't forget about the $100 lap dances charged by the feature dancers at Columbus gold. Major rip off
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
@farmerart- for you, anything.
I'll first respond to Honeys. I did work there at one point as well as other talents west clubs that have now been shut down. Talents West clubs were set at $20 dollars a dance (these are posted state law signs, not what is actually charged by dancers) as are, even today, most clubs in the state of wa. The only real exception the Lake Forest Park Deja Vu which posts $30 dances in VIP area and $20's on the wall. Most new dancers or girls that don't want to get in trouble will do $20's, however, at Talents West clubs and these days,maybe the Sands, girls will charge $40 and upwards for anywhere from boob touching to whatever. Anywhere from $50-100 a song for fs at Talents West was normal so id say you got a good deal at $40.

At Deja Vu clubs (including dreamgirls, Little Darlings, and the soon to be Dreamgirls at Ricks and possibly Fox's) , which have really monopolized the Seattle area now, dances are $20 posted and you are actually able to get a dance for $20. This usually includes a one way touch lap dance. I've seen girls do more for $20. I don't, but I've seen it. I will offer a $20 dance but there is no touching allowed. If you would like to touch me, it is $30 per song and I don't allow kitty touching for that. If $40's and $50's are being offered, I think its universally accepted that there will be a lot more offered than two way touching.
avatar for gillydon
13 years ago

Didn't all the Talents West clubs (Honeys, Ricks) get shut down? Pandoras claims to have some management from Talents West but as far as I can tell from the reviews, it's run fairly strict. I don't think exist any Seattle area clubs right now where you can expect ITC BJ/FS for any price from a pretty girl. (unless you offered them like $1,000 and they were planning on quitting the job soon anyway)

I hate the clubs where you haggle the prices. I've encountered that occasionally at the Pike Place Deja Vu ("if you pay $x more per dance then you can see or do (something more)"), however that has been a disappointment every single time. If what you want to do is above the dancer's comfort level, it'll still be above her comfort level even if you're paying a bit more. Posted $30 dances are on average higher mileage than posted $20 dances, but the specific mileage level you get will always depend on what your specific dancer is comfortable with. The highest mileage I've ever seen was one specific dancer at Little Darlings, but the average dance there is one way touch.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
What state is Seattle?
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
@gillydon- yes, I did mention in my above posts that TW clubs have been shut down. Pandoras is run by the same mgt as TW, however, being mgt of TW they know what can happen if the police start to target the club. Being a TW mgt club plus a new club, they are under increased scrutiny to begin with. Thats why I think they are strict.

I stray prices because I can. I'm always upfront before a dance about options and I never change a price after a dance. If you do a $20 dance and I say no touching, yet you touch me and I let you, its my fault for allowing it. Let's say I'm pretty with a nice body. Let's say another girl is not as fortunate and she allows touching for $20 because she has to. (or so she thinks. Trust me, once self esteem Is shot in this industry, you'd be surprised what someone will do for a buck). I've seen a girl get groped for $20. The customer walks out of the VIP and then gets up with me and goes back. ( note- if a customer leaves the VIP and immediately goes back out to the crowd, chances are they still have funds and want to spend them AND immediately after their last dance is the best time to get them immediately back into the VIP. They are hot, she couldn't do it, I can) When this customer comes back with me, I give them the rundown, they give me the "but she did it for $20" whine, I give them the " I don't. Give me what I'm worth or get the Fuck out of my booth" speech. They stay, I do my job, they like it and they're back specifically for me the next day, the next week, the next month.

I believe I'm worth the extra money. I believe I earn the extra money. Therefore, I get the extra money. Under no circumstances do I fail to acknowledge the need for guy to feel like he's getting a bargain. BUT, if I'm happy with my wage, youll be happy with your dance. If you're a nice guy and a repeat customer, who knows, you may get your bargain afterall.
@Stiletto and gillydon:

1. The reviews of Pandora's, which opened mid-July this year, are mild. The common theme to the comments is that Pandora's is being managed, just like the Talents West clubs (Rick's, Honey's, Fox's, and Sugar's) were in the two years after the "big raid" and until their May 5, 2010 forced closure. That's why business is luke warm there. As Stiletto mentioned, Pandora's is being very cautious. So much, that it's not achieving much business. Additionally, it's been my observation that any new strip club, anywhere I've been, is very cautious in its first year, or so, of business. It's just the nature of the game.

2. I have no difficulty getting $20., two-way contact dances at ANY Puget Sound Region strip club. I feel I have a special technique for getting it though. I'm well-appreciated by the dancers that I patronize, and it's not for the amount of money I spend. You're welcome to PM if you'd like further details.
avatar for skeets35
Tacoma, WA
13 years ago
Not sure what people here define as touching, but I have never had a problem touching a dancer for a $20 dance in the Seattle Vu's, now, that is not necessarily boobs or kitty, but it is legs, hips, back, shoulders, even kissing at times. I have had lots of dancers allow much more than that for $20 too, maybe I look harmless, or professional enough that they see more potential dollars down the line, but extra bucks are not as important as the dancers feeling safe, in my experience.

The few times I have paid more than that the touching is no different.

Now, I am, not talking extra's here, just casual two way touching.

avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
@club_goer- You do have a special technique
@Stiletto: Thank you very much.

@skeets35: I think you and I have the same technique. The key is in your phrase, "...but extra bucks are not as important as the dancers feeling safe ..."
avatar for gillydon
13 years ago
@ Club_Goer, skeets35:

It's probably just differences in how everyone's defining two-way touching.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago

Thanks for answering my question. Hitting Stiletto's club in Seattle with a pack of franklins in my pocket has moved close to the top of my 'to do' list!!

You got your SS goin' good on this board, girl. If your VIP moves match your tuscl moves I see an early retirement in your future.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
IMO, OTC is a much better option in Seattle. As Rick mentioned rates are quite reasonable, especially for regulars, and most girls are willing. ITC can happen, but it will take a newbie some time to locate it and will not likely be for $20 unless you have a regular. Besides Sand's which is a sure thing, but they won't budge on price, Centerfold's is starting to look like less of a dump, and some girls there are cinch mileage.
avatar for hotrod23
13 years ago
@puttyput - I am in the Seattle area too, looking for info on some good ITC mileage. PM me if you got any info on dancers/club.
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