beyond the review section would be appreciated. I am familiar with Mons venus and 2001. Mons -obviously hotties but very open from what I remember. Looking for girls in 7 to 8 range(9 and 10"s would be nice too) with great grind and some stick shifting other than the 2 I have been to.
Well it is about once a year I get out of town and that is why I am asking. I have not done a review but to each is own. Everyone can choose to use this site differently. Is there a problem that I have not posted a review or made a comment troop?
No..I paid a lifetime membership so I obviously gave. But it has been worth it. Like I said, I don't get to travel often so I ask questions. If there was something to add regarding a club that would be different from something already posted I would.
You have issues chief!
Wall will make you a deal. If you're in town hitting clubs on more than one day, post a review and he'll tell you where he sampled in town over the Summer. It wasn't the Mons.
if you are just looking for hot women and some grinding, I would guess Mons Venus or 2001 are good choices. 2001 is more private but reviews for Mons Venus are outstanding. No blow jobs but decent lap dancing. If the dancers are not touching you/stick shifting I would just offer a tip for it and most probably would start doing it. You can check out 2001's website for $20/month and see web cams of inside the club to watch the stage show to get an idea of what kind of dancer talent they have. 2001 opens at noon so it has a dayshift.
2801 S 50th St, Tampa, FL 33619
The later at night you go, the better!!
You have issues chief!
dec 2010 playboy
this year's guns and ammo
may 2009 home and garden
some real old high times magazines
this week's tv guide, lol
Parking is totally lacking -go across the street to 2001, much more parking!