Girls/Strippers Who Like Being Choked

Hello my lecherous friends.
I was kind of curious whether you all have seemed to notice the same thing I have.
Does it seem to you like a very large percentage of girls who aren't into BDSM in any other way enjoy being choked during sex.
Last night I was having sex with this local girl I've been seeing and afterwards we were taking a bath and talking about what we like and don't like during sex. She mentions that she likes being choked, not hard mind you, but just a little.
A friend of mine who used to be quite a self-admitted manwhore back before he got married also joked once that all girls seems to like to get choked during sex. He also suggested I just do that during sex as an erotic surprise. I think I'll only do that on request.
Also, a few weeks ago I visited a friend of mine who goes to grad school where I did my undergrad and he told me quite a story. He and some friends were coming back from a ski trip and went to the strip club that's closest to Virginia Tech on the way. His friend buys a VIP dance and my friend lends him his belt to wear because "strippers love playing with belts". His friend comes back later and says that the stripper, instead of playing with the belt, asked him to choke her with it, hard.
Any of you guys noticed the same thing and found it surprising? In strippers and civilians.
last commentI like it. It has to do with the way the blood rushes about in your body and the way struggling for breath is an adrenaline rush in and of itself.
But then I've always been into BDSM. Okay, so this post was no help.
For nearly 25 years, I had friends in the porn industry. I've even been to their houses, and found them to be more normal, than "normal people". They take their kids to school, they worry about property taxes, and are politically aware. Their business and personal lives are completely different, on purpose.
With that said, when porn people talk about a porn actress who likes to be choked, they do so with sadness. It's because they know that actress is messed up and will end up in a bad way. Case in point-Anastasia Blue. Watch her vids, she liked to be choked. She's now dead three years-suicide.
Snake - I've had two favorites, one past and one current, who've asked for and enjoyed (or did a really good job of faking it) being choked (actually just holding my hand tightly against their neck) in the VIP.
We had gotten to know each other over multiple visits before this first happened, so a certain level of trust was involved.
They also enjoyed having their hair pulled (again, actually just firmly grasped and held tightly) and getting their ass (lightly) slapped. Also have done some simulated bondage (e.g. she puts her wrists together over her head or behind her back and I hold them firmly in my hand).
All just good, clean fun, lol.
I do think there is a porn connection, too, with all the "rough sex" porn out there. Both of these dancers self admitted to watching a lot of porn, lol.
Only thing even close to this are a few dancers that liked to be spanked or teeth on nipples.
f_d: I dunno, your post kinda helped me. At least for a few minutes. :)
A few months back, having only seen choking in pornos, I didn't think much of it. Then a dancer did it to me in an extended VIP session. She was a total 98 pound spinner, and I don't think she could have choked me out if she tried. But I have to admit I liked it.
Using a belt takes a certain level of trust. Like getting your luggage shaved with a straight razor. Yikes! =8^)
I have gagged a few, but never choked any.
I'm kinda surprised there wasn't more agreement. I like doing it for some reason, so when the opportunity presents itself I usually avail.
It's been my experience that nearly all of the girls I've been with enjoy having hands on their neck with a small to moderate amount of pressure. The majority of them have been fully aware that they like it and generally open/vocal about it. A few have seemed genuinely surprised that they like it. I've never had a lengthy discussion about why, but plenty of discussions about the fact that they find it pleasurable.
As far as strippers go, I've found that the majority of dancers who put themselves into a position where I can comfortably place my hands on their neck with a little force do seem to enjoy it as well. I'm not really sure that some of them aren't just glad their boobs are getting a break and that I'm not trying to grab their monkey though. A lot of dancers seem to gravitate back to the position they were in when I put my hands on their neck much more than any of the other "moves" they make during a dance.
As far as being choked enough to provide the sensation f_d describes, very few girls or strippers I've been with have encouraged that behavior. I've never done it on my own, while I share the enjoyment of having my hands around a girls neck that actual choking part is quite the turn off. I can't help thinking I'm gonna kill the girl and wind up on the opposite end of that arrangement in cell in Coleman.
I don't like it in the club but if I'm with a significant other in my personal life I enjoy it
My current fave likes it and brought it up. At first I was reluctant, but have grown to appreciate it more. She also responds well to hair pulling and other BSDM types of activities. George, you would like her. She looks sweet, but is quite the freak.
Wow, I'm surprised so many of you guys have seen the same thing. I guess the feminists are wrong and a lot of girls do like to be dominated.
Even though I seem to be a little outside the norm on this one, it appears than many guys like to be dominated as well. Over the years, I've lost count of the number of guys I've seen in clubs displaying sub behaviour, from subtle to overt, and the girls who've mentioned how surprised they are by the number they've seen.
As for me, I don't mind assertive women who aren't afraid to tell me to do something they like, but when it comes to a scene, I'm pretty much all top. Tried the bottom thing once or twice, and it does pretty much nothing for me.
@runrdude: If you are into it, keep her. Girls who are really into it, not acting, and who can bring themselves to trust a club patron enough to let him play it out with her, are few. Trust is a big factor in full enjoyment of a BDSM interlude.
The only thing I want choked is my chicken.
If it can be horribly misunderstood on an untimely walk in, I'll take a pass.
not for me!
Hair pulling's a totally different ballpark. Maybe the same sport. Maybe.