This comment was made in response to one of the articles, and it comes up periodically.
First off, for me, the punctuation really belongs after "screwing" and not where it is. Dancers just tend to be the outlet with which I'm comfortable. I haven't tried escorts (I've been with a few who escorted in addition to stripping, but I didn't meet any of them as escorts per se), have never even been tempted by street walkers, and the legalized prostitution in Nevada, Mexico and Canada is too expensive or inconvenient for my taste.
Those who experience outrage at having their preconceptions violated should probably stop reading now.
So why strippers? Several reasons:
A. Strip clubs themselves are legal. What I'm after usually isn't legal, of course, but the venue itself poses little threat of legal trouble. Being in a strip club isn't illegal, and now that the laws here are more restrictive, I'm even less inclined to actually engage in any illegal activity inside the club.
B. Strip clubs are convenient, present in most major cities, and relatively numerous even outside the confines of major metropolitan areas. I'll provisionally admit that not all areas have what I want as readily available as the area I'm in now. I'm not <b>entirely</b> convinced that some areas are completely dry with regard to availability, but I'm not willing to relocate to any of those areas to prove otherwise, either. :)
C. Dancers are generally pretty easy. That doesn't mean every dancer, or even the majority, will have sex, but many will, and it's generally not a very time consuming task finding the ones that will trade a little green for a little pink.
D. As a rule, dancers are young, reasonably attractive, and moderately physically fit. Note that I did not say <b>all</b> dancers were so. My observation, however, is that the percentage of attractive, fit dancers is much higher than that of the general population. Yes, I want to have sex with people who are attractive and fit, not ugly and out of shape, like me. Call me shallow. I'll agree. <a href="… Guy</a> has written a couple of long, but very well written, posts about that issue, I suggest going to find them. When you have some time to kill.
E. Lower potential for law enforcement interference in my fun. If a girl is totally nude (sadly not the case any more in Louisville) and fingering herself on stage, or lets my hands travel anywhere during a lap dance, or is reaching up my shorts, chances are she's not a cop.
F. Dancers are relatively inexpensive. I've spent more on a date with my wife than I do on most outings with dancers. The most I've spent in the last 15 years is about $300 for the entire night with everything I wanted on the table, plus the room. The least was $20 for a few minutes in the back of her car at the mall.
So, while the obsession isn't with screwing strippers per se, strippers do tend to be the most convenient for me.
last commentI have almost completely stopped using escorts and massage parlours since I discovered SCs a year ago even though the cost is always higher in the clubs.
In many other regions, farmer's experience is probably on point, even if he does have a self-admitted tendency to overpay. ;) In many parts of the country one can visit an AMP or find a decent girl on BP and get the job done for under $200, but in these same places OTC would be hard to arrange for less than $300.