I totally agree with Samsung1 and MisterGuy. The whole "Mikayla" bit seems a bit phony to me.
In this regard, check out the "Hints for a rookie" discussion thread. Just doesn't ring true. Well, what Clubber said rings true enough. But the dialogue between Mikayla and the OP.
i hav been reading this board since my gf told me about it. i seen sum mean people here and now i see mean things said about me. i am real but if sum of u want to disrespect me i will just stay away.
Ah huh. I can't help but notice that we have had a few non-stripper strippers around here lately. They are the ones that claim to strip for a living, but never seem to be working at any particular club.
I'm guessing that someone is having a lot of fun in posting this stuff. It is a bit wierd to me, but to each is own.
Not quite disagreeing, just one point. Would *you* reveal what club you're working at to some of the pervs (and I *don't* exclude myself from that number) who post on here? :)
Not claiming real or fake, just pointing out something that seems obvious to me.
And, I'm glad I saved her pics before she removed them. :)
I don't think they meant to seem rude. You just have to understand that people do post bogus things on this website sometimes and there's a reason to be skeptical.
Haven't seen the pics, but, is this the Mikayla who went by Zoey at the Flight Club and Destiny at the Landing Strip? If so, yes, she is a hottie and a nice girl.
last commenthttp://www.tuscl.net/br.php?BI…
In this regard, check out the "Hints for a rookie" discussion thread. Just doesn't ring true. Well, what Clubber said rings true enough. But the dialogue between Mikayla and the OP.
I'm guessing that someone is having a lot of fun in posting this stuff. It is a bit wierd to me, but to each is own.
Not claiming real or fake, just pointing out something that seems obvious to me.
And, I'm glad I saved her pics before she removed them. :)
I don't think they meant to seem rude. You just have to understand that people do post bogus things on this website sometimes and there's a reason to be skeptical.
But, if you aren't a fake, then welcome aboard!
Do you know the Asian dream in your profile picture?
Yeah, you know me, but it isn't just Asians. I love the exotic appearance, ergo, my current favorite from Columbia. :)
Strange to say this, but I think you are correct about "Misa Kikouden", and thanks.
Glad we finally got that cleared up.