
A Sports Bar Review

Friday, September 17, 2010 1:53 AM
(Okay, it's not a strip joint, but read my review and you can see why it's worth a look see). I only go to Wolfies: A) Football season, and USC isn't on my TV set B) when I'm craving one of their chicken sandwiches (they make one hell of a chicken sandwich). Wolfies tries to be a Hooters, but the enormous difference is that Wolfies waitresses are approachable hotties, whereas Hooter girls are like Playmates-ain't gonna happen unless you got enough zeroes in your bank account. Several years ago, there was a particular batch of hotties working there. I picked up a vibe that with the right words and some $$$, a hotel date could be yours. My suspicions were confirmed when a 450 pound rapper walked in and all the waitresses gravitated to him. I noticed that three weeks later, all of those waitresses were gone. Tonight, a capable waitress immediately attended to me, but she was only a seven. There were a pair of 8's, a latina and a bleach bottle blonde. The blonde really caught my eye, and if I had the gift of gab, I would've approached her. Like the other waitresses, she wore a too tight T shirt and a too tiny pair of Daisy Dukes. It wasn't until after I left that it struck me, she looked just like a teen Kelly Bundy. I could go on and on about the appeal of Kelly Bundy and why she'd be fun in a VIP room. USC plays this weekend, hmmmm.....


  • trojangreg
    14 years ago
    farmerart AMP's are certainly an excellent option in Vancouver. Even the upscale places like Swedish Touch which is in the the same building as Brandy's are great. My problem is I love watching football and going to strip clubs. When I was in Atlanta The Goldrush was my home away from home. It provided both forms of entertainment in a good way. clubsblue Yes there are still beautiful women working the streets in Vancouver. Just not my cup of tea you never know when there might be a police sting in place. MisterGuy If Bear Bryant were alive he would tell you why he finally allowed Black players at Alabama. He got tired of watching Sam Cunningham score repeatedly when USC came to Tuscaloosa and beat down the Crimson Tide. I went to USC at Auburn a few years back when Auburn was ranked #2 ahead of the Trojans. I believe the final score was 35-0. We always play the most difficult non-conference schedule in the country. This year alone a Big Ten, ACC, WAC and Notre Dame. We don't play The Citadel, VMI etc we leave those to the SEC and Big Ten. Check out USC's record against the SEC. Let's see Bama has played in 56 bowl games USC 47 they both have 31 wins. Who has the better win percentage??????? Shadow have fun at the Goldrush this week. Wish I could join you.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Interesting review. You can also try watching USC games on [view link] for free when you make an account on that site.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    At the risk of being flayed unmercifully, what are Daisy Dukes and who is Kelly Bundy? I do know about Hooters.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    [view link] Kelly Bundy, the dimwit bubbly blonde of Al Bundy on Married With Children. As this TV series went on (11 years), Kelly's outfits got smaller and smaller. Although it was a given that Kelly would eventually become a stripper, that subject was never explored as Al's favorite place to go was "the nudie bar". At the nudie bar, where you see their butts and they keep their traps shut-at the nudie bar. [view link]
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    The Trojans are faggots.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    sam-thanks for the heads up on [view link] sinclair-to each his own. I don't criticize your team.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Is that USC (California) or USC (South Carolina). In any event trojans and cocks seem to go together.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Daisy Dukes are really short shorts (usually jean cut-offs). Named for the shorts “Daisy Duke” used to wear on "The Dukes of Hazzard." Daisy was played by Catherine Bach in the original TV series, and by Jessica Simpson in the movie remake (back when Jessica was still hot). [view link] [view link] Now firmly part of Americana pop lexicon (see Katy Perry). “California gurls, we're unforgettable Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top” (Canadians, sheesh!)
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    By coincidence, also what Ms. Bang is wearing in my profile pic.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Trojans are good condoms.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    I know about Trojans too.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    There is a Hooters competitor here in Columbus called Roosters. I have not been there myself but heard about it from a stripper who went there on her birthday.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Tootsie's is adding on a sports bar to their club. I think if I was a local I would go there to check it out myself.
  • trojangreg
    14 years ago
    Dudester if I ever get to Houston I will certainly let you know so we can watch a USC game and go strip clubbing. Since I am stuck in Vancouver, BC I have to rely on the horrible strip clubs or sports bars to catch the games.And when hockey starts forget about watching any college football. [view link] and [view link] are good ways to watch on the internet. Shadow there is only one USC. When it comes to college athletics the University of South Carolina is irrelevant. When I get back to Atlanta we will have an in depth discussion on this topic at the strip club of your choice including PP.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Boy, mention the USC trojans and look who pops up. But Greg if we go to PP, you will have to be a game cock fan. LOL...
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    What is up with Reggie Bush from USC giving up his Heisman trophy? O.J. Simpson got accused of a murder and they didn't take his back. That was a far greater allegation, and they didn't find O.J. guilty on that.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Before it was announced that the 2005 Heisman would be vacated, there was speculation it would go to runner-up Vince Young. When reporters asked him about it, Young said he would not accept the award. One of the local sports talk radio shows had some fun with this, suggesting maybe they could just leave the Heisman for Young in a strip club. "Your VIP room is ready, Mr. Young, right this way...here's your champagne...oh, hey, isn't this your Heisman?"
  • clubsblue0303
    14 years ago
    Trojangreg - I realize it's been about 15 years since I was last in Vancouver, but back then the hottest damn women actually walked the streets (as opposed to working in strip clubs). No foolin' - these ladies were very attractive. And of course, good fun could be had for the right price (which of course was rather expensive). So - has this all dissappeared?
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    trojangreg: If you want action in Vancouver the massage parlour is the way to go. And, there are some incredibly hot escorts in the city as well - just frightfully expensive. Otherwise, it is such a competitive city for the sex dollar that prices are often similar to Detroit SC FS prices. There is a dynamite sports bar on Georgia just a few blocks east of the Hotel Van. Even in hockey season you can find all the other stuff on a screen somewhere in the room. And restaurants? There isn't a better city in North America for spectacular food than Vancouver.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    Wolfies & Roosters look kind of tame to me. In Montreal, there's a Hooters-like sports bar on Crescent Street, but the name of it escapes me at the moment. The problem with USC (and a lot of the other west coast college football teams) is that they tend to play weaker schedules & be in very weak conferences. I'm still waiting for Boise State, TCU, and Utah to ever play a *real* football team to justify their obscenely high rankings. Oh & BTW, the SC Gamecocks are ranked higher than USC right now. ;)
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    MrG, As usual you are misguided. USC does not have a weak schedule. They consistently play high ranked teams in non conference play. Since 1936, only 2 teams(Notre Dame and Alabama) have won more Nation Championship polls (8ea), versus 7 for USC. Since 1998, USC has 1 BCS Championship versus 2 for LSU and Florida. USC is 31-16 in bowl games.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "USC does not have a weak schedule. They consistently play high ranked teams in non conference play." Not this year they're not...LOL... Of the Pac 10 conference, UC Berkley & USC are worthy teams usually...otherwise that conference is a complete & utter joke. I'd stack up a Big 10 schedule against just about any other conference's schedule, except maybe the occasional SEC or ACC schedule. The MWC & WAC are both complete & total joke conferences. "Since 1936, only 2 teams(Notre Dame and Alabama) have won more Nation Championship polls (8ea), versus 7 for USC." The AP Poll process is known part of the problem in NCAA football. It allows teams that go basically untested to rank artificially high. Just about everyone seems to know that but you txtittyfan...ugh... BTW, USC only won the so-called "Coaches' Poll" (which started in 1950) in 1974 & 1978, not the AP Poll. The same thing goes for 'Bama in 1973, and you appear to forgot about OU in your above, cherry-picked stat. Also, USC's 2005 win over OU in the BCS Championship Game was vacated as mandated by the NCAA. "Since 1998, USC has 1 BCS Championship versus 2 for LSU and Florida." See above. Again, no one thinks that the current BCS system is anywhere near being an accurate measure for who really is the best college football team every year. We need a *real* playoff system in order to determine that, plus the Coaches' & Harris Polls feed into the BCS, which are, again, part of the initial problem. Also, you're again leaving out that USC *used* to be tied in your cherry-picked above statistic with literally 7 other teams! "USC is 31-16 in bowl games." USA has been in 47 bowl games, but 'Bama has been in 56 bowl appearances & USC is tied with 'Bama for the most bowl wins at 31. See above though.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    In the current issue of Playboy, they have a section called "Girls of the Pac 10" In my opinion, the girl from USC is the hottest, also honorable mentions include UCLA and Arizona State. Of course they are all pretty hot.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    South Carolina will not be ahead of the Trojans for long in the rankings because South Carolina has Alabama on their schedule soon.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    trojanreg, MrG does not like dealing in facts. USC may have fewer bowl games, but USC plays in the higher ranked bowls.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "I went to USC at Auburn a few years back when Auburn was ranked #2 ahead of the Trojans. I believe the final score was 35-0." No shit. Auburn is also known for having a pretty weak schedule. You're under the wrong impression that I was trying to say that 'Bama or Auburn (or any other specific college football team for that matter) was better than USC, when I was not. I say again, the main problems with college football are the FACT that many of the different football conferences are a total joke & the FACT that the current ranking system is deeply, deeply flawed. "We always play the most difficult non-conference schedule in the country" ...in your dreams that is. Come on now...Hawaii, Virginia, and Minnesota?? Not to mention the Pac 10 "powerhouses" of Washington State, Washington, Stanford, Oregon, Arizona State, Arizona, Oregon State, and UCLA...that's about as easy a schedule as a team could hope for! "We don't play The Citadel, VMI etc we leave those to the SEC and Big Ten." LMAO! Since when has a Big 10 team played the likes of a VMI or The Citadel?? You've got to be kidding us all... "Check out USC's record against the SEC." According to College Football Data Warehouse, after the 2007 season USC's all time record against the SEC was 17-10-1, and?? As for the SEC vs. Pac 10 football, the all-time, head-to-head record (through the 2009 season)...the SEC leads the Pac-10 62-39-5 (.608), and this is based on "historical conference affiliation." If you run the same SEC vs. Pac-10 numbers based on "current conference affiliation" & do it all-time (back to before the SEC was even formed in 1932), you'll find out that the SEC leads 69-41-7 (.620). The Pac 10 certainly isn't the worst college football conference, but they are only ahead of the Big East, the MWC, and the WAC in terms of average overall difficulty. "Let's see Bama has played in 56 bowl games USC 47 they both have 31 wins. Who has the better win percentage?" Who cares?? How did either team end up getting to those Bowl Games? Through the messed up college football system that we've been stuck with for decades! ----------------------- "South Carolina will not be ahead of the Trojans for long in the rankings because South Carolina has Alabama on their schedule soon." That may be true, but it again shows how weak USC's schedule is compared to many, many other teams. ---------------------- "USC may have fewer bowl games, but USC plays in the higher ranked bowls" ...because of a deeply flawed college football system, period. Bowl Games are a dime a dozen these days anyway.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Here's one for y'all to contemplate. Many say the sec is such a tough conference, and perhaps it is, among themselves. The facts point out otherwise when observed. Take the sec teams and look at their outside the conference records. Most any year (I've checked a number of them) they are sub .500 against good teams. Hardly the sign of a tough conference.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    You win, trojangreg,...lol... Trojans Over Gamecocks at Supreme Court October 4, 2010 - 10:21 AM | by: Lee Ross Normally disputes between the University of South Carolina Gamecocks and the University of Southern California Trojans are settled on the playing field but a legal fight over a logo claimed by the two schools was settled by the Supreme Court in favor of the west coast school. The justices announced Monday they will not intervene in a conflict between the two schools with each claiming the trademark rights to a fancy script "SC" logo that can be affixed to apparel. That is exactly what the University of South Carolina wanted to do on clothes identifying the school's baseball team. The design caught the attention of officials at the University of Southern California who felt the logo looked too much like its own and filed a complaint with the federal Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. The TTAB agreed with California's USC concluding that South Carolina's USC's use of the logo was likely to cause consumer confusion. A federal appellate court upheld the ruling but rejected the idea that sports fans or others would mistakenly buy an item thinking it showed support for one school when in fact it was for the other 2,400 miles away. Instead, the appellate court panel determined that South Carolina was improperly trying to trademark a logo that was too similar to Southern California's. Monday’s decision means that lower court ruling stands and is a victory for the University of Southern California Read more: [view link]
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    No. 19 South Carolina 35 (4-1) , No. 1 Alabama 21 (5-1) COLUMBIA, S.C. -- After delivering South Carolina's biggest win ever, all coach Steve Spurrier could do was smile. "I think that this game was meant to be," he said. The way the Gamecocks played, it sure seemed like it. [view link]
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    You guys keep up with this boring football stuff and you will get mountains of hockey stuff from me!!!
  • You know, this is the first time I've seen a threadjack on TUSCL. But since you're talking about sports, when I thought most guys here don't watch sports, I don't mind! Fight On!
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