avatar for Jourdan


joined Mar 2010last seen Sep 2019

Comments made by Jourdan

discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Man arrested after forgetting which strip club he was banned from
LOL. i wonder if this also means that he was banned at Sammy's as well. If you cant keep track of which strip clubs you have been banned from then thats probably not a good sign :-D.
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Man accused of fondling dancer at strip club
i wish the article was a tad more specific on what 'fondling' means... if it was just run of the mill handsy customers then this seems like overkill to me when they could have easily just kicked him out and banned him. but if on the third dance the general grabbiness turned into trying to stick fingers up her pussy or some variety of that then i cant have any sympathy for the fucker. where is the review for this club? looked under the MN list and didnt see any club labeled 'pulse'.
discussion comment
15 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
iPhone users have more partners than other phone users.
haha. i believe the iphone actually does allow porn apps now. but when i first got it i was very bummed when i downloaded a suicide girls app only to find out there was no nudity :(. fuckin prudes..
discussion comment
15 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
iPhone users have more partners than other phone users.
i knew steve jobs was awesome, but i didnt know he was this awesome! =D. also the amount of average sexual partners for a 30 yr old makes me feel like a slut. i think i hit that number before i turned 18 lol.
discussion comment
15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Paying for pics of a stripper?
ok ill give you my perspective, but keep in mind i am a dancer who has never done OTC escorting (i have on occasion met regulars for dinner and even done private dances OTC, but i have never done hj/bj/fs ITC or OTC) so my perspective is different than yours things you need to consider: 1. think of what you can do with the picture. you already mentioned privacy. with said pic, especially if it is nude, you have ammo. however, if this really was a concern i dont think 20-50$ would solve it... 2. think of what her other jobs may be. aside from a stripper and possibly an escort, she also might be a model and/or a cam girl. if she is a model who typically charges for photos, does it make her an ROB to also charge you for a photo? i would say no, it makes her a business woman. same thing if she is a cam girl... typically cam girls try to do minimal for free to get guys to spend money on things that shouldnt be for free.... i.e. nudity. so i would say no, shes not an ROB, just doing business vs. freebies. then again, maybe if you are a valued regular she might throw in a free pic as an incentive to keep you her customer. so you should probably factor in whether you have been a consistent reg vs. if this is after one meeting ITC. if its after one meeting, why shouldnt she charge you? if you have spent a lot of money on her ITC over several occasions, then maybe you can question it a bit more. either way, a pic, especially nude, is probably a service in her mind. i can see why she would charge and do not at all think this makes her a ROB. it probably does indicate that she is opposed to freebies though...