
Tipping a dollar to EVERY dancer who goes on stage

Just wondering what do you think of these two reviews on the private dancer written by the same person on the same day. I thought about using the "update club details" and asking for these two reviews to be deleted but they do illustrate the club very well in the sense that each and every dancer will come up and ask for a $1 tip whether you were watching her stage show, in the bathroom, sitting at the bar, just walked inside, etc. Also it mentions the air dances for $20.


this is a response to regularjoey z message....TIPPING_my thing on that is that you choose to come see us. if you feel like you don't have money for a dance or tips then why r you there??? and if you want to just chill and not get dances then sorry but you are still expected to tip each girl a dollar.... the ten dollars is a DOOR FEE to get in, not for service or company. to be honest, you will be treated like a clown by even the sweetest girl if you expect to come in our club and sit for hours without spending a dime. i mean sure there are guys who try to do so, but we run them off quickly--i am sorry but that is the way it is. we put up with alot and its much more to it then some of you think and you wouldn't believe how some of you think, act, and speak. geeessshhh. but bottom line is it is a tit for tat situation. you can't get the tit without the tat in our club ;)) tat being cash baby!!! and if you are looking for a specific type of girl??? yes...you are still expected to tip at least a dollar to each girl until you either find your girl to go private with or decide we aren't your cup of tea for that evening and you leave. i have this attitude, because like i stated in my last review....us girls have fun no matter what, we are gonna entertain no matter what, and we have to go on stage no matter what, and we have to stay our whole shift no matter what...in order to stay positive and have a win win situation. OUR customers need to spend money or leave. if you want to just drink and look then you need to choose another club that offers the "conversation drinks" where you can just sit with that girl and get drunk as a skunk together, but still you will pay 10 or more dollars per drink for her and even that is cheap to her cuz she only gets 60 percent of that....or if that is still to much money for you, maybe you should just hit the neighborhood bar and not a strip club because i think i speak for every exotic entertainer in the freakn world when i say if you don't have money or do not spend it- we do no want to entertain you or have you in our clubs period. PERIOD. if you find a club where you find a generous man spending money whether he is a respectable sweet gentlemen or demanding dickhead from hell--he will have all the dancers trying to please him all nite long. YES we are gold diggers AND my chosen profession allows me to be just that....kisses :))

--Original Message--

enjoyed your comments and agree, but you have to look at it from the customer viewpoint too


This is in response to NICK6090 z comment. YOU ARE COMPLAINING THAT YOU HAD AN "AIR DANCE" and couldn't "TOUCH" and you were "PANHANDLED" hahahhahahaahaha... you are the EXACT customer i was describing in my previous reviews.....you probably had on the infamous slider pervert pants. you wanted a girl to grind on you until you cum or hope that your lil wee wee slips out in hopes that you can feel skin on it. and your "WOULDN'T let me TOUCH" statement just means you wanted to finger bang someone or slober n suck on some titties or pray that we turn around trustingly only for you to try to stick your tongue up our asses... and you wanted all that for the fancy price of 20 a pop....get the fuck outta here. WE DON'T WANT OR NEED MEN LIKE YOU in our club. HIRE A PROSTITUTE IF YOU WANT A GIRL TO ACT LIKE ONE and you won't get ripped off for what you called bad service. YOU ARE A PIG TYPE and that is why you got treated as such. and please do not come back as you will get the same treatment. and fellas- it does not turn us on to be constantly grabbed, blowed on, tongue flicked at, asked how much to fuck when you can't even afford a dance, and we freakn are not looking for boyfriends!!! so just stop and enjoy the moment!!!!


  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    I have some sympathy for private dancer's somewhat incoherent rants. I was in business for 45 years and the bottom line was always my prime concern. I always tried to satisfy my customers but never at the expense of profitability. Private dancer just has to rationalize her customers' expectations with her personal business practices. Like private dancer I detested "tire kickers"; so I am in full agreement with her dislike of customers too cheap to cough up the dollar tip. However, private dancer must realize that her personal business practices might be different from her competitors'. The only way a customer is able to find the services he wishes to purchase is to ask. Private dancer must not take offense when customers ask these simple questions. "NO " is a perfectly adequate answer when asked for services not on her list of permitted options.
    14 years ago
    Sam, a different take...

    "Beaniceguy" apparently wrote reviews for each of the 10 clubs he hit Saturday. Poor Founder was probably swamped with 60 reviews+ on the last intake and just greenlit everything. Hence your dubious find(s).
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    If I know, before I enter, that I will be expected to tip every dancer, whether she appeals to me or not, whether she dances for me or not, whether she's nice or rude, then I wont be going to that club. If that fact is made known tomme only after I enter, then I will be leaving as directly, without spending any more money.

    A tip is a gratuity, not a fee. If you want to institute a fee for watching, then do so, and call it that, so people know what they're in for. Don't try to pass it off as a tip when it is no such thing.
  • jabthehut
    14 years ago
    I walked up to the stage and gave a girl $1. I was sitting with my fav. She gave me crap about it being ONLY a dollar. The manager heard all this and straightened her out PDQ.
    I say that if you aren't watching the dancers on stage then you don't owe them anything. Just like you don't tip every waitress in a restaurant, only the one who is serving you.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i just happened to read her comments before i even saw this thread which i instantly knew would be about her when i saw the thread title.

    anyway, i have seen guys (i even know one) that just sit in a sc for hours nurturing one drink or maybe not even buying a single drink and just peeping and never tipping or spending any money. imo they need to loosen the grip on their wallet or get a life somewhere else.
    regarding the tipping of every single girl for every dance i totally disagree with her. i have no problem tipping a girl that i sat at the stage to watch or spent some time talking to or maybe because she's cute or i want to get her attention but a tip is an optional thing not an entitlement. if i was in that club and constanly hit up for tips by girls i didn't watch or had zero interest in i would leave and not go back.
    also something i have never seen written here at tuscl, it is in fact against the law in the state of ohio for a dancer to approach a customer and ask for money. sure it's a stupid law in some ways and it doesn't seem to be stricly enforced but someone that frequents that club and is tired of the tip hustle could report them.
  • Rod8432
    14 years ago
    Here's a different perspective - the customer is bound to pay no more than "contractually" obliged to with the SC. In other words, the customer makes an "agreement" with the club upon entering to pay the $10 entry fee and purchase the quantity of drinks (if any) stipulated. At that point, he has paid his minimum to sit in a chair and consume the basic SC product (which is to enjoy the view as he so chooses). He is not, however, entitled to lap dances, the VIP room, etc., without the requisite payments involved. If he chooses not to pay, then he'll receive no more than the basic SC experience and dancers are free to ignore him to focus on more profitable customers. Of course, it's socially appropriate, and perhaps expected, that he'll pony up by tipping the girls, buying a lap dance or two, and to be generous with the wait staff. But being socially inept or ignorant is not a crime, nor should the perpetrator be treated as a criminal or low life.

    My thought is that it's a business's responsibility to define the minimum entrance criteria to use their services, realize there will be some customers at that level, and then treat them, as indeed all their customers, with respect and appreciating they're there. In other words, a business shouldn't invite a customer in and then treat him rudely or like they don't want them. That's a lose/lose - a loss for the customer and a loss for the business if that customer later complains to people like me on TUSCL who may opt out of patronizing that business down the road.

    An analogy can be drawn to airlines and hotels. In both cases, they may choose to offer "basic services" for low "teaser" rates, "Priceline" deals, budget-priced package deals, etc. in an attempt to get that budget-conscious customer in the door. In all cases, there will be customers who've paid a higher price using the service at the same time, who may or may not receive a higher level of service. For example, think of the guy who bought an advance purchase airline coach-level ticket for cheaper than the walk-up customer sitting in the seat beside him - two different prices, same service. Conversely, there's a guy sitting in 1st Class getting free drinks and real silverware for a premium price, while the guy sitting in coach is munching his peanuts and drinking his Coke. All customers though, coach and 1st Class alike, receive the same basic treatment of flying from Point A to Point B. If the airline ridiculed the coach customer because he wasn't buying drinks or was unwilling to pay an upcharge to fly 1st class, that airline wouldn't last, or at the very least, would limp along on less revenue than it otherwise might get because people like me would read their reviews on sites like TripAdvisor.
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    ss1- My thoughts:

    1) WTF kind of review is that- belongs on club db- not review section.

    2) PM founder about dubious posts. I've done so on prior occasions- he does followup action on reported dubious reviews.

  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    troop, I believe it is only against the law for a dancer to ask for tips if it is at a place that serves alcohol. It was a rule made by the liquor license agency and as you said it does not get enforced. I got this info from a SCL comments page for the club Dreamgirls (Columbus, OH):

    The issue of dancers asking for tips in clubs with a liquor license needs to be reported to the Ohio Liquor Control Commission at:
    77 South High Street, 18th Floor • Columbus, Ohio 43215
    Phone: 614-466-3132 • Fax: 614-466-4564
    Email: [email protected]

    Personally I doubt the agency would do anything if they just got 1 single report...maybe if a dozen of reports were filed within a year or so they might step up and spend money doing an investigation. And I'm sure the violation is just a slap on the wrist.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    Get that shit deleted.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    I have never felt obligated to tip a dancer for a dance on stage or otherwise. I find it highly offensive for them to think I owe them a living. The ones I like I buy their time and company in the VIP. She's entitled to her opinion. Last time I checked, the First Amendment was still in force. Places in Florida are notorious for this behavior, I avoid clubs that think I am a money pit.
  • R.Giskard
    14 years ago
    I'm gonna chime in here because this is one of my all time pet peeves. I've ben to a few places where they do "The Tip Stroll" after every set. A couple places in So. Florida come to mind. There better be some pretty hot women around for me to spend much time there.

    There are very few things as annoying as trying to hold a conversation with some hotty while a bunch of women you didn't want to talk to in the first place and and never wanted to see dance are coming up to you every 6 minutes (3 min/song) going "can ah have ah dalla fo mah dance". NO! If I WANTED to tip you I'd have gone up to the "TIP RAIL"! I've even had them interrupt me while I was getting a table dance!?!

    Presumably, in a club with low house fees and tip out, even the skankiest dancer in a crowded club can walk out with a couple hundred a night just on the tip stroll. How do we cull the herd? Where is the survival of the fittest, when some fatty with poor hygiene and no teeth can still make money?

    Thank you all for listening, I'm done now.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Back in the mid 90's, I had a confrontation with a mountain of a bouncer in a New Orleans SC. The club, apparently, had a rule that you were supposed to tip every single dancer and a late 40's dancer wanted a buck from me. I told her no and she got the bouncer. I stopped him in his tracks with a look. I then left the club, even though granny proyested that she still wanted a buck.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    It's simple. The club sets the rules. That means a cover charge and a drink minimum. Everything else is bonus.
  • R.Giskard
    14 years ago
    At any rate the club this woman is talking about seems to be one to avoid at all costs. Air dances AND a tip stroll, PLUS dancers who think that's the way things should be??? Yeah right. I'm in a hurry to check this place out.

    Ok, now I'm done.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Tipping is never mandatory
  • snowtime
    14 years ago
    Everyone seems to be in agreement on this one. The dancer is way out of line with her expectation of what a tip means. A tip is a gratuity above and beyond the price of the service. Most of the guys on this board have been going to strip clubs for a long time and based on most reviews we all tip well but ONLY for a dancer we like. I purposefully do not tip ugly or overweight dancers because I do not want to encourage them to stay in this line of work. I tip and get dances from those girls who appeal to me. Each person has their own preferences and all but the really ugly girls will get their share of tips during their shift. I really dislike a dancer or anyone else in the service industry demanding a tip if I don't think the service warrants it. Also if I receive a good sensual lap dance I will usually tip above the normal price, but will NEVER tip if the dancer asks for one. You simply do NOT ask for tips, they are a show of appreciation given at the discretion of the customer. I too would never go to a club where a tip is required for each dancer. I have been to many clus over the years and that practice would not last if that strip club has any competition in the area.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    I don't care for the "tip stroll", but, I am usually getting a dance within 30 minutes of arriving, and usually out the door within an hour and a half, so the most I am likely to spend on stroller tips is five or six bucks. Not a real big deal.

    I admit that I feel guilty enabling girls who, for whatever reason, shouldn't be dancing. Sometimes I plan a trip to the head to correspond with the "stroll of a troll" who I find unworthy of even a dollar.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    If a dancer is really unworthy of getting a $1 tip you can always sneak off to the bathroom when she gets off stage...the problem is when the entire crew of dancers are not worth the $1 tips you are better off just leaving.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    samsung, why would you need to sneak to a bathroom? There is no law saying you have to tip a stripper. Do you feel like a criminal when you don't give a street vagrant change?
  • RBurgundy
    14 years ago
    That was pretty rough.

    Never been there, but having seen those reviews and the comments from the girl, I can guarantee I will never be there.

    She is probably doing more damage than good by getting on here and arguing, while giving the club inflated ratings.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Like mmdv26 said, not a real big deal. Plus the couple clubs I go to that do have a dollar parade also have no cover, cheap drinks, cheap laps and no drink hustle so they win out on the cheapskate, er, I mean value scale.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    steve229, it would be nice if private dancer strip club had no cover but it is $10 cover.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    One really shouldn't have to tip dancers that are onstage whether they want to or not, especially if one didn't watch the stage show in the first place.

    "www.tuscl.net" (who likely has the most reviews of anyone on here), Bones, Vegeta1on1, and samsung didn't like the place, and that's good enough for me:
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    Little strange an account that's "Last Seen: November 2008" is still churning out reviews in 2010. www.tuscl.net claims to be a dancer. Maybe this is one of the mysterious TUSCL elders?


    Is she the one who used to dance at Millstream Inn?

    And left with blue balls after a visit to Erotic Cafe in 2009?

    Maybe that was just an expression, but she was "a lucky guy!"

    So maybe not. It doesn't matter to me. I just figure it's work a quick look if something beeps like a bot.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    maybe even "worth" one...
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Could they be anonymous reviews unconnected to a specific user, and so lumped under that name?
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    The only way to know for sure is to ask founder.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    MG, I did message founder several days ago asking about who is www.tuscl.net and linked him to this thread. No reply. Founder is either too busy or it is a secret.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    Well, if "www.tuscl.net" is, in fact, a real person, founder's not going to tell you who exactly it is. The best that you can hope for is that he confirms that the account is legitimate.
  • founder
    14 years ago
    hi all... all the reviews under www.tuscl.net user are there because the original poster of the review either wanted it deleted, or wanted his/her account deleted, etc.

    At one time each review under that nickname was submitted by a member, but for some reason or another the review was moved to the www.tuscl.net nickname.

  • troop
    14 years ago
    ahh.. the big boss clears up the mystery ;)
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Thanks F. Now I can stop racking my brain trying to figure it out.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    So, does that mean that a lot of Bones' reviews from his other TUSCL accounts got moved there when he had those accounts deleted?
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