Completely nude Lapdances -which states have them?

avatar for bombay
I am new to the strip club scene. Wondering which states in the US have all nude lap dances? I have been to clubs with all nude pole dancind but during the lap dances every place i have been the girls where there bottoms? Is this everywhere in the US? How about Windsor, my buddies and I are thinking of heading up there but if it's the same as US we will not bother.


last comment
I guess it depends on what you call "bottomless"... at many clubs in the Detroit area, the dancers wear bikini bottoms that are so skimpy, like 3 sq. inches of fabric in the front, and strings everywhere else... they might as well be nude. Most will move the string out of the way if you show any interest. If you were thinking about Windsor, Detroit is actually much higher mileage, with a full range of clubs to choose from. And no, I don't work for the Detroit Chamber of Commerce.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
Houston Texas, from experience, nude lappers. Your mileage wil vary, girl to girl. Some girls just let you grope, some offer extras.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Almost funny how he mentions Windsor but not Detroit. Maybe he's seen "Kentucky Fried Movie"?
avatar for slickpeter
15 years ago
As I live right on the US/Canada border - my living room faces onto Canadian property - I need to remind you that you need either a US passport or an "enhanced" drivers license (if your state issues such)to return back to the US.

Windsor years ago was much higher mileage than Detroit but it has sure reversed in the last couple of years - mileage is definitely much higher in the suburbs of Detoit - mainly Inkster, and Romulus, and then the city of Getroit then you will find in Windsor, Ontario
In Atlanta, I think that most LD's are totally nude BUT you must spring for the VIP to get them. $135-200 is the cheapest. Up scale clubs get up to $500+. My favorite club is only topless but it might as well be nude. To make shadowcat's favorites list a dancer must give up the pussy.
avatar for racejeff
15 years ago
Nude LD try Tampa if are in range
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
They have nude clubs in Ohio, but they are BYOB, no booze served.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
There are nude lap dances in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania but no alcohol is the trade-off.
There are also nude clubs in Ohio that do serve booze, at least until 2:30am. Some serve fruit juice until 4:00 or later.

***note*** "nude" means on stage. In the few places I am familiar with in Toledo, the LDs are not nude and the dancers are very low mileage compared to Detroit.
avatar for ArtCollege
15 years ago
Nude lap dances available in Oregon. They are air-dances at the alcohol-serving places, some contact at the juice bars.
avatar for kingag
15 years ago
Full nude lap dances are available at BYOB clubs in Dallas, TX.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
South Florida, most always, most anywhere.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Well, Bombay, your compass would have to be completely broken, but Big Al's in Peoria, IL., is full nude stage and couch dances. Couch dances are no touch for the guys and $20, and done in semi-private catacombs. Then there are the VIP rooms, significantly more expensive and ordered in half hour increments. I have no idea as to how much can transpire in VIP, as my bankroll ain't that big.

Otherwise, head to Detroit -- just be prepared to sift through a mixed bag. It isn't full nude, but for a $20 or two and you can field study for your ob/gyn exam...
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
Nude here in California, but no booze allowed.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
15 years ago
There are several places throughout Iowa which have nude lapdances, but only in BYOB places, but most of them make you pay too much. I believe a couple of places in Kansas (Outhouse in Lawrence, Tropicana near Scranton) do as well. Also, Shaker's, the one nude club in Nebraska, has nude lap dances, but that's only one way contact there. It wouldn't shock me if the nude places in South Dakota do as well, but I haven't made that trip in a while. That just about covers my region of the country.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Dan, I heard last weekend there's a club in Dubuque, IA., where the gals are allowed to "come-and-go" during a shift, which turns into a "free-for-all" in the club's parking lot. Unfortunately, I can't verify and am unlikely to be there anytime soon.
At my favorite club, once you leave, you are gone for the day. They have made exceptions for legitimate emergencies.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
At SCs in columbus, several of the dancers don't even have a car..they either walk with someone to work or bum a ride. leaves more room in the parking lot for customers.
avatar for slickpeter
15 years ago
Samsung - do you really feel that they intend to leave more room in the parking lot for customers? Most strippers I know bum rides or take a cab since they can't afford a car, or their car is broke down like the typical piece of crap most strippers drive - since most strippers can't get credit to buy a new car. At my favorite club there are only about six dancers that own new orgood cars - if you look at the dancer parking area there is nothing but junker/clunkers out there. I wonder why they didn't all jump on the cash for clunkers deal a couple of months ago - because they couldn't get credit and had no savings to pay cash.

Those who have nice cars - there is a BMW 5 series, a Cadillac Escalade, another CTS, and about three new common vehicles ----- but a whole lot of beat up Neons, Escorts, and Cavaliers sitting in dancer row
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
New idea, how about we list the states that dont offer nude lap dances (it sounds like a shorter list)
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
15 years ago
I've never been to any strip clubs in Dubuque and the one listed said it was going to close in May, although the idea of a free-for-all sounds interesting.
avatar for 10inches
15 years ago
clubs in ATL = full nude but no contact lap/table dance. VIP = YMMV
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
sp, I know what you mean.

Also I dislike it when a club advertises as nude/byob but the only "nude" part is some kitty flashing...that is NOT nude imo.

Tootsie's is the highest ranked full alcohol and nude club in USA. I would be curious to know besides which states has nude LDs...which countries have nude clubs?
avatar for Digitech
15 years ago
I live in Kansas City.
There's a couple clubs which feature officially nude lap dances in Missouri with officially no touching allowed.

You may be able to bend the touching rules of course.

In Kansas I don't know of any club which advertises nude lap dances, but you can probably get one if you find the right girl.
"Wondering which states in the US have all nude lap dances?"

Some places in NY state, VT & MA do, as well as most of RI.

"There are nude lap dances in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania but no alcohol is the trade-off."

This isn't true in all NY strip clubs, but probably most of them. One needs to read the reviews to know which ones are which.

"how about we list the states that dont offer nude lap dances"

NH for one.

"which countries have nude clubs?"

Canada has many.
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